Why does it make zoomers so mad that games were genuinely better back before they were born?

Why does it make zoomers so mad that games were genuinely better back before they were born?

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I can't stand JRPGs that do the "facing enemy head on" perspective. The "dudes in a line" layout is so much better.

How many games do it as depicted in op?

boomers shit up their games by adding microtransactions. zoomers never got to experience the good games because of this

PSIV was pretty whack but I liked it


Demi is my wife

There are a lot of games I liked as a child but were incredibly underwhelming when I replayed them as an adult. Phantasy Star was one of those.

they are both cringe

PS4 was based

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They are jealous that we were able to live in a period of time that was actually good living for a short period while they only know misery.

Personally it's great to have such a huge lineup of kino available to play at any time for free, doesn't matter that I didn't grow up when they were coming out. It's probably just bad taste for others.

It is not gaming but sociey and life back then was much better than the shit show zoomers have.

Because in school they learn about how the earth is dying and everything is hopeless and then they see older folk (who they blame) having fun with something from their childhood and they seethe uncontrollably

Zoomer here, I'm not mad at all because it gives me a ton of shit to play because most modern games don't interest me.
Phantasy Star 4 is excellent, by the way

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No really, you were just a child back than so you couldn't tell the difference between bad and good.

Because the world isn't catering to them and treats them like the immature underdeveloped wastes of space they are.

damn the ps4 graphics look like THAT?

Sounds like seething over wasted youth

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Literally no one cares

They seethe at you for not supporting their favorite corporation
No for real.
They are like this, I've met them IRL. . It's like they don't think for themselves. they are like weird robots parroting twitter shit nonstop. Muh nintendo you have to support them cause you have to OKAY

they only get mad if it's a game they don't know, but they love it once they favourite streamer makes a play through or there's some kind of remaster.

"dudes in a line" is worse. from behind like this allows a lot more detail. i would rather have a more detailed representation of the characters than a small sprite.

>Whaaat you telling me you don't own BOTW
>You don't really like Nintendo don't you.

What the fuck is wrong with them. No I don't like Zelda or Mario or Pokemon. leave me alone. I own a switch just to play worst Super Robot wars games on the bed. I don't actually care about any dumb ass developer or your epic nintendo or miyameme or whatever

They can't appreciate great party members.

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Probably because saying things like that always proceeds non-stop whining and bitching. And then you ask a bit deeper and you find out their tastes are just either shit, they refuse to try anything not remotely AAA or are just doomers looking to whine because they're 30 and depressed.

Pretty much every dungeon crawler


>boomers can't let go of the past and realize that new games are good and older games aren't better
>a-actually it's zoomers thinking that old games are better that they weren't even alive to play
boomer doomer zoomer coomer consoomer peepeepoomner memes need to die

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Headcanon cope


New games are fine but older games are better because we only play the good old games and ignore all the bad ones. It's pretty simple.

>oomers boomers goomers blah blah blah
I got excited thinking this was a thread about phantasy star instead of generation bait. I've been playing pso 1 a ton and I've been thinking about giving the classic games another go. Really I just haven't been able to bring myself to start 2 all the way over since I lost my save
Posting tricktrack since it's a bunch of remixes of ps 2 tracks

I feel like I could trust this guy with my life.

>JRPGs still don't have some of the shit that Phantasy Star was doing like macros.
>FPS games haven't had any weapons as fun as Duke 3Ds shrink ray in years. It was the shit in multiplayer
>CRPGs like Baldur's Gate had way better roleplaying experiences than modern 'rpgs' where shit like being a dick locked you off from armors and not sorting out the iron problem left you to deal with everyone having shitty weapons

Zoomers don't want to play games, they just want their dopamine hit dispensing skinner boxes to give them the attention their parents don't. Like comment rate subscribe and don't forget to push that bell and follow me on instagram if you want to watch me play videogames because you cunts don't even do that anymore you just donate your rent to egirls like the simps you are you don't even waste it on shitty vidya and waste your life on that.

At least I'm funding devs, you're just simping for some chick who will never notice you.

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They have no appreciation for history. The question is, how do you feel about games from before you were born?

This, and they use nihilism as a cope.
Millennials had good times for a bit and they were taken away, which is why they are all angry at the "establishment" (they think jews are white)

I feel like I could trust him with the bar in my inn. He'd make a fine 'tender.

It's cope.
It's bad enough to admit you're living in a rapidly decaying culture. It gets worse when you also have to come to grips with the fact that you missed out on when things were good because you're born too late.

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New good games still come out, but I think the game-making environment has changed so much since the 90s that that amount of good games being made as a percentage has decreased over time.

They weren't and it makes boomers mad.

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I'm 41. Games were shit back then. I would sooner play a dumb sony cinematic movie game than a commodore 64, atari or nes game. I'm not going back to that garbage.

>still on Yea Forums

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Where am I supposed to go? Facebook? No.

At least post classic RTS games or 4X or isometric / tactical RPGs instead of whatever generic weebshit you're posting.

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Your wife and kids.

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I'm at work you dumb fuck.

Yet you're not working.

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Just say you like Final Fantasy more bruh


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Insanely Based user

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There are some things that are objectively quantifiable that prove that things were much better than they are now:
The output of game companies.
Companies like Capcom, Square and Nintendo could release 10 games a year and more. In that case even if most of them ended up being shitty you'd still get some real good shit. Releasing so many lower budget games at once also left more room for experimentation.
Compare that to now where it takes Sony up to five years of shilling at E3 to squeeze out some mediocre turd that plays like everything else on the market.

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that shit is dead for a reason desu.

>he hates The Last Ninja on C64

You just have shit taste, friend.

lol no

I don't like DQ style just the enemy. I never played Phantasy Star but I do like their way of doing head on by showing the backs of characters. I like FF but sometimes it's odd when the enemy is a human character but a giant compared to the human party members. I never finished it but I like the presentation of Golden Sun how the camera kind of swoops around.

What part of "You're here forever" do you not understand?

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Nah side view lets you see both your part and the enemy from a more revealing and dynamic angle

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I agree games were better, but showing a JRPG to prove it is pure autism. Those games were just pure grinding. The real ogs remember getting baked and playing shit w friends like street fighter, tetris attack, mario kart, super bomberman. Shit was awesome