So, am I supposed to ever become invested in these characters or even have a minor care for the world events?

So, am I supposed to ever become invested in these characters or even have a minor care for the world events?
I just awoke after Zaude and I can't believe there's still more to play.

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The story/characters are pretty bad, the game felt rushed to me. Tales of Destiny DC is a much better game.

It's my first tales game, so it's kind of given me a bad taste for the series.
Watched someone play what I assume was early parts of Tales of Abyss and it seemed equally as dull.

I also have Zestiria and Arise.

remember, for the longest time the overwhelming majority of this series' fanbase considered vesperia the best game.

see that genuinely makes me think Tales series just isn't a very thrilling series?
Outside of Arise, it's the only other title I've seen praise/buzz for.

>It's my first tales game
There's your problem. Play Symphonia first. Half of the charm of Vesperia lies in all of the ways that it twists the typical cliches that were played straight in Symphonia.

Is there a English fan translation yet?

Vesperia is bottom 3 as someone who played like a dozen tales games

>play Symphonia first
I'm at the end game so that kind of defeats the purpose of your comment, but noted.
So the unusual combat and anime trope characters are an actual highlight if i played symphonia first?
I'm confused by this.
There's charm to a few of the characters and I like the parallel between Yuri and Flynn when it's actually highlighted, but it just seems bogged down by an overly complicated world and Rita.

>a minor care for the world events
no one praise vesperia for the story. to me symphonia/abyss/vesperia strengths lies in the character interactions.

>weeb says (given JRPG) has a great story
>entire cast talks in the same (literary) voice
>characterization is one dimensional
>story is a generic save the world plot
>male mc is either a grimdark Garry Stu or a self-insert harem protagonist
>black and white evil villain has a tragic backstory
>your party saves the world with the power of friendship
I've stopped listening to JRPG shitters, I don't think they've read a single book in their life that didn't explain the entire premise in its title.

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Yeah the story is shit. Also the characters are pretty shit too. Actually the whole thing is a nice looking shit jrpg

Symphonia (and Abyss) had Miyajima who was responsible for the comparatively better stories in the series... not that that's saying much... but those two games have solid world-building moreso in Abyss with a more consistent goal. Mind, Tales has a problem of dragging things out on the final arcs but that's more for playable content.

i do like the funny alt costumes. Got Klonoa, Kos-Mos, Lupin the 3rd, JoJo Dog, Mr Driller, and whatever the fuck else my other characters are

This. If you're someone sees the constant skit prompts and ignores them, these games aren't for you.
Vesperia is probably only something you can enjoy if you've played a lot of JRPGs or consume a ton of anime, it makes Yuri really stand out as a JRPG protagonist because he actually murders people instead of repeating the same old stupid "killing him will make us just as bad as him" bullshit you see nips repeating at nauseum.
Vesperias characters are kinda weak though, they mainly all JUST have different dynamics with Yuri and not so much with each other besides Estelle and Rita, also Estelle and Rita wanting to get knotted by Repede.

I still strongly regard it, but I recognize that a lot of that comes from playing the shit out of the game (not to mention the other team symphonia games) back when I was a teenager.
Tales of games always have problems, Vesperia's being terrible pacing issues, especially when it comes to just fucking unlocking the full combat system on a first save, and a really fucking weak story that ultimately squanders the potentially interesting stuff with the empire/guild flynn/yuri muh justice bullshit.

I like JRPGs, but don't really watch a ton of anime so that's probably where it's lost on me.
I watch the skits and the characters almost feel like I'm reading One Piece, but then it just doesn't transfer to the overall feel of the game once the expository dialogue rears its ugly head again.

Vesperia turned me off the Tales series and Magilou turned me on

>dragging things out
Definitely feeling this.
Feeling the same regret/burn from when I played NiNoKuni.

>le subversion
Well fuck this game then

>an overly complicated world
You won't like Abyss even though everything in that game has a meaning and actually finds use. Like resident mage Jade commenting that he didn't inscribe runes on civilians in a city during an ambush, so he can't blow up the enemy with his skills without severe collateral damage, or the fact that he can summon his spear by having mutilated his arm to convert the energy surrounding him into a solid object.

To add, I definitely get your point.
The entire game just feels like a huge contextual experience.
like an "if you know you know" concept.

Pretty sad when I know we can all agree Xillia 2 and Hearts R are the best.

so are all the games this level of anime?

>Zestiria and Arise
Jesus Christ.

Vesperia's Arc 3 where you're at is almost unanimously agreed to be the worst part of the story.

Series was rife with anime tropes. The cheesiness and subversions to some of the generic cliches were part of the appeal.

>Yea Forums shilled this game to me
>its mediocre at best, its only saving graces are that yuri is a badass and estelle is cute as fuck
>Yea Forums told me beseria is bad
>its fucking amazing and im having a blast
this website is full of people with garbage opinions, especially when it comes to jrpg's.

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Both were cheap.
Arise is good....right? It got a ton of praise last year.

>JoJo Dog
It's just a bancho costume faggot, got nothing to do with JoJo.

>protagonist kills a few people
>therefore this game is totally worth playing
Rock bottom standards.

*bancho dog
i genuinely don't know any of the funny references outside of what I listed

also him killing those people and then later preaching about his ideals and no half measures/whatever, but then being super friendly henceforth has just really soured.
Once the murders come to light and he's "punished", it's kind of a moot point.
only Karol's characterization shines in the subsequent moments.

I can never love Berseria knowing that it's in the same universe as Zesteria.

"Good" from casual reviews.
Terrible from actual Tales fans.

You are a fucking faggot, the reason we shill Vesperia is because its combat is miles ahead the atrocious abomination that is Besteria/Zestiria. Fuck off newfig.

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What the fuck is Zagi's deal?

Holy shit
what are its downsides?

I really didn't like Arise. Didn't like the cast, and really didn't like the combat. All it really had going for it was being pretty.

God damn, Belius has some knockers though

Awful party dynamics, Korean MMO rejects tier designs, genuinely awful combat that really shows its true colors during bossfights, complete assassination of any semblance of good story after the first 10 hours. It's bad, like, really bad.

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Yea Forums loved Arise when it came out.
I want to go back, bros.

>good combat
i cant tell if this is bad bait or you are just extremely unintelligent. either way i give your post a 0/10. try again. i played beseria immediately after vesperia and its not even close how much better it is. in fact its hard to believe they were designed by the same company.

Anyone who unironically prefers vesperia's combat is someone completely devoid of a soul, i believe the term in psychology is "poverty of thought".

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Go back to sucking dicks on the reddit.

Vesperias combat was so mind numbing:
>down attack combo
>down attack combo
>cerberus strike

Zestiria is my least favorite tales game but it has lailah.

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Ludger is essentially a DMC character that got stuck in tales

so which game has the best/least experimental combat would you say?
Assuming a long running series like this, every game has a different semblance of combat just like FF and they can never seem to get it right.

X2 was the only game with good combat.
The patched iso on CDromance is 40 versions old.

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Beseria most likely. arise isnt horrible its just not even close to the best

Xillia 2 definitely, it's the only tales game with good combat.

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Destiny PS2 with the hack for more than 6 arte slots is good too.

>this tales game has better combat
>nu uh this tales does
stfu. all tales combat is pretty much the same shit.
>attack to regain mana
>spam artes
>build up meter
>release meter
maybe throw in spamming whatever gimmick they introduce.

thats all there is.

Thats all it takes for a JRPG to stand out, sadly.

This is why I really actually wanted him to have to kill Estell instead of Rita pulling a magic solution out her ass.
Just imagine. Yuri going full vengeance on Alexei, and then giving a good reason for a time skip after he succeeds. Hell, have him run leviathan's claw and turn them into a corrupt noble purge squad. Rita and Karol hating Yuri's guts because they are children and don't understand that Estell would have rather died than nuke the capitol. The absolute seethe from Flynn, and the likely breaking of their friendship. Raven trying to stick with Yuri since he has been through fucked up shit as well and doesn't want to give up on him.

It would have been fun. Why are games so afraid of character deaths?

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He was never going to kill Estelle because Estelle isn't a bad person who is doing bad things on purpose.

That's what would have made the death have a bigger impact though. That's user's point. That he's breaking his self impose ideology to save someone through their death.

Like, that's actually a gripping moment if it would happen.
Instead I need to collect the triforce.

Just out of curiosity, is your name Neil Druckmann?

An actual time skip would have been so fucking good after the Alexei fight. Like, to have Adephagos actually looming over the world for a matter of years because it isn't actually just outside the atmosphere and the whole "rounding up the gang" that happens minutes after you awake would have felt so much better.

I meant when Alexei was overloading her into a nuke in the capitol and she was a murderbot who asked Yuri to kill her. Like, when there shouldn't have been a deus ex Rita solution. Hell, Yuri went in thinking he was going to kill her with the "I'll free you" line.
Not like I think Yuri should just butcher her in her sleep because aer crap.

I'm more upset that the game falls back on half assed solution with dependence on stupid world concepts that are constantly reimagined/introduced than its effects on the story.

Then I'm sent on a fetch quest to drag out the game even more.

the entire fucking game plays up Estelle to be this world ending existence and at the same time she's just fucking chilling , becomes nuke, goes back to chilling.

Which 3rd act is worse, Vesperia or Arise?

arise. the big bad isnt even revealed until like 95% way through the game.

Just because Rita suddenly pulling a magic spell out of her ass wasn't a satisfying solution doesn't mean they should've just killed off Estelle for cheap grief/revenge porn. It seems like you just really want Estelle to be killed off for other reasons.