Take me back

Take me back

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There's no going back to when you were happy. Just wait for things to get worse and for you to get older and sadder before you finally die.

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>PeeSee “gaming”

God you sound like pathetic faggots, try going outside for once.

God you sound like pathetic faggots, try going clean for once.

I remember that e machine button anywhere.

you are a fucking manchild, the world was much worse for most of human history and you fuckers get all whinny instead of being the masters of your own life and going to the world to have a say and change shit, nah, just post in Yea Forums, faggot, you werent born to be a alfa male and lead people.

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Kys frogposter
Your kind is better off dead

Alpha and beta is astrology for men

I too am part of that Facebook group.

>you can't be le sad ever because niggers in africa are starving!!1!

I'm less drawn to the game nostalgia than I am to the price nostalgia.

You'll never be happy as you were in your teens, and it's not for biological reasons.

The burden of being an adult in a modern society sucks. Work sucks, serious relationships suck, parentgood sucks, your friends being too busy sucks.

I know people love to romanticize marriage and children, but they're literally draining. Even if you love your wife and child, they will still sap all your energy, time, and personal relationships.

Responsibility is a poison that kills ones passion for life.

The fact that most people you meet are on some sort of medication disproves that. You are living in the worst time in history, yet are being medicated and conditioned by the media to believe it is the best. You are subconsciously unhappy, but unable to rationalize it or explain why.

>heh life is like my le epic marvel movies XD
oh boy, there's some great stuff waiting for you.

Yeah you go and lead this clown world, mr leader man
Enjoy your party tho. A nigger, a trans binary mexican and a gay immigrant
Lead them bro. Lead them to victory
I salute you oh great alfa male

Nobody who says shit like this is the "master of their own life" either.

>Just wait for things to get worse
TES6 will make you whole again user. Have faith

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I wasn't happy in 2006 either

>We're as far away from 2006 as it was from 1990

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>16 times the genders

The truth is that there has never been a good time to be alive. There is never a good time to be alive. Suffering is what characterizes existence, and it has no meaning or purpose, it's just an evolutionary prod because we developed a stronger adaptation away from pain than towards pleasure. No matter what, life will always be suffering. Consciousness is a curse.

>I want to go back to when I had no money to buy games, to when I was a lonely virgin, to when baby boomers rule the world

>tfw still enjoying weed
hahaaa, will smoke till forever bruhhh

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Why are you talking about the present?

I think 2006 is right around the year where I started being constantly miserable.

Suffering comes from the ruling class

Who are you quoting? Being a jaded faggot thats constantly cynical for the sake of cynical doesn't make you an interesting person. Go do something for your life and stop pretending that you can't be happy any more past the age of 30 you fuckin fags

*kneels out of respect*

God I can’t fucking stand millennials. How shitty was your childhood if you miss playing the worst elder scrolls game on a CRT monitor

Playing Skyrim while in an Xbox live party chat with your bros while telling eachother all the crazy things you’d discovered, then hopping on MW3 to do some trick shots and tell adult losers playing the game that you fucked their mum and calling them racial slurs, then logging into a minecraft world to work on the village you’ve all been building together, now that was kino. Millennials will never understand this

>have a say and change shit
let me guess, you think you can do this by "voting"? or maybe writing letters? Or holding signs?

>born in '97
>found Yea Forums though Demonoid in '08 after my uncle gave me his old PC and taught me how to pirate/emulate
>was scared shitless to post here, knew I would be outted as underage so I lurked without posting a single thing until 2011
>still feel eternally underage despite being 25 now and having been here for 14 years
Im a foreman at my a landscaping company and the other day my 19 year old coworker looked at me and said "Bing, bong" in a musical tone. When I replied "Fuck yeah, you talking Crazy Frog?" him and my two other employees laughed and called me a boomer. Turns out its some Tik Tok reference

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Holy mother of zoomer nostalgia
First time I see something like this
And I don't judge you. Go and do what you love then. Go play MW3 right now. play Minecraft. Skyrim. Those games are still good.
Wait until you see Minecraft 2. or Skyrim 2 with 20 genders and a forced gay storyline.
Then you'll finally understand how we feel. And then the next generation of nonbinary alien kids will look at you funny for liking old trash like Skyrim 1

you fuckers are pathetic. only you and you alone can change your life so get the fuck off of this site it not helping you idiots.
your life could change really fast in a positive way if you actually tried to improve it.

Damn, look at all these tranniesseething at you

Now I finally have the job of my dreams, yeah so what if my coworkers are insane trannies, who cares haha I'm happy with all this money! Time to buy PS5 and be happy... oh why is spiderman black now.... hmmm why is Halo a balding middle aged woman.... oh Fifa 2023... with a random black guy on the cover, who the fuck is that guy even. Holy shit it's the same fucking fifa game repackaged year after year.
Yeah well at least I can marry Dianna now. Hey Dianna, what's up... oh you are a trans man now, ok cool. Yeah abortion power yeah, oh man I sure love abortions haha well see ya gotta go

>im thinking about death all the time
you're so interesting maybe you should try quitting anime board and find actual hobby

this is true but also pic related happens all the time, i was here when the past was current and everyone said it was shit, now its over and everyone says it was good, not just about games but everything

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Shit like this makes me torn about the 2000s. We all know things went to shit after 9/11, but it was still a hell of a lot better than the last ten years.

Something really did happen in 2012.

you are mentally ill.

>Living in tribe
>Hunt deer every weekend because we'd starve without it
>Have tribe provided wife that is still alive after 3 children (she's a trooper)
>Life is good

Unironically feel somewhat like "oh hey that was nice" remembering 2014 even though it was one of the worst years of my life. Chart's too accurate.
How can remembering playing dark souls 2 during shitty times be comfy?

No it was better when I was younger you faggot. I'm not talking about "ugh I wish I was born in the 1700s"

>tribe provided wife
1 in every 8 men used to reproduce

Enjoying your scalped PS5 huh
Good boy
Now go back to work for Mr Sheklestein Oh vey! Yes respect your coworkers yes, more meetings, more. Whoops what's that? your coworkers infected your way of thinking with insane left wing ideas. oh too bad haha. Well time to eat the bugs bro! Also no more houses for anyone. you have to live in the pod. and you have to buy a tesla. cause hmmm funny twitter man said so. You don't wanna be a loser incel right,haha! That's right good boy. Marry a mentally unstable *girl* so my jewish law firm can take everything from you!
Ah much better, a life worth living! And don't forget to take a few movie breaks every now and then, come here and watch our poozed marvel movies featuring a mexican actress nobody knows about, and she's stronger than dr strange cause REASONS!!!! yes get demoralized white man! you suck! haha! MARVEL MOVIES ARE SO GOOD OH MY GOD, Whoops we killed professor X cause hmm he was too white and old. sorry.

>Something really did happen in 2012.
I often think this. It was really the last year I recall being happy and things being normal.

Probably a mix of child mortality, adolescent disease, and being killed in your teens for doing stupid shit that got you killed without modern medicine.

i retired at 30 with 300k savings
im spend my days doing whatever i want and im happy
when i'll be out of money the government will just keep me alive for free

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How long will that last you?


The only good thing about this life as an experience is knowing that future generations will be even MORE miserable than we are, given that they will be left with the world that past generations have utterly fucked beyond comparison to them, and look at our time in envy of better days.

>300k savings
I hope you like being a Walmart greeter at 40.

>blowing through 300k in 10 years
how bad are you with money? not everyone needs to live like a nigger like yourself.

you are deranged you can change your life at any moment you want.
don't stay your whole life being a leech.

What first world country are you living in?

your mom

Silence, third worldoid (el Ogro de Las Americas: La Luz Extinguido).

But I am happy, psychedelics saved my life and reignited my desire to achieve great things in life, I am no longer dragged down by meaningless emotions

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>300k in savings
I hope that's 300k bitcoins, 300k slaves or 300k grams of gold and not just 300k yankee bucks/europoor euros

Maybe I'm sick of leading.
Maybe, for once in my life, I want someone to care for ME for a change.
But no, I get to just keep grinning and bearing it until the day I die.

I'm just so tired.

>Going back to the 2000s
>Remembering school sucks
>Remembering the days asking my parents for new vidya because I'm broke as shit but they're stingy as shit
>Remembering having depression and suicidal thoughts as a teenager
>Now I control my vidya, no school, and much healthier mentally
Now's not perfect by any way, but honestly I don't really want to go back, it kinda sucks too back then.

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all of the above