A gameplay showcase of Arkane Studios' cancelled Half-Life game which was internally known as "Ravenholm"
Cancelled Half-Life Ravenholm gameplay
What the fuck
in some alternative reality this released and our lives didn't suck and half life 2 sucked
Valves actual big picture plan for episodic releases was licensing the ip to other studios. What was Valves fucking problem?
anyone else think this looks fucking terrible and valve was 100% right for scrapping it?
It reminds me of Underhell, I want it
They any good these days? I stopped watching years ago due to a percieved lack of quality.
also valve pls make Stars of Blood and Prospero already
didn't they leak this shit years ago?
i vaguely remember seeing this already
I would eat that headcrab. Raw
Yeah, it looks really bad.
>Pre-alpha footage of a Source 1 game looks bad
This cancelled game looks better than most shit we have nowadays
It was less than a year out from release at the time it was canceled, I doubt anything would have substantially changed beyond obvious placeholders getting replaced.
It looks interesting at the very least.
No thanks Danny "Bitch Tits" O'Dwyer.
They realized it was a terrible idea pretty early on at least, and pulled the plug on all those projects
post your tits
tits or gtfo
I'm not a woman nor am I some public figure wannabe eceleb journo who sucks Zoe's enlarged clitoris.
you cant judge a mans tits without posting your own
Yes I can, and I have. You'll just have to cope about it.
lmao ok, bitch tits.
(Your favorite game) looked just as bad this early in development.
This isn't a slick E3 vertical slice, it's apples and oranges to compare it to any public demo.
glad you're coping, danny
so you're nothing
got it
Yes. Did you expect something else?
>It was less than a year out from release at the time it was canceled, I doubt anything would have substantially changed beyond obvious placeholders getting replaced.
Big chunks of the level design in the final version of Half-Life 2 are whitebox geometry with textures slapped on. It's hilarious how rushed and unfinished and chopped up to reduce scope and sell DLC the game is.
some pair of manly boob
now get the fuck out
No, I think I'll stay.
Actually not terrible for an alpha.
The problem is its too tonally different from half-life as a whole.
Having melee instead of a crowbar, gimmicky guns that are 50% frustrating to use, humanoid zombie enemies--it just misses the point in too many ways. The visuals could easily be polished/improved but the core systems don't really fit
oh yeah
all that DLC
for Half-Life 2
>Big chunks of the level design in the final version of Half-Life 2 are whitebox geometry with textures slapped on
That's how most early Source games just are
HL2: Episode 1 already has the zombies in the hospital idea covered. Also I don't like the idea of Father Grigori abandoning Ravenholm after all the work he put in. HL zombification is a headcrab on the head, this slow-infection crap is non-canonical.
fuck half life, more portal
wish they'd release it.
the potential for good mods is there, and we'll never have them
Would Ravenholm be caught in the Citadel explosion?
>too tonally different
honestly, this
i also reminds me of Paranoia in a way
lots of flashy scenes and custom assets, but apart from the electricity gimmick, the gameplay itself feels pretty flat
honestly a bit surprising from Arkane
Did they make Dark Messiah before or after this?
it had some cool ideas, but from what was leaked it was the right call to scrap it, especially since for some reason they went with actual zombies instead of head crab zombies, that and it felt to gimmicky
apparently it was cancelled a year after Dark Messiah came out
>all that DLC
>for Half-Life 2
Episode 1 and Episode 2, which are somewhat famous DLCs, are substantially constructed from cut content from the base game.
Sometimes what a game series needs is a radical departure by a new studio.
>we live in the bad timeline where arkane didn't become a close valve partner and successful studio releasing arx fatalis 2 in source engine
it might get damaged a bit but for the most part it would be somewhat intact, after all Gordon and Alyx were able to survive it mostly unharmed with at best a few minutes away from the city outskirts by train, compared that to the long ass trip Gordon took through the canals just to reach Black Mesa East and then the trip to Ravenholm which also has the added bonus of being in a hilly region which probably absorbed some of the blast
On paper it had potential. An immersive sim design put into Half-Life framework could really make the gameplay in the series much more fun and replayable. The thing is, Arkane decided to put those concept in an otherwise very rehashed sort of deal; with putting in classic zombies that are completely out of place with the games despite the series' own signature headcrab zombies, putting Adrian Shepard as the protagonist and most of all, the idea of getting back to Ravenholm and of course bringing back Father Grigori which i believe was the reason Valve canceled the game in the end.
>headcrab trapped in a toilet bowl
>have to manually remove the cinderblock to let it out to kill it
yup, that's a half-life 2 scavenger achievement
i never found out fucking spider egg for that episode where you go through a mine full of fucking spiders or whatever. it must've been hidden on the fucking moon
>The Crossing game made by the partnership of Valve and Arkane fell through even though its basically Demon's Souls before Demon's Souls and Soulslike were even launched.
I also hated the idea of Father Grigori turning into a glorified druct addict and became pretty much the final boss of the game based on their description.
not him but I think it just doesn't look very special
not bad by any means, i probably would've been content to play it, but not phenomenal
Valve back then probably thought that anything less than a new Opposing Force would cheapen the value of their IP
then they let Hunt Down the Freeman happen and that's probably due to second guessing their earlier choice
They just released a documentary about the development of Black Mesa.
Black Mesa pushed the original Source to its absolute limits.
They didn't let Hunt Down the Freeman happen any more than they let any monetized modding project launched on Steam happen.
Hunt Down the Freeman and Black Mesa are two sides of the same coin. The universe can't have one without the other.
If they made a spinoff where you shoot Combines with Grigori and do experiment with Xen wildlife, yea it would be great.
But this game in specific looks more like a HL mod than an actual spinoff.
Source modding are actually in the good place right now. Bunch of ambitious folks pretty much changing up the engine just to make Half-Life/Portal mods, its nice to see.
There's this Portal 2 mod where the people got the Source code of the engine from Valve directly and changing it up to include dynamic lighting.
There's also the remake of Oppsing Force and Blue Shift with the same scope as Black Mesa did, but i think its going to wait for awhile considering the lack of exposure it has gotten.
By Paranoia you don't mean the Russian mod, right?
Because that mod is fucking KINO.
I never got the concept of The Crossing.
The way I remember, it was something like
>you play the single player campaign while a TDM is being played on the map
but when I think about it, that sounds a little stupid.
Imagine getting no scope quickshot several times in a row while you just want to play the single player
i played the first one a long fucking time ago, i honestly don't remember it very well, but i installed a sequel recently and it honestly wasn't nearly as good as i remembered the first one to be
>flashy scripted scene -> shoot a ton of dumbass zombies
paranoia 2 was this^ x40
do you want half-life to turn into cod?
Does anybody make games anymore?
>it looks bad and they were right to scrap it
It really couldn't have been any worse than Blue Shift or the mildly overrated Opposing Force
The problem with Paranoia for me was how short it was. I remember reading that the Ukranian side of the dev team went missing after 2014 shitstorm so the Russian team alone had to finish the game.
Still, both games are fucking great and i want MORE.
You can just swap out the models for headcrab zombies, that would take two minutes. Not something that couldn’t be easily adjusted before release.