I want to go back

I want to go back

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wat game

good, and stay there. aint no body got no time for pixelated 2d shit anyhow.

same but not that far. just take me back to 2005-ish before iphones and social media rotted everyone's brains.

Its fucking Zelda you moron it even says so

mario 86

>zelda game
that's probably a 40 year olds bedroom, no cap fr.

I thought that was a de_rats map

EmuVR. It's free, you don't need VR to play it.

de_rats... home

society is clearly debilitating if people are retreating to virtual replica's of only 20 years ago

no going back buckos

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Why the fuck do you dirty Americans wear shoes in your house? Look at the floor and how fucking dirty it is

>Why the fuck do you dirty Americans wear shoes in your house? Look at the floor and how fucking dirty it is

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You can't go back and you didn't build a better future. This is what you chose.

not that one, but Sega Classics on Steam/Switch has a virtual room that holds your carts and Genesis and shit and is peak 90s.
It looks just like my room when I was 10-15

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That candle seems really dangerous and it's melting the vidya on top.

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>people today are obsessed with recapturing the happiness of their youth or childhood
>this has never happened before

Is it a meme that so many people adore the 90s/time before iPhones and social media? Or could there be a truth to it, that times actually were better, regardless if you were a kid back then or not?

Not really in such a short span.
I would kill to go back 15 years back before this clown world we are living in right now.

I'll always defend internet and all the benefits it brought but social media is the most gigantic cultural cancer in the entire history of humanity.

I think it's more of an uncomfortable awareness that sort of way of living will never ever come back.
Had it been marked by a catastrophe or a universal cultural shift, it could be perceived better.
But now they're on the next chapter in the history books wondering how they got there and if that's even something they wanted.

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>room is clean
>bed is made
immersion ruined

Hard agree. Social Media is probably the worst cancer that humanity ever had to endure.

Social media fucking ruined the fabric of society. If you're too young to remember a time before its existence then I don't know that it can ever be adequately explained to you how different it was.

This isn't even an oldfuck nostalgia thing. There are so many societal problems that exists now because of social media it's frightening.

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>I think it's more of an uncomfortable awareness that sort of way of living will never ever come back.

That is a soul crushing thought.

>see dinosaurs
>fuck yeah dinos are AWESOME
>ask dad about dinos
>he suggests looking in the encyclopedia (anyone remember those 40+ volume things?)
>read up want to know more
>actually go to the local library to read more about dinos
Fuck you it beat just looking up shit in wikipedia.

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Sometimes it feels like the past was a bit brighter. Like the colors back then were more vivid.
It's probably because my eyes have gone to shit though.

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>Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

I'm a zoomer, but I would have to imagine that its a mix of both.
Social media and the rise of feeds/curated content changed the world for worse in a lot of ways, plus the people growing up in those times now might be getting tons of responsibilities and insecurities piled onto them.
That and some of the most influential games (like quake, mario 64, oot, half life, mgs) came out in that time frame, nothing really as game changing has come out since. Most games now, regardless of whether they might be better or not, are just sort of derivative of the games from this era

I'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed. I can still see the TV and X-Files poster in my dreams, thinking i'm still playing de_rats on 1.6

You and i know that social media killed the internet. Yes, the 90's were better because the internet was in its infancy and we got to play during the golden era of videogames, without counting other pop culture of their time, like music, movies and television. Describing it it's kind of hard because nothing compares to that era, but i assure you that, at least for people between 30-40 years old, the 90's were the best era of our lives.

Today's technology without the culture rot social media brought upon would probably be pretty sick. I remember when even social media outlets had experimental shit like text letsplays or some kind of ARG. Now its just kind of people extending their high school shittiness.

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do you guys think Yea Forums should be grouped in the "brain rotting social media" category too?
I was trying to think of why I still come here the other day, and besides being extremely weak willed, I think I really like this place because its more of a levelled out forum and theres no curation or algorithm.
Its not like twitter, or youtube suggestions where they spoonfeed all the stuff they know you want to see constantly and jazz up your dopamine receptors

>some of the most influential games (like quake, mario 64, oot, half life, mgs) came out in that time frame

>games that came out when I was young are the most influential ones

simpleton, pls

I couldn't think of 3 games that released in the past 10 years that were as influential as the games the user mentioned. The only thing that got improved was monetization schemes.

>People treating (you)'s the same way some redditors treat upvotes.
>Herd mentality of people trying to fit in with faceless nobodies they'll never actually know.
>Autists with authority complexes that will make up rules, sometimes on the spot, just to try and hold leverage over other anonymous nobodies.
>Refusing to express yourself or your interests out of a fear of being judged.
Only difference between here and Twitter is that you're more likely to be called a faggot here.

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I was a 2000 baby, these games predate me.
but anyways I think that still holds true, there are hardly any original games that are coming out, everything is a spin on or addition to the games that came out during that era. Thats not an inherently bad thing, its just the truth. Theres some experimental games that do completely new things, but nothing has changed the industry ever since like doom, mario 64 or quake had.
There are trends that come and go but it isn't really the same as mouse freelook or a (not shitty) third person camera

i was poor as fuck as a kid so i wouldnt go back

>go to friends
>has a computer in his room
>holy fuck

Same. The world was an objectively better place.

>back then
>grew up playing in the back and front yard with my friends, playing tag, sports, water guns, etc.
>entire neighborhood is fucking empty and everyone is inside on their phones or computers or vr headsets

I sorta wish I grew up somewhere like Missouri where the locals all know each other and aren't tainted by the rest of society

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My room still looks like that. I haven't had a GF in 15 years but idgaf

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>have dialup internet
>go to "rich" friend's house
>he has 128kbps dsl
holy shit

>looked up EmuVR

Just the fact that such a thing exists is depressing.

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No, there's a lot of things I don't like you weirdos. And vice versa.
How do I know you're not a series of ML algorithms?

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>Skinwalker appears outside of the window
Heh, nothing personnel, kid

That room looks like shit. Mine was miles better without the gay posters. I had monster trucks and cars, with a Ninja Turtles Bedset. I didn't haphazardly have my shit on a shelf, my n64 and ps1 games where in my tv stands bottom drawer. Bullshit bed direction to. Don't tell me you "want to go back" when you can't even get your shit right.

Your parents hated you.

And that generic ass CRT too, I had one of the sought after Sony's. Should have kept it instead of smashing it and sold it to you nerds $300 over what it's worth.

this anons gonna be so fucked up when he learns about vr porn

The interesting thing about it is because your mind is focused on the game within VR your perception of your surroundings is lessened and you forget it's not real

I praise Yea Forums for it's anonymity and how it USED TO be, but in reality now, "based" is upvote, "tranny/soijak" is downvote, everyone acts like the brainrot social media idiots here in recent years, hell, they keep making literal who twitter post threads as if we WERE on twitter and people are supposed to give a shit, I don't think the problem is with the the website so much as it is the problem with everyone that uses it. Like, Wojaks used to be a PART of Yea Forums culture, like a specific culture of reaction images, and they used to be varied, but now everyone just posts soijak variants, and the rest were splintered off into basically horoscope tier bullshit. This website is like watching a corpse of a loved one be puppeted on a marionette.

Only reason I'm still even here is because despite everything, this still is the best place to talk. I say something stupid, people will either call me a fag for it and give me a (You), increasing my post's visibility, or actually try and engage with my post, also giving a (You). They can't just brainlessly downvote it or treat my personality like a scorecard the way reddit does, and because I have no identity, they have to attack what I said in of itself, not try and attack my character as a person and then take it a step further by encouraging stalker culture and take out of context snippets of conversation in tweets to paint whatever delusion they have of my character the way Twitter does. It's nice to be on a website where people talk to people and not at people, even if the talking to is just a plain uncensored insult. You still have to engage directly with them in a verbal manner even if it's through a "shut the fuck up retard", you can't just soullessly click a like or a dislike and have the website speak for you.

In general, the problem has nothing to do with websites though, it's that I am a relic of Web 1.0 which was more fun and less serious, and I have nowhere to go that feels like home except here.

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>this still is the best place to talk
Sad but true. Anonymity is on its way out and Yea Forums is one of the last places I can just say what I feel. Mind you, nothing of it is racist or any other cancel shit, but it just feels uncomfortable that anything I say gets documented on shit like facebook or twitter.

>It's nice to be on a website where people talk to people and not at people
yeah, I think that sums it up for me too

I say nigger and fag here all the time, but again, I'm a relic of web 1.0, to me they're generic insults, not even remotely as creative as half the shit I got called on Xbox Live back in 2007. I'm so desensitized to these words that there's no actual racial or sexual context behind them when I say them, they're the same as calling someone a "fucking asshole" or "bitch" or whatever more mild insult there is, but I say nigger and fag anyway, because this is the last place where I can, it makes me feel just a little bit more free kinda like Winston pondering over a simple math equation in 1984 (I know references to that book are played out at this point but that's... just kinda the world we live in now, unfortunately. I don't have less cliche allegories to give you), even though I've got no real beef with the gays or black people.

Call me when there is more than one room for EmuVR. That one is very boring

If you understand the damage of those sites you shouldn't even maintain an account there. Increasingly zoomers are rejecting it entirely so I'm hopeful the cancer hit its peak with millennials.

that's literally just the nap of the carpet.

get off the internet

>Why the fuck do you dirty Americans wear shoes in your house

Because i can afford to pay people like you to clean my carpets.

so true.

No wonder your country is filled with illegals when you're too dumb and lazy to clean your own shit.