Why aren't you playing Trails of Cold Steel right now?

Why aren't you playing Trails of Cold Steel right now?

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i don’t play shovelware

Trails of Cold Steel

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I played 3 and this dude is based but everyone else is cringe so I dropped it

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Finish it for him.

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I'm watching some random dude play Kuro instead. And slowly watching and waiting for the inevitable spreadsheet translation injection.

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I platinumed all four cold steel games. I have Azure preordered

>not platinuming Sky

I have beaten every Trails game on Nightmare (Sky 2 was a bitch). The Trails series might be the series of games I've spent the most time on in my life. Can't wait for more.

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Trails of Cold Steel

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>not platinuming them

Because I stopped at Azure and I will never play Cold steel. Fuck you.

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Haha, that's our cement eater!

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>I'm watching some random dude play Kuro instead.
Why? Just wait until you can play it.

Cool concept for a game, group of high school teenagers stray too far from society, they mysteriously end up dead, and you investigate their dreadful murders.

I don't need to play it to fap to all the upskirts

Altina cute

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i played them all, and laura's cute bare feet are too low res and too infrequently seen to convince me to ever slog through the trashfire story ever again

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>He bought? Crash ze Bank of Rean

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Because I'm too busy shitposting about it on /fg/. Don't tell that one guy though, he'll tell me to "go back" again...

The graphics suck and everyone says it's skippable anyway since CS explains all the relevant parts of it.

>playing Kiseki for the graphics

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>complaining about le graphics fans
>evoshit image

Good thing I don’t get that reference because I never played cold shit

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Another great thread from the fans of the ToCS series that has been cancer since CS3

I still need to play Zero and Azure

I'm a fan and I started with CS3 aka the best in the series.

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Hajimari is its own series separate from CS which is why it has a different name, cope.

Thank god I got experience Crossbell blind. I genuinely pity those who got the watered down 2nd hand account of it in cold steel.

How the fuck would I know that?

Why was estelle so ugly in sky? I don't think the artstyle is a problem because joshua was pretty cute

They are both cuter in the EVO artstyle.

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I think you’re just gay dude.

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I'm kidding, it's essentially CS5 plus Azure.

No worries user, I will help you out!

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Well good thing this isn’t Reddit than?

Already finished them. Waiting for Hajimari so playing other games in the meantime.

some chad on pixiv made the girls in koikatsu distributing the cards, im satisfied just masturbating to the characters.

why are you posting a reddit starter pack you retard

CS is peak reddit

What on Earth is that from?

Some random cosplay

Trails of Cold Steel: The Musical. It used to be on Youtube but it got taken off for some reason.



I still can't believe they actually created a character that called Rean out on his bullshit for any length of time.

Imagine how bad her feet smell

its ok he became a reanbrain in the end

>padding the waifu statistics

im straight

Based. Who's your favorite girl?

my wife

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>skipping best girl's games because of "muh graphics"

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