This game sucks ass. What's the appeal here? How does this shit make billions of dollars?

This game sucks ass. What's the appeal here? How does this shit make billions of dollars?

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Other urls found in this thread: wouldn't get it.

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do you need to be Chinese to "get" it?

Why does it suck ass? Explain.

because gambling

gambling and booba

The world is unironically great, especially after you move past the first generic fantasy country. The only problem is that the reward for exploring is often not unique.

yaoyao in 3 months, trust the plan

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movement and combat feel clunky and awkward. constant connection to the servers required at all times, so if your internet connection sucks there's a lag between everything you do and when the game registers it. Leveling up system obviously there to get money out of you sooner or later (+12 exp for killing a monster even if he's 10 levels above you, gotta use items to actually level up). The world and characters aren't really that interesting. Paimon is cute tho I like her.

>constant connection
this isn't 2004 gramps, everyone's online 24/7 now

its literally just sunk cost and coomershit. this game will be less than irrelevant in a year outside of its child fanbase

>servers go down for whatever reason, either in the near future or 10 years from now
>all the money you spent: stolen

you'll learn, in time.

The game is actually really, really good. It looks, sounds, and feels great to play, and there's a stupid amount of content to do for completely free, no money.

>movement and combat feel clunky and awkward
Are you playing on a toaster?
> if your internet connection sucks there's a lag between everything you do
Okay so yes, you're playing on a toaster.
>gotta use items to actually level up
Items that you get infinite of for free, yes. It's not "right now," but they don't intend for you to play all 100 hours of content in a day.
>The world and characters aren't really that interesting.
The world is a lot more interesting than the story. The deeper you get into it, the deeper you find that it goes.
>Paimon is cute tho I like her.
She's a special kind of endearing, that's for sure.

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>servers go down for whatever reason, either in the near future or 10 years from now
>all the money you spent: stolen
You talking about Steam?

Has the best anime character designs in the industry.

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This applies to basically any digital media, not just Genshin, or even other game-as-service games. If the internet turns off for whatever reason (war, famine, economic collapse, whatever), then anything on your computer that you spent money on, including the computer itself, is just "stolen." It's not limited to digital goods, either. Go buy a cassette-tape playing walkman, or a VCR for your VHS tapes, right now, if you can. Time does that to everything.
Time doing that is a major theme in Genshin Impact.

steam atleast works in offline mode for most games. Yes techinically during a catastrophic collapse, any game you don't actively have installed in your PC you'd never be able to play again cause you wouldn't be able to download it from their servers. But any game you have installed, you can play just fine without relying on their servers. just boot up steam in offline mode and play. only games that don't work are constantly online games like battle royales or games that have no singleplayer mode whatsover

>Leveling up system obviously there to get money

Ah yes, generic ninja girl and generic chinese girl, so amazing, much wow.

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>Time doing that is a major theme in Genshin Impact.
truly the deepest lore

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This is a guy, btw

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I've never seen Venti as anything other than male and I don't understand the memes that faggots have about him.

Beautiful budding hebes

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This but unironically. Can't wait for more generic indian egypt girl, generic french girl, generic russian girl and generic mexican girl.

It panders to chink, who love generic shit. Just look at how well Marvel movies do there

Venti is cute.

Gorou is cuter though.

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>What's the appeal here?

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>How does this shit make billions of dollars

made for shogun army cock

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zero taste shit eaters

He's a dog, not a pussy.

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unironic bug people that will consume ANYTHING even if it is fecal matter
24/7 shilling works really well when modern normalfags are now on the internet 24/7
plus it was originally shilled as a "free" botw clone

>anime titties
Gee, I wonder.

I finally did Noelle's quest pt 2 and it wasn't that good. I like Noelle but I wish they did Barbara pt 2 instead.

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It's widely agreed that it's mostly fun for the 30 to 50 hours until it starts losing its appeal. For most normies that's about as much time they're willing to put into a single game. Beyond that it slowly starts losing its appeal and turns out to be worse than the average shat on gachashit. There is no innovation in the gameplay since launch, the game itself has no identity or idea what it wants to be so it keeps shoving you half assed minigames that are on par with the daily chore gameplay at best and ultimate tedium at worst. As someone who played since launch the only thing there is to look forward to is new characters, and it's becoming harder and harder to get myself invested in exploring new areas or the story when it's mostly the same shit you've been doing for almost 2 years now.


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Normies love China.

>until it starts losing its appeal.
Your post falls apart here because it's widely agreed it's good and stays good for thousands of hours past the first couple of hundred it takes until you finish all the quests.

I'm still mad that Albert didn't build the statue I commissioned during Windblume. WHERE IS IT MIHOYO?

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When was this? Don't recall reading this dialogue.

That's a long delay.

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Teapot conversation.

You will land a job in 240 days right? You can't be a neet forever

You can put her in your teapot and she has a lot of random dialogue.

Ah, I maxed her out before Teapot even came out so I never put her in. Thanks.

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I like the puzzle of trying to make the most of limited resources. Knowing what to save and when to use your in-game currencies efficiently. Building up multiple teams capable of clearing any content the game can throw at me, all without spending a single cent.

Only Ayaka until the end of the year damn, and people threw a fit when their yamato nadeshiko was called out as being cheap waifubait

Huh didn’t expect to see these two again

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People are LITERALLY dying in Shanghai and you want a new banner?

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This part of an event?

I fucking hate Twitter

No they're there as NPCs, probably will travel to new region when Sumeru comes out.

huh, I was there like 10 minutes ago cashing in GeoCoin and didn't see them, was night time tho

Nah they were on the ghost island

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You need to finish mist island quest

finished that quest months ago, maybe I missed them idunno

Looks like an indefinite delay

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You fully done with the ghost island quest line? Because they still here at night

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Hope China get their shit together, I want my 3.0 already

Sometimes they're in Mondstadt as well, that's probably what's happening here

Wait, why? Did they start a war too?

Are there other games that deserve billions of dollars?

You see them in Mond too, maybe somewhere else as well can't remember.

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China really scared of the coff for some reason

>me, the ar 59 chad who hasn't spent a dime

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it preys on people who are addicted to both gambling and waifus

>everyone's online 24/7 now
That's depressing.

Would be funny if they made mandatory yearly quarantine their cultural tradition, they don't have any of those anyway. And it's not like there's anybody to complain.

It's a technological achievement if we're being real.

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WHY didn’t they give us this version for Liuye

It’s fucking amazing honestly, you can connect to someone from half the world over and play video games. Just wish internet was better so it would be seamless internet play with no lag

Literally mobile gamers first hands on on something resembling actual game, even if it's a shit game
Anyone who plays game outside of mobile games would know this is just your standard ubisoft open world game combined with jrpg and sprinkled with shitty gacha system on top, but still use simplistic mobile gameplay so anyone can play it easily

ok boomer

Actually, the game actively discourages you from gambling if you're really into waifus. I, for example, love my party so much that I can't be bothered to roll for the new characters even if the game paid me for it.

yu-peng is too based

Someone's trying too hard, I see. Just be yourself and you'll find some friends sooner that you think!

I'm talking about a game being always online being a bad thing. It may be an important advancement for civilization, but DRM in any and all forms can go fuck itself.

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No you aren't. Your opponent said it doesn't matter if the game is online-only because everybody is constantly online anyway, to which you replied that it's depressing (because you're a little bitch who can't lose an argument). Then you've restarted the whole argument (because you're a little bitch who can't lose an argument).

I skipped Raiden twice partly because I don't want to stop using Albedo lol

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Pretty sure all gacha games are online so you can’t cheat some stuff in I think