I upgraded from a 1070ti to a 3070 and it didn't feel like much? Maybe I was expecting too much, but I thought I would be able to comfortably max everything out at 1080p at a stable 144fps, when it really just gives me an extra 30-40 frames. I have a hard time believing it will be a good 1440p 144hz card if I do upgrade monitors. It feels much more minor compared to my 690 -> 1070ti upgrade despite a similar timeframe. Considering returning it
GPU thread
I'm happy with it. Could be better but there aint no rush to get another one
It sounds like you need a CPU upgrade. Don't get a 1440p monitor until you do so.
I have a 9700k, is that not enough?
upgrade cpu, you're definitely bottlenecked
you should be getting a 90%increase in fps, and dont try measuring with fucking csgo or gtao, those are notoriously badly optimized CPU wise
PS. you should have gotten a 3070ti, they're almost the same price and gives you an extra 5-10 frames
i have a 2060 with a top tier CPU and i can run anything on the market at ultra settings max FPS
game graphics honestly havent improved much over the last 5 years, but a lot of games have more shit running under the hood than they used to
My 3080 with 5800X3D works just fine for 144Hz 1440p, git gud.
I don't know. I went from a 4790k to 11700k, basically doubled my performance in some games without changing my GPU (1080ti). Don't sleep on CPU upgrades. But honestly 9700k should be fine? You could try buying a 1440p monitor from a place that has 30 day returns and just test the performance. 1080p -> 1440p probably isn't as much of a performance impact as you're imagining.
I got 5800x3d with msi suprim x 3080 ti and lifes good at 4k 144hz
30 to 40 frames from what frame rate? Cause depending on what you had to begin with, those are huge gains.
the 9700k is a meme CPU. what is your CPU usage at ingame?
Upgrading from a x070 to another x070 isn't going to be an earthshattering upgrade unfortunately, even if it's a new arch. The specs made it SOUND like the 3070 is going to clobber it because of the tripled core count, but almost half of those are half-precision cores for RTX/DLSS shit (which aren't gonna run that great either), and the render outputs and TMU's are only an "alright" bump. It's not going to be a good card if you go past 1080p and wanna max shit out at 8GB, that's more x080/10GB territory
Even a 1080 ti beats a 1070, which is why they still sell for around $600 for a good 3-fan one. Welcome to Nvidia's strategy of never creating an 8800 situation ever again in the mid-range
check cpu and gpu usage.
Also lmao no check some benchmarks, you might need to adjust some settings for 144hz 1440p. Not even a 3080 can pull that framerate with highest settings in some intensive games.
forgot to ask:
when will gpu hit the lowest price point in the near future? they're a lot cheaper now compared to just 3 months ago, I guess this trend will continue as intel gpu and 4xxx series are nearing their launch dates.
>predict the future for me
very low chance the 9700K is making that big an impact
what games? a lot of AAA type stuff and janky shit just can't break past the low 100s even at 1080p, it's an engine level issue.
The 4000 series must be closer than we think of were getting hourly 'GPU' threads now. Hell, even o want to upgrade my gpu even though I have a GTX 1070 The Godcard.
In games I was running at 60, around 90-100. In games around 100-120, about the same with settings maxed out (no rtx), which I know isn’t the fairest way to test, but like come on
>share your guesses on the oncoming gpu market
its not that hard
4000 series will not be cheap for a long long time, they're expected to megadunk the 3000 series and nvidia has no reason to lower profit margins.
impossible to really say. Presumably when (if) eth goes pos and/or 4000 series launch a bunch of used cards will crash gpu prices. Unless we really will have a neon shortage in which case prices will shoot back up again.
Congratulations. You fell for the Ray Tracing meme.
If you play in a 1080p@60hz setup, you just threw your money down the sewer.
Still on my r9 390. Do you really NEED more?
what's your CPU?
Lowest price point? Never again. People here love to forget that 100 US Dollars pre pandemic aren't really worth that much money in this post pandemic world. They will find a price floor, but it's not gonna be $200-$250.
Why do you buy a 3000 series card when 4000 is right around the corner?
Just fucking save your money and preorder a 4000 series card when it goes live lmao, at worst you'll be waiting a month or two after release because they get through pre-orders first.
They're gonna have to price competitively to keep up with AMD whose already rumored to be outperforming them at a lower TDP. Especially since most people have already upgraded during the pandemic they're gong to need to incentivize people to upgrade.
I bit the bullet and upgraded now we're back to MSRP more or less
>China is back in lockdown, this also affects Taiwan and their chip exports
>Last time we waited for a new generation they all sold out and raised the price of the last gen due to shortages
>Then crypto and scalpers happened
Really it depends on your current card
Also of course the world economic forums plans of you owning nothing and the noticeable shortage in commodities including oil, food, computer chips we're already seeing, PC gaming on your hardware is for the rich only and the future is you paying subscription fee's for windows and microsoft gamepass and if you think you'll be quick enough to buy hardware before they clamp down, for the good of the environment of course
Ethereum developers let the mining Difficulty Bomb go off which means its going to become less profitable to mine over the coming weeks. Some of them are starting to get the message and dump their cards. Expect more to follow soon
I used to have an i5 4440 but I recently upgraded to Ryzen 5 3600
How long does a gpu last, really?
I’m willing to be patient and upgrade to the future 6060 or whatever, but my gpu is five years old. It’s in good shape so far but idk how fast things denigrate
If you don't care about raytracing the only amazing thing about the 30 series is the announced price point. I kneel to 90 series owners
>1080 to owner
They last basically until you dislike their performance enough to want to upgrade. Only other problem I've had is the fan dying, but that was in the bad old days when fans were cheap crap.
Depending on what he's playing, yeah it could be.
Usually games that warrant that kind of extreme FPS are CPU bound anyway, you can literally gain 30-40 FPS from one high end cpu to another higher end one.
They usually last around a decade or so give or take. As long as you take care of it (cleaning, replace thermal paste every couple years) it'll last till the capacitors give out which could be around 20-ish years.
meant for
I have an 8gb RX 480, and I also think that RTX is a meme. should I upgrade my i5-6600 to get better performance, or just be a waitfag until I have to upgrade the whole rig?
just upgrading to a 6700/7700k would be a good upgrade if your mobo supports it. Then its end of the line and gotta buy a new mobo.
cope and seethe raytracinglet
I went from a 970 4690k with two 1080p 60 monitors to 3070 4800x and one 3440x1440 144 monitor. It was a massive upgrade in visual fidelity and performance but I imagine staying at 1080p wouldn't seem too impressive. It will look the exact same and your cpu is most definitely holding you back from higher framerates if you're stuck at 90-100fps at only 1080p
Seriously man get a better monitor and you will appreciate the 3070 much more. Ultrawide is a game changer and feels like taking blinders off, 98% of games support it natively and it's easy to patch ones that don't
Moore’s Law means I will be content with the performance of my 3080 for a very long time.
ugh, upgrading my cpu means upgrading my motherboard and psu and...
I'm returning and waiting like 2 more years lol, at least I can get my money back. There's nothing my 1070ti can't run anyway
Ultrawide is a meme user, although you’re right about 1440p being worth it. It’s just more crisp than 1080p and allows me to see further away more precisely.
Ultra wide is good, but I just use my 4K HDR VRR 120Hz TV instead. I gave my old monitor to a friend.
I have a 3080, I only play tenchu
nvidia is going to TSMC from their garbage samsung node +two years of architecture improvements, it's going to blow the doors off ampere
Did they actually let it go off? Aren't they just going to fucking delay it again?
I don't give a fuck about crypto or mining but I hate all the fucking retards that buy up GAMING cards, they can go fuck themselves.
I literally made the same upgrade and got a 1440p 144fps monitor and it was an insane increase in performance.
i7 8700k and and MSI OC 2 3070.
I had a Zotac 1070ti mini before and it actually served me well even though their brand is considered a meme I guess?
What brand of GPU did you buy?
yeah fair enough, I think the only things I kept were the case, drives, and power supply. Total was around $1000 but I was lucky to get gpu and cpu msrp from best buy back in dec 2020. I think it's worth doing but if you don't want to spend the money for a whole new setup right now it's totally understandable. Your 1070ti should be able to run most things fine at 1080 60 for a couple more years at least.
Sort of meme brand yes, but I'm a Palit fan so I can't fault you, never tried a Zotac personally.
Usually it's just people that like to pick the same brands and over that shit over other ones.
LOL, you spent $2K on a card that barely competes with the PS5 for $500. With the new VRR update is can run everything at 120fps at 4K. Why do people keep buying into the PC meme?
VRR doesn't boost framerates are you retarded?
>still buying nVidia products in 2022.
lol @ you (not with you)
The PS5 is quite literally a gassed up GTX 1060
It's sad really
>tfw you have a r5 3600x and a gtx 1050 ti and have been waiting so long that you feel like you have to rebuild your entire computer again
you know just because the price just suddenly drops and the fact that the cards been in stock for months now nvidia has to be fucking people over on purpose
I took the plunge myself, now the only thing that's the same is my case.
nVidia is a shit tier company. always have been always will be. shiters, too dumb to do any actual research can't even begin to imagine that AMD has better performance for way less money.
>b-but Yea Forums told me i can only use n-n-nvdia
Bros, I have a 3060ti and an Intel 11500 (I know I know, weird), but I feel like my VR performance is just not as good as it should be, judging from some YouTube benchmarks. Due to my MoBo I am locked to the previous Intel gen, do you think buying a used 11700 would improve my setup? Would the bump be noticeable?
so GPU related:
What 1440p monitor should I get? I heard 27" is perfect. Also G-sync compatible.
is the MAG274QRF-QD still the memepick or new panel tech is coming out soon?
just buy a new rig, you're using a 7 year old CPU