Sucks that I have to get rid of all these other good games because of the Samorost dev's faggotry
Vidya is too political now
You absolute mongoloid. Your protest means nothing, you already paid for the product.
Who asked?
i know man its not about protest. i just dont want to have the game in my library
idk i just figured some of you would have a similar problem
>Gnome is a main character of Samorost 1, Samorost 2, Samorost 3.
>He lives in home similar to Josef the robot (Machinarium) and has a dog.
>no female protagonist
Jumped the ship too early there.
are those things supposed to be based?
Aren’t these the cunts who made Machinarium? That shit was awesome. What’d they do?
For now yeah.
this shit
most games have male protags though so it isnt really anti-woke
With playable female games sure, I'd agree with you.
neither of you is making mksktxuch sense
Female to protagonist bad.
Male protagonist good.
i think in some places a female protag is ok
>female to male
Auto fill betrays you, kill yourself tranny
I'm not into ugly females. You do you. I don't.
>Female to protagonist
The ultimate transition.
playing as a female protag is cucked. you are playing as a woman who is eventually going to get boned by Chad
based, fuck chink puppet states.
>>female to male
Those sort of games usually don't live too long so this shouldn't be a problem. Can you name some non RPG games that fit into this category?
the fuck did you seriously expect nigger
look at this shit
chink puppet states?
i hate that I actually do this, I imagine myself in fake scenarios then get sad and cry over them what the fuck is wrong with me
what should i be seeing?
a shitty ugly indie game
but how does that immediately make them globohomo?
Im the same user
I get mad/depressed over branching hypothetical situations I create within my own head 24/7
its a coping mechanism for my autism since If Im caught unprepared for a scenario Ill just freeze up and stutter out some utterly retarded word vomit that probably isnt even true to what I think
removing roe v wade isnt even about banning abortion its about trying to force a religion on as many as possible turning a blind eye to this is selling your religious freedom cause people you dont know are doing things you pretend not to like when its convenient for you you corny as fuck
doesnt everyone do this?
if the devs were not wasting so much time being woke on twiter the game would had not looked so shity
they are not forcing any religion on people. the current zeitgeist is to be a atheist
they were woke in 2010?
>its a coping mechanism for my autism since If Im caught unprepared for a scenario Ill just freeze up and stutter out some utterly retarded word vomit that probably isnt even true to what I think
thats me but that isnt autism that's just having zero wit
then why are so many Christian oriented laws happening suddenly?
>The ultimate transition.
To death?
youre probably trans
because they realized they are boiling the frog at too high a temp
>donation window is over
Fuck I would have bought their indie shit just for that. Fuck the /pol/tards
postal 2 devs were being anti woke in 2003
I'm the exact same, every night before I went to school I had to imagine my day from start to finish in extreme detail so I could fall asleep
I dont think you know much about that country if you think this is just /pol/ being contrarian
ya sure thats why you are part of it i will never go back into your cult of crazy fucks
the fucking church
humans need religion in some form user. elsewise they become retarded. some people can do without it but most normalfags are animals and need it to constrain their urges
Ukraine doesn't need help. They have enough loot drops from dead Russians.
its not a cult though, it doesnt even fit the prerequisites of being one
I have 0 social skills user
I dropped out of school and ran away from home in the 7th grade
I live alone
I work the graveyard shift in a production line
I have gone weeks without using my voice
Brain go fast but mouth is full of spaghetti
and that's fine have your religion just dont try to make it law
No see, the three judges said that RvW was settled law in their confirmation hearings in Congress and had been used as precedent for other rulings later on so them joining in on overturning it just shows you can't trust them to keep their word and puts those other rulings at risk of being overturned. They've ruined the credibility of the Supreme Court in one fell swoop.
No one is making it a law retard. What happened is that the burgers just learned noticed that the supreme court should not be allowed to make laws on their own
>I dropped out of school and ran away from home in the 7th grade
at least you werent bullied in high school since you'd have ptsd and an inferiority complex like many others
and this is what happens when a reality TV show host gets elected president
I was bullied from the 4th grade until I left both at school and at home by my single alcoholic mother, although in her case I guess it was technically abuse considering how often I'd come out bruised
childhood bullying is not even in the same solar system of high school bullying user, but im sorry you dealt with it
Liberal justices have lied about their positions on rulings several times, especially on guns. This has been standard procedure for both parties since Bork was not confirmed back in the 90s for being too honest. The fact that liberals think this is the first time justices lied in the confirmation hearings really shows they have no understanding of history beyond what the ignorant twitterstans tell them.
MGS2 and 3 shoved niggers in your face.
Deus Ex is "Government and Rich people bad" The Game.
Fallout 2 was full of "racism bad!" and what is now considered reddit tier humor.
Every GTA has you play as a minority oppresed by "muh system!".
Final Fantasy 7 is about environmental awareness.
>"Hurf durf why are games so political these days!!!"