why dont people like Rinoa as much as Tifa?
Why dont people like Rinoa as much as Tifa?
Cause she wasn't a big tease and childhood sweetheart of the protag
rinoa's a thot and worst girl in her own game. and squall is trash too.
Rinoa is like Aerith if Aerith lived and constantly mentioned Zack all game.
I can think of two big reasons
She's better than tifa
Flat and irritating
Her game sucks
no boobs
bad personality
used goods
retarded ass weapon and limit break
the worst girl in the entire harem
She's the OPPOSITE of tifa
made for Angelo cock
>limit break
>yeah thats right im gonna shoot my dog at you
rinoa sucks
Those things are true of Tifa as well, but everyone loves her.
She's incredibly childish and kind of dumb, except it's not really endearing.
>Squall and Co. have important mission to assassinate the sorceress
>Rinoa interrupts the mission to walk up to the sorceress and go "Hurr durr, please put on this anti-magic item"
>Squall has to handle Garden and all of the SeeDs
>Rinoa, Zell, and Irvine decide that now is a good time to start trying to make a necklace for Rinoa or some shit and she winds up in danger
>Irvine chimps out at Squall to go save her personally despite them being attacked
And it's like this the whole game. Those are just some of the worst moments. It's a non-stop "Rinoa is in danger" game, and it's just frustrating every time.
Rinoa isn't just worst in her own game she's the worst girl in the entire fucking franchise. Annoying personality, narcissistic, manipulative, bland and unattractive, endless cause of issues for the cast and an active threat against the entire world
There is nothing good about her, FF8 would have been better off if they Aeris'd her and replaced her with Edea or just about any one else
how is she unattractive?
>why dont people like Rinoa as much as Tifa?
Short Hair.
It's a fairly straightforward notion. Can a woman with short hair look sexy? FUCK NO. Would she look better with long hair? About 99.99% of time, 00.01% is when the woman is so ugly and fat it makes virtually no difference.
If you were turned on by a woman and after she cut her hair you're more turned on, you might want start looking deep into the closet. The B2 cut is very close to Captain Marvel's butch cut. Usually women cut their hair short for three and a half major reasons:
1. Lesbians, so short hair is a "fuck you" to men, they know men tend to be wary of anything less than a stunning looking woman with short hair, also see point 3
2. Women who want to turn over a new leaf
3. Married women who no longer have to seduce anybody, they know he cannot complain because they'll metoo his ass, and are busy with babies to take care of themselves properly. Also again another indicator for people she no longer needs to show off because she got her sucker already.
1/2. Feminists, see lesbians. They know any men will prefer long hair, so they do their best to put them off. It's like deleting the tit slider from Xenoblade, but in real life.
It's mostly just the Seifer thing from what I've seen, people can list a host of reasons but the one they actually care about is "used good." If it were canon that Tifa dated Johnny in the 5 years that she was in Midgar, she would be considered used goods too. Tifa is special because she doesn't trigger any insecure feelings in the player. She's hot, non-challenging submissive personality, virgin, "loyal."
angelo is a girl and you'd know because you would have had non-stop "you just know" shitposting
In the game she looks like michael jackson
Rinoa dated Seifer, but it really doesn't seem like they were particularly serious. I don't even know why that would be a point of contention.
Why is its name Angelo instead of Angela if it's a girl
ask nomura
Rinoa is canonically someone's sloppy seconds, whereas with Tifa it's only implied.
>why don't people like manic pixie dream teenager girl
geez i wonder why
>Worst girl
That's Yuffie
most ff girls are used goods
But people like Aerith.
You shut your whore mouth about Yuffie.
You hate them because you aren't the Chad and Stacy in this story.
You are the Zell.
Rinoa doesn't have short hair. What's wrong with you?
I liked her. I still have my wall scroll of her from high school.
I assume people didn't like how central and in-your-face the romance was when it was a lot more subdued in FF7. It probably made a lot of teenagers feel awkward if they weren't into it.
but seifur wasnt even a chad
I'm okay with that' I'm a selphie chad anyways
I can appreciate your opinion on worst girl, but Tifa is practically the textbook definition of a thot. You can appreciate her despite her thotfulness, but to deny that she's a thot is to deny that she exists.
And he still fucked her before you.
>limit break
confirmed for shitter who didnt do a magic-only playthru
give her only 2-3 of your best spells, max out her magic attack.
watch her spam nuke the cunts for sick dmg
her selphie and quistis is hands down the most fun party to play
Plenty of people seem to care about previous relationships for whatever reason. Nojima isn't known for writing sex before marriage romance, but people still think or like to think certain characters have fucked.
>You are the Zell.
That's Irvine's girl. Enjoy your hotdog, chickenwuss
how is she a thot?
Doesn't manic pixie dream girl mean her only purpose is the male and his journey? Aerith had plenty of her own narrative outside of Cloud going on.
She looks like she has a sunken face and fetal alcohol syndrome. She isn't hideous but she isn't particularly attractive either, she's just bland or average at best. But I think the unattractiveness isn't just physical
Be honest, would Squall mog you?
It doesn't help that Rinoa is also some kind of parallel timeline Ultimecia. Imagine if Tifa had turned out to be Jenova.
>main girl loved your nemesis
>no explanation, she just loved him
>switched to squall in 0.1 seconds
They didn't go into dudeman's backstory at all, why even bother mentioning their relationship? Just so they can whiplash you with a "haha he's not actually dead you mourned him for no reason!"?
Oh, I thought that was about how the girl was kind of childish and weird.
>pinnacle of balancing being cute and sexy without being stuck up or annoying
>s-she a thot!!
which girl did she mog that caused you to white knight them
she is just a generic incel-fantasy girl
Seifer is the weirdest antagonist in Final Fantasy.
>literally only became a villain because he misinterpreted the plot of a movie Laguna made for some quick cash
>spend his whole life trying to LARP as Laguna's character
>has a romantic dream about his mom
>dated your girlfriend before you; this meant nothing to either of them but was important enough to bring up
>tries to take out Squall's eye at the start of the game
>Squall still likes him anyway
>is built up as a powerful rival
>is the biggest jobber in the game despite one-shotting Odin
>commits war crimes
>gets away Scott-free and faces no repercussions
One word:
she's so unlikable that half of the "you die at the end of disc 1" theory stems from her complete 180 in how she treats squall. in reality, this is because she's psychotic (like many women) and sees value in making him her simp
>manages to completely separate herself from Rinoa despite having a similar look and being designed by the same guy
too scared to answer my question huh
who would you point out as being a standout female character?
Her lip game is superior to Tifas
>a standout female character?
Sylvanas Windrunner
u wouldn't like her if she had a previous relationship, she just makes you feel secure because you lack confidence
Yeah that sure was implied when she was berating Cloud with her shit friends while he was outside her house, or getting him pretty much exiled.
>Can you leave us for the rest of the day?
Johnny 5 hit it. The pityfuck(again) for old times sake.
only 60yo boomer Eve Online players who are into bimbos actually like lips though
big lips looks like shit and trashy just in the same way that yoga pants do
The sad part is that Squall is treated like he won something by getting Rinoa, he basically dove head first into a river to save a ticking time bomb and people treat it as a W
I guess emotionally stunted mall goths would find it romantic because he's basically the embodiment of a "I can fix her" oneitis beta male. Squall buys all the gunblade funko pops and trading cards while Rinoa searches for herself through their open relationship
I don't understand what her weapon is even supposed to be. A wrist mounted boomerang with optional dog attachments?
She's just a terrible character.
you are insecure
It's literally a teen romance, go play through the game again as an adult and you'll see how skin deep and cringe it all is
Squall is dead
Unironically yes.
the irony of calling any other female character an incel fantasy girl
Rinoa is awful. Selphie and quistis are infinitely better. Squall is dead.
Because Tifa only dressed like a slut, Rinoa actually was one
>Because Tifa only dressed like a slut
FF8 is a bad game and largely unplayed compared to 7.
>u wouldn't like her if she had a previous relationship
nigga she's a fictional character who's practically married to Cloud Strife, why you talking about her like she's real
Never played FF8
Is the PC steam port any good?
>nooo girls can't talk to anyone that isn't me that's cheating!!
nice incel mindset
Never. My memories are pure.
>get dropped off in slums at 15 years old, spending 5 years there
>get blackmailed by the doctor who took nudes while putting your boobs back together
>unable to console in anyone because no one in the slums wants to hear your shit unless they want something from you
>gets drunk and emotionally fucks johnny as an emotional outlet