Name an Action RPG with better combat. I'll wait

Name an Action RPG with better combat. I'll wait

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OP do you believe KH2 is the greatest game ever made

FF7 Remake

Is FM that much of an improvement to the base game?

KH1 had a properly balanced combat system that didn't rely on bullshit revenge mechanics because it couldn't properly manage its own combo system. It's also fun for the entire game as opposed to the last hour or two in the post game (not counting the abhorrent grind needed to get through the cave of remembrance with the drive forms) so I'd say the original without even naming the plethora of ARPG games outside the KH series that have combat (take any monster hunter game post freedom unite, that's like 6 games there already)

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It adds a fuckton of new content, that's for sure

>15 new bosses
>new weapons
>new limit form
among other things

*better combat

>KH1 had a properly balanced combat system
Stopped reading there.
No it did not.

OP here, its in my Top 3, along with Okami and Twilight Princess (Yes TP is my favorite Zelda, shoot me)

>Casts Aeroga
>Summon tinkerbell
>Spam strike raid when tinkerbell is gone
>Unga bunga through bosses
Nothin personnel kid

it did, magic and melee options were way more balanced in 1 barring cure being too strong (still not as absurd as reflect or magnet in 2). The fact that kh2 is filled with revenge mechanics that make the bosses invincible is evidence enough that they had to bandaid their own combat system on KH2 because they couldn't properly make a game around it. This isn't considering the exploits by the way which just tear the game's asshole apart

Jesus Christ you have terminally shit tastes

>Yes TP is my favorite Zelda, shoot me
You were so close to being based. Such deeds cannot go unpunished. Im sorry.

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The entire magic system in 1 was broken. You are retarded.

>Yes TP is my favorite Zelda, shoot me)
its just because of Midna isn't it


magnet was a far stronger offensive ability than anything in 1. reflect was a far stronger defensive ability than anything in 1 (actually it was a fucking retardedly powerful offensive option too for some reason)

thank god

sekiro, nioh 2. kh2 is potentially amazing, but most the enemies are just fodder that are defeated by mashing x. shitty qte do not help either. it get engaging when this 'strategy' is no longer viable by the late game -specially the fm content. shame, really.

>magic and melee options were way more balanced in 1
You literally did not play it. Cure being strong is a total understatement because 90 percent of every battle is spamming cure, and magic can cut down health bars in seconds in the late game, so much so that there's almost no reason to pick sword or shield. Tinkerbell is also extremely broken.

>magnet was a far stronger offensive ability than anything in 1
Literally irrelevant since you have unlimited MP in 1 and you don't in 2.

this is such a stupid fucking brainlet take. simba your very first fucking summon is like magnet + reflect + ultima put together. the interaction of cure, mp rage, once more, and leaf bracer in the original also makes you functionally invincible without really having to do anything and the game pretty much forces this combo on you. kh1 is so janky and full of stupid shit that even bringing it up when talking about the combat design of kh2 just outs you as the biggest retard ever and you basic bitch takes of "hur reflect is so strong" do nothing to change my opinion on that

Imagine if KH2 had the pacing, character growth, and world exploration that KH1 did

I'd be wondering why KH2 went backwards.

KH2 is just that good.
the series should've ended there.
BBS is fine as an unrelated spin-off I guess.

irrelevant since ethers are widely available and enemies can't fight back while being magneted

>magic can cut down health bars in seconds in the late game
not nearly as egregiously as kh2. Cure is strong no doubt but you are forced to interact with the game more as opposed to reflecting which just skips mechanics

simba requires standing in place and charging
>the interaction of cure, mp rage, once more, and leaf bracer in the original also makes you functionally invincible
2 has the same thing lol

reflect being strong is a "basic bitch" take because it's common for a reason; it's downright absurd to the point where you'd get shat talked back in the day for using it

>irrelevant since ethers are widely available
Literal retard.

is there a better feeling in gaming than
>combo on boss
>into limit form
>cancel into ether and then ars
>drop ars for another ars
>drop ars and combo into the limit form finisher fore like 5 hp bars in one hit
sweet as

Feels really good when you do that to Roxas after having taken his keyblades.

>ethers dur hur duur
there are item slot limits get fucked retard.
>2 has the same thing
it doesn't, mp recharge as a mechanic prevents this. you don't even know the basic mechanics of the shit you're talking about and i would actually beat the shit out of you irl

>there are item slot limits get fucked retard.
more than enough retard

>it doesn't
every single ability you listed is in KH2 retard
suck a cock

>look at how retarded i am everyone have i convinced you yet

NTA but you are retarded and never played KH2.
I'm 95% sure you never even played KH1 and just parrot shitposts.

no argument, kh2 sissies BTFO once again. nomura will never make anything good again like the original KH

KH1 is good except for the janky stiff combat

kh2 isn't good at all

Literally fucking everyone disagrees with you.

your discord group isn't everyone, when KH2 dropped it was shat on by a huge number of players in regards to its combat and story

take your medicine man



there are at least 3 game breaking exploits in KH2 that are more absurd than SB invulnerability (final form firaga loops, flare abuse, negative combo stacking) and this doesn't consider the base spells reflect/magnet that rape bosses/mobs in general

No one gives a shit about OG KH2. They care about 2FM.
Whenever someone says "KH2" they mean 2FM.
2FM is the best KH game of all time.


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FM did very little to aleviate the combat critiques and did nothing to make the story better (arguably it was worse), the boss fights at the post game (which require retarded grinding with forms to get to btw) don't make up for 30 hours of garbage

Best (and only good KH) remains to be the original due to fun exploration, pacing, level design, combat, and an enjoyable kid's story

Monster Hunter Games, perhaps stuff like Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta or Devil May Cry but KH2 is just as good on its own way as them

it's not fair to compare KH with those games, they're pure action games that take a fat shit on KH's combat. MH is a good comparison though and is a lot better, not only in its combat mechanics but also in its enemy design

Based independent thinker.

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you sound like a retarded 2000's nostalgiafag honestly

KH3 arguably has a better combat system but unfortunately the base game doesn't utilize it; you really have to wait for the data bosses and Yozora. Midair guard, air step, and lack of being able to spam Reflega help elevate it above KH2. I do like Drive forms more than keyblade transformations, though

And that is why literally everyone calls you a retard.


>post freedom unite

FU's weapons are extremely simplistic to use compared to the future titles, the monster roster also isn't good aside from a couple of standouts, there's so much filler garbage to get through

>KH3 arguably has a better combat system
you're wrong
>Midair guard, air step, and lack of being able to spam Reflega help elevate it above KH2.
you're wrong again. the things you named are improvements indeed and another one is the fast reprisals and perfect timed reprisals for damage boosts aswell as keyblade switching and form storing. But even with all that KH2 is still a better put together game in its combat system because all of its systems synergize well with each other whereas KH3 has practically no synergy between its own systems. There is such a beautiful flow of combat in KH2 where you transition from one system to another either defensively or offensively which constantly uses and restores resources. In KH3 if you use a Team Attack, Attraction Ride (whatever they are called, we all have them disabled let's be real), Summons or shotlocks (being able to heal with a few shotlocks is a nice exception), they may have their uses but they just don't flow together with Sora and feel more like detached minigames. ReMind and the free update were a huge improvement but it still falls short to 2FM in the grand scheme. I will admit the Remind bosses were better than 2FM bosses though for the most part.

You're wrong simply for the fact that KH3 completely takes you off the ground constantly with your attacks. You're always end up in the air in the middle of a combo without doing it on purpose. KH3 needed to let you be on the ground better unless you use a launcher. This is why KH2 is way superior.

the fucking Fromchanges completely ruin the flow of combat, its just build up the bar, watch the cutscene, spam the same attacks and combos, use the long finisher, rinse and repeat. It gets really old, really fast

Not to nitpick but the entire base ground combo doesn't send you into the air.

on the one hand, KH3 has more sensible magic and revenge attacks

on the other hand, it's too fucking floaty and those attraction attacks suck dick

No it was because of wolf link dumbass.

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I agree attraction flows are cancer, but they aren't a thing in the real good fights. I basically am judging each game by their combat ceiling, which are the superbosses. KH3 just has a higher ceiling here. Disagree about not flowing together; watch any high-level video of KH3 combat and the flow is obvious

i do agree that KH3 has a higher skill ceiling in terms of getting technical and flashy with it. I've probably seen just as much or more high level KH3 gameplay as you but i feel like you haven't played KH2 enough beyond mashing X and triangle to understand what i mean with its flow and synergy. It's just not existent as much in KH3 because of how it is designed. Few examples i can think of is using the arrow guns to generate forms faster or healing with either the Olympus or Corona keyblade shotlocks, using flowmotion buzzsaw for faster form generation and things like that. Those are nice but KH2 is on a completly different level of having its systems work for each other. The fact that you can go into a Drive Form defensively to restore HP & MP aswell as stagger things around you, then revert to summon Stitch who will not only continuously help you fight as base Sora with infinite MP but also interrupt enemy attack animations around you, aswell as stun everything and heal you once you are low. Base Sora, Limits, Drives and Summons are all connected with each other giving you so many routes of weaving them together depending on your playstyle and the situation. And this is something that stretches itself throughout the entire playthrough with your options continously growing. I understand you just judge a game by the superbosses and for me they are probably the biggest appeal now a days too but i still also value the rest of the game and in 2 i just feel like my options are much more interesting throughout the whole game whereas in KH3 i get to decide which screen nuke will i press now that leads to nothing else and just returns to neutral.

Not that guy but fuck can you break up your shit into paragraphs? That's fucking hard to read.

My bad, didn't intend to write so much or expect anyone to read it anyway but i could go on and on about this.
One of my favorite examples of system synergy in 2FM is using a Limit (Trinity) in combination with Magic (Magnega) to restore Drive which in turn restores MP (used for Limits and Magic) & HP.
Is it high level tech that even the devs didn't know exists? Yes. Is it peak system synergy and cool as fuck? yes.


Honestly, no. It adds a bunch of completely unnecessary cutscenes in a game already overloaded with them, some meme bosses that are more annoying than anything, a new transformation that has no practical use outside of a single new boss fight, and it made item crafting a hundred times more grindy by locking lategame materials behind annoying puzzle enemies and reducing the amount of Lucky abilities available. Overall it's just a less-polished version of the original that hides behind superficial extra content

This is b8.