What game makes you feel like this?

What game makes you feel like this?

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RE2 Remake and I didnt even play the original RE games

Ffvii remake

like a middleaged frenchman?


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The Zelda games no matter how many times I've played them over the years.

Fuck man I want to go back

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But most gay dudes weren't raped as kids


Most gay dudes were molested during their childhoods, I'm sorry but homosexuality is a mental disorder

Jesus Christ i didn’t know you could be such a zoomer that you don’t know Ratatouille and still be old enough to post on this website

Elden Ring

go away old faggot

>t. Source: My 8-years old ass


This. I went all the way back to my first time playing Oblivion.

Made me fall in love with video games again.

Enderal, a free total conversion mod for Skyrim that is better than it has any right to be. Also got a novel, with a second one about 60% done.


Listen to this music (theme song composed just for the novel): youtube.com/watch?v=tK3gTOLIWIY

why do you people have bad opinions

There is None because it’s a lie. There’s zero correlation

>Discussing "mental disorder" like you're in the 1970s, ignoring everything since, including the very researchers involved in the 1970s

Seems like you thought this out, Champ.

The city is brilliant, gets around engine limitations with being cut up a ton but having sign posts for fast travel. Feels extremely dense. I only put like 20 hours into it, but I wouldn't be surprised if I did it in VR at some point for a more fresh experience.

Also the voice acting is better than what Bethesda put out.

Posting this picture always results in rightards discussing gay sex

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Literally .3 seconds into Google.
>In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation.

Outer Wilds.


Current research suggests that gay and lesbian children seek support from adults that appear to be supportive. Naturally they don't all recognize why the "cool" adult hanging out with a kid is so "supportive." Combine this with questions of whether this is normal after all or if they can even tell someone what happened to them without getting shunned by their families and friends for being gay, yes, it happens at higher rates. But because they were questioning at all and, scared and seeking some sort of validation and support, were vulnerable.

Helps if you actually listen to people and treat them as human. You understand people better.


Bar none one of my favorite games. And it has a VR port, thanks to fans. Freaking awesome.

flood of memories

I don't know if this is some groomer copypasta or what, but I'm not biting.

thanks for the nostalgia waves anons


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Of all the possible conclusions you could make to my "vulnerable children are more frequently abused" comment, you concluded that this is *supporting* groomers?

Back to video games for me. I tried. File this in the back of your mind and properly talk to people about their experiences, mate.

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Deep rock galactic, it's kind of nice to see it catch on with zoomers.

anyone remember this shit?


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>Forty-six percent
So what does that mean for the other 54%? Does the theory just not apply to them?

half life 2

According to the gay dudes themselves, you are wrong.

Just go on literally any gay community on the internet and start looking for "first experience" stories. You would be amazed at the insane amount of gays you'll find who claim they totally weren't raped at all when they sucked some 30 year old dude's dick when they were 14 years old.

Now you're thinking with portals. ;)


any game without a woman mc

playing Minecraft with my girls (8, and 6)


GTA oddly enough. I have such a distinct, vivid memory of the first time I played GTA 3 on my brother's ps2 with him. I think about it pretty much any time I play GTA over the last 15+ years

>Twitter boogieman
fuck off with your faggot scapegoat

Dark Souls 2, that game is overflowing with SOVL


Vice City


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some /pol/ infographic i've seen a few times


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Disgaea D2
Real disgaea kino, the main three are always fun. No need for more OCs Laharl, Etna and Flonne are perfect

Metal Gear Rising and Devil May Cry 5 are like playing what was in my head on the playground as a kid

titanfall 2
edf 4.1
hollow knight
jet island

Elden Ring.


>Opinion I disagree with?
>It must be bait!

first time I logged into RO as a kid and ported to prontera. when that music started playing I knew it was something special

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