What is the final verdict on season 2?
Halo Infinite
dey hea/10
Halo Infinite redeemed
huh ?
cant wait for last spartan standing challenges to go away
outrageously bad.
Game somehow runs worse, they've combined Team Slayer and Slayer BRs as a fuck you to AR start chads, and coop STILL ISN'T IN THE FUCKING GAME
its over, there is no way the community will survive for another 6 month
Call me in 2024 when the next Master Chief campaign is added.
Yes it will .
Honestly i'm baffled. Halo infinite was the last fucking chance they had to revive Halo and they crashed it harder than ever. They just proved to everyone how fucking incompetent they are, even with daddy microsoft fuck you money.
Completely and utterly shit. New game mode is locked to one fucking map. Quitting after you die like it says fucks your challenges more often than not and the solution is to just sit and wait for the game to end like a good boy. Still no fucking coop and on top of that they took time and effort to patch out the most fun parts of the campaign (tank gun, coil launching, flying pelicans, etc) while the multiplayer remains a dumpster fire. I wanted to come back for a month or two to enjoy the new season, I lasted 2 days before I went back to elden ring.
Must be a painful experience for genuine fans constantly in fear of the EoS.
>add new elimination mode
>all progression is based around challenges
>leaving a game means not challenge progress is recorded
>if you play elimination and get eliminated, you have to stay for the remainder of the round to get paid for any challenge you did in that game
>leaving a game means not challenge progress is recorded
its literally top of the known issues list faggot.
it's shit
if you count 1-2k as alive, then yes it will survive
i give up. this franchise is dead to me now and ill just play MCC from now on. $500 million and 6 years of dev time for a game thats playable at best. New gamemode is shit, nothing that needed fixing got fixed. Just terrible, fucking terrible.
>i give up. this franchise is dead to me now and ill just play other games from this franchise from now on
dumb anime copetard
Joined with us former fans and look at the dumpster fire of 343. The best on-going comedy show and its free.
They took a should armor piece, upscaped it and charged for it
whoops. who let you come to the grown-up table. why don't we give you back your controller and you can go back to fortnite.
>complaining about a small indie company during the middle of a war
Whoa... check your privilege, chud.
good but its not nearly enough to last 6 months
even 343 said this on the stream, its clear that theres something really crappy happening behind the scenes, I just wish I knew what
literally just win or get top 2 every game. you are good enough, right user?
infinite is the best halo has ever been
I could give a flying fuck about new free for all mods, maps are pretty cool and king of the hill is hella fun. All in all a decent update but no way in hell does it stand as a full season on its own.
I literally camp and hide the entire time and win 1st or second place. God this game is pathetic
damn Cortana looks like THAT?!
I love how I get btfo in LSS but have to stay and watch the last two wiggers camp on opposite sides of the map if I want my challenges to progress
wait what, you can't just leave you have to spectate? how do you know if oyu're spectated?
What is it with western devs and making black characters so ugly? Is it subtle racism?
343 says it is "bug" but it's really by a design, an attempt to increase player retention along with the shitty FOMO challenges.
What does halo have to do with fumos
>even ledditors think she looks weird
How does 343 fuck up this hard?
Why does she keep taking the fucking helmet off?
I'd bet money less than 100 black women have ever played Halo.
user is down real bad
>how do you know if oyu're spectated?
if you are currently watching another player playing
343 lies all the time, so many examples of this. Sure they are incompetent but this is not all... I just wish some whistleblower would come out and explain what the fuck is going on with that company. I'm puzzled.
Did they add more story or something?
>hmm should we add more content to multiplayer?
>no lets remove jump spots
>>no lets remove jump spots
and the glitch that let you fly the pelican in campaign
and the tank gun
>Kerberos Protect Gear spartan
Well.. I guess that's interesting.
Diversity will save Halo , chuds.