Elden Ring disappointment

The underground sections are so small. Why the fuck did journos claimed that the underground world was as big as the surface one? Do you remember that isn't? What a bunch of fucking liars.
Do you remember when everyone was speculating about an underground tunnel system that would connect every map zone? I was so excited to find out what was beyond the fog wall in the tutorial area. It turns out that it was only a shitty copy pasted chariot dungeon. No huge underground tunnel sprawl or something like that.
Crumbling Farum Azula was a huge disappointment as well. The temple in the sky was mentioned in many item descriptions. The huge building debris scattered in limgrave pretty much give off the impression that this place was gigantic. I really thought you could get there by going through sky elevators scattered in the lands between. But as it turns out. You get there by a fade to black cutscene with no explanation at all. What a lame fucking way to get there. And the legacy dungeon itself is garbage. Farum Azula is 80% shitty floating rocks and ruins. Not a magical and enormous temple in the sky built by an ancient civilization.
The most disappointing thing in my opinion is the lack of sci fi twist. I mean, everyone here saw the sci fi twist from a mile away. Everything was pieced together to a T for that to happen. But it doesn't, and the worst part is that sci fi elements are there but Miyazaki never fully committed. And what we got is just another generic fantasy setting with some lovecraftian sci fi elements sprinkled there.

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Its been 2 months talk about something else you insufferable faggot.


The game is utter garbage, only the paid journos, and paid shills on Yea Forums will the you otherwise. Anybody who thinks this is legitimately a 10/10 game should get his fucking head examined.

God you are whiny bitch.

>you can poke ayyylien with a stick to death
> lovecraftian sci fi elements
There are no lovecraftian elements
Neither there were in BB

Yes there was

Bloodblorne is the best lovecraftian kino. And I would say it is qiite kafkafesque too. Seethe.

>Do you remember when everyone was speculating about an underground tunnel system that would connect every map zone? I was so excited to find out what was beyond the fog wall in the tutorial area. It turns out that it was only a shitty copy pasted chariot dungeon. No huge underground tunnel sprawl or something like that.
you never got to the lake of rot did you
you thought the mini dungeons were all there is

You can't hit lovecraftian monster with a stick a few times and expect it to die like a dog.
Read a book niggers.

Fromdrones are God's mistake. Kill your entire family and then yourself.

Don't reply to me cretin.

>shazam shitters getting mad again
It's been 2 months and you guys are still butthurt

>noooooooo, you don't understand lovecraft! You can't just beat the monsters by physical means!!!
Meanwhile, I actual lovecraft lore
>cthulhu gets btfo by a single man bonking his head with a fishing boat


user, I think you're literally such a brainlet that you entirely missed the underground areas

You're killing the shit tier little inbred bug ones in BB, not actual outer gods. In fact most of the endings involve you losing to them in some horrible way. Being trapped in their realm or being turned into a slug creature.

Can someone explain the autism surrounding being able to kill gods?
Like, yeah H.P Lovecraft establishes that Cthulhu isn't made out of matter as we understand and starts regenerating after being rammed, that doesn't mean things inspired by him can't die.

I did. And the only way to get to lake of rot is through nokstella. Which itself can only be access through a shitty portal.
The underground areas are small and disconnected from the map.

Underground is fucking huge.
>journos claimed
Lmao this faggot listens to journalists

Elden Ring was made by a team with too much ambition and too little time, talent, or originality. This is how FROM games will be going forward, bosses will all become generic anime-swordsman with spaz attacks left right and center, abandoning anything remotely grounded in terms of feeling and aesthetic.

The last good game in the franchise was Demon’s SOULs PS5. Bluepoint took the perfect souls game and not only gave it a graphical upgrade but also made adjustments to the artstyle and soundtrack to fit the visual fidelity while (mostly) maintaining the tone of the original. Miyazaki even admits that he was jealous of the look of that game, and Kida-san approved of the revamped OST. In fact, Miyazaki even tried copying the updated Fluted Armor to the default knight armor in Elden Ring but ended up missing the grounded look and feel the DeS remake captured with their kino set.

Even on a technical level Elden Ring is inferior, the loading times are longer, the haptic feedback on PS5 is nonexistent, and the game cannot run at 60FPS consistently because From doesn’t know how to code or optimize their shit unlike CHADpoint.

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Shazam bros you were right about Cyberpunk and will probably be right about Starfield. 2/3 aint bad, just accept that.

2 fucking months and you faggots are still seething holy shit
Cyberpunk can't even compare

Combined they are bigger than the entiry of ds1.

>The most disappointing thing in my opinion is the lack of sci fi twist. I mean, everyone here saw the sci fi twist from a mile away.
The rest is right though

DES remake has a soulless generic art station style.


Almost a based post, but you spent to much time shilling a garbage soulless remake.

Too bad you just end up riding through 90% of it, just like the rest of the game.

>I did. And the only way to get to lake of rot is through nokstella. Which itself can only be access through a shitty portal.

Nokstella can be accessed from the Deeproot depths which are accessed from Nokron. Its still a portal, you climb into a casket to access Deeproot and then again to Nokstella, but you're wrong about Rannies portal being the only way to get there. This is how i got to Nokstella first.

I don't think I've ever seen someone here say this game is a 10/10.

>claims the game is utter garbage
>cites not even one example to demonstrate what it is about the game that led him to conclude that the game is garbage
>mentions "shills" and "getting head examined" in the same post as his "game is garbage" comment.

Gentlemen, I present to you the "How to identify a person who has never played the game" starter pack.

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Not him but:
>Open world adds nothing to the souls formula and will mostly be bypassed when you get torrent (who controls like shit)
>Isn't even as open world as it claims since the game very quickly devolves into "subsection levels" which are separated by sheer cliffs (not that it matters since you're probably going to just skip it all on torrent anyway).
>The hitboxes and hurtboxes are some of the worst in any fromsoft game, with hunched over enemies sometimes being almost impossible to hit with short weapons thanks to their collision pushing you out of range of their hurtbox.
>Most of the minor dungeons are just recycled content that isn't enjoyable or interesting.
>Obscure and unintuitive NPC sidequests from prior souls entries are made even worse by the massive open world.
>Bosses feel like Sekiro bosses but you don't have the tools that made such bosses fun to fight in that game, resulting in boss fights that tend to be tedious waiting games where some moves can just become randomly unsafe to punish because bosses can just cancel some moves sometimes.
>That's not to mention all the shitty "run away and throw projectiles at you" bosses or the plethora of poorly designed, obnoxious 1v2 fights (when From has shown that they can make such fights fun with Demon Princes in DaS III or O&S in DaS)

There's more of course but that's just scratching the surface.

They should've went with Sekiro or BB combat if they wanted us to dual wield katanas all the time.

In sum:

>I don't like open world games
>I want a linear experience where I don't need to think about what to do next
>Every game should be DS1 and DS1a and DS1b and DS1c and DS1d so that I don't need to learn new things

I was going to post a git-gu.jpg but I think this one is more your speed.

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>I want a linear experience where I don't need to think about what to do next
I love when retarded ER newfags out themselves as never having touched another souls game.

Elden Ring is literally Dark Souls 4 in worst possible way. Literally a parody of what the series once was. We even fight against Gideon Ofnir for no reason because game needs an ''Old man mentor''boss fight lmao.

>I'm disappointed the game wasn't my retarded head canon wishlist
The game is very flawed, but you're a massive fucking idiot

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>the game didn't adhere to the impossible idea i had of it in my mind, so i'm disappointed with it
>why doesnt this game have a scifi twist? i wanted it to have a scifi twist! bad game!

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>login to my reddit account
>"elden ring disappointment thread" is posted
>login to my Yea Forums pass account and go to Yea Forums (the only board I find suitable for my reddit tastes)
>"elden ring disappointment thread"
uh bros are us Ringers getting raided by discord trannys or what?

The transition to and from Farum Azula is objectively bad. I know FROM games aren't the most straightforward but you usually have some idea why you are going somewhere and why you need to kill the boss (even if the why is as simple as it being in the way). I have no idea why you are teleported to Farum Azula .

>Open world adds nothing to the souls formula and will mostly be bypassed when you get torrent (who controls like shit)
It adds an openness that's unseen in any other game in the series, not even DS1. You have literally so many options for what bosses to kill to get into Leyndell. You can go for the traditional Godrick+Rennala, you can do Radahn early, you can do Varre's quest and have access to Mohg, you can do Rya's quest and get access to Rykard. You have access to 4 of 6 great runes as soon as you start up the game. You also have a myriad of side content, a lot of which is hidden, and a lot of which contains good gear. You can very easily speedrun to what you need without having to trudge through massive levels. Legacy dungeons are structured more in line with what was typically expected of a FS game. Torrent is also the best mount in any game I've played to date.
>Isn't even as open world
It literally is. Open world doesn't mean the entire world is one massive flat plain. There are different ways of doing an open world. You have access to 60% of the content as soon as you start the game.
>The hitboxes and hurtboxes are some of the worst in any fromsoft game
For certain specific enemies and attacks, I agree. Tree sentinels and magma wyrms have some of the most egregious ones. Overall though, they're very solid.
Recycled from where? I believe what you're looking for is "copy pasted", and they demonstrably are not. The assets may be, and the enemies are, but the level design is original for each, and a lot of them have some very interesting gimmicks.
>Obscure and unintuitive NPC sidequests
Always has been a thing. This game is the most forgiving for NPC quests out of all the previous entries. There are so many failsafes.
>Bosses feel like Sekiro bosses
Still not a thing. Only objectively poorly designed boss is Malenia, and that's because of two specific attacks

>Didn't play the game
the actual great ones you do fight, you only kill their physical bodies, their mind still lives on. That's a huge point in both the main game and DLC

>That's not to mention all the shitty "run away and throw projectiles at you"
??? What the fuck are you talking about? The only "projectile" boss is Rennala, the only "spam" that she has is her non-threatening sweetings throwing books at you in phase 1, and they are such a non threat. You can literally just ignore them and sprint past them. Any other fight outside of this that's a gank fight has been patched to make the closest enemy to you be more aggressive while the other one is more passive. And yeah, sometimes that means throwing a projectile at you. The only bosses I can think of that somewhat fit this definition is 2crucible (spear one throwing the charged projectile) and Godskin duo (black fireball, that has a very obvious sound cue, and a very obvious telegraph).

>The underground sections are so small.
stopped reading there

They weren't at all small and they were superfluous. This is some weak fucking bait you took too long writing.

Rykard can't be accessed before capital, and doing Mohg that early is a really fucking bad idea (thanks in part to how massively disadvantaged the player is by level gaps compared to other souls games).
>You also have a myriad of side content
Having the occasional good rewards doesn't make the side dungeons any less shit.
>Recycled from where? I believe what you're looking for is "copy pasted", and they demonstrably are not.
Most bosses get reused to pad out content, even some of the major bosses. Godrick being reused for no good reason is a good example.
>Only objectively poorly designed boss is Malenia
It's actually a number of things, not just those two attacks.
I don't really feel like engaging with your fanboyism any more than this, just know that you disgust me.

>The only "projectile" boss is Rennala
Looks like someone hasn't beaten the game yet lol

so much effort for such obvious bait

You should probably play another Souls game before outing yourself as a retard, Elden tourist.

All their games are halfassed. The insight system in Bloodborne should have been greatly expanded with the amount of shit you see when you supposedly start seeing the world for how it really is. Instead the tower with npcs in it has a giant worm monster hanging off of it that....does nothing... wow im going insaaaaane.......

You level of copium is off the charts. Elden Ring has pushed your shit in so hard that feel a need to flee to the safe space of your cute little familiar DS1. I get it, but don't be afraid of Elden Ring, old man, and don't be afraid to try and git gud at more than one game, fagit.

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Mad because he's bashing a shit game?

>it's a shit game
>b-because I said so, okay

Interesting argument, old guy. Tell me, what exactly have you accomplished in your life other than farting several dozen times into that same stinky seat cushion?

>Every game should be DS1
DaS1 was open world retard-kun.

>It adds an openness that's unseen in any other game in the series
And it sacrifices good level design for that. DaS2 and DeS didn't need to be open-world for non-linearity, and DaS1 does it without making everything a flat empty plain.

You guys do realize that as soon as the dlc comes out, the game will be cemented as game of the century, right?

We who are playing Elden Ring know that. Elden Ring is very likely going to get multiple DLCs and very expansive DLCs.

Elden Ring in just over a month has already sold more than half of all the copies ever sold of DS1, DS2, and DS3 combined, and word of mouth is going to spread for a long, long time regarding Elden Ring as more and more things are discovered by people playing it. Elden Ring is going to outsell all Souls games combined, and FromSoft knows it. They know they have gold in the palm of their hands. With the revenue from Elden Ring, you know FromSoft is only going to get bigger and better at what they do. These are great times, my Elden Ring bros.

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Fuck I’m shaking right now just thinking of how much this game is going to get expanded on. I hope we get a miquella dream and land of reeds dlc. I can’t fucking wait anymore I fucking need all of it right now.

>get to Haligtree
>already noticing enemy damage and health spiking since the Mountaintop of giants
>area is full of previous bosses as normal enemies
>Haligtree knights are practically bosses on their own
>best strategy for the whole area is to just run through it
I really don't understand why they just inflated all the health and damage towards the end, it's not like the game was exceptionally easy before that point. Sure it's a cakewalk if you're properly leveled and are using summons (like you're supposed to) but jesus christ why bother packing an area full of horseshit enemies that kill you in two hits if the best way to deal with them is to ignore them?

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malenia is such a fucking garbage boss, i don't know how people defend this shit
in phase 1 every single one of her attacks aside from waterfowl are a joke and she almost never does anything from neutral so if your attack comes out faster than hers you can basically just mash her and win
in phase 2 she gets aggressive which is good but almost none of her attacks have backswing because she can just randomly decide to cancel a sweep into another sweep or cancel her stagger so you're left sitting just waiting for your 3 punish moves (scarlet flower, sword explosion, upper slice into downward cut)

>Rykard can't be accessed before capital
Literally untrue. You can fight Godskin Noble as the 1st boss and Rykard as the 2nd