It's time to put an end to an age old question. Which is the superior TCG?

It's time to put an end to an age old question. Which is the superior TCG?

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yugioh without question is hands down the best of the three.

Magic has by far the best mechanics but is also by far the most pozzed.

>trainwreck metas the game
>dude coin flips the game
>game unironically designed around its own cancerous secondary markets
Yugioh actually is just better

Doesn't make it good, the other 2 are just one pozzed tranny garbage shit, the other is for collection the game itself is extremely bland

Actual good TCGs are something like the new Digimon TCG, sadly they don't have an online client so I give 0 shit and keep playing the lesser evil, YGO

Wait how is the Pokemon TCG pozzed?

If you like card games, do yourself a favor and download Runeterra

>Devs that actually care
>Great gameplay
>All the best parts of Yugioh, MTG, and Hearthstone
>Great lore/IP
>Great balance

By far the best card game around right now.

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Bro MTG is the pozzed game kek

Pokémon has the blessing of being Japanese.
It's kinda bland as a game, cards are the best looking ones of all 3 games tho.

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Magic is objectively the most mechanically sound, but still pretty deeply flawed. They all suffer from poorly thought out foundational rules which they've tried to put bandaids over in different ways. Nobody actually plays Pokemon and it's a collector thing, Yu-Gi-Oh by far is the most busted and basically just unfixable barring a reboot, and Magic is going elbow deep into bleeding its customer base dry and dialed the mtg finance shit up to 11.

None of them would make a ripple in terms of tabletop games if they were introduced today. They all benefit from sticking their feet into the door early and not much else.

I'd rather play Shadowverse but sadly the faggot company decided to censor all of their cards.

Don't play Runeterra

Devs don't care
Basically takes all the worst parts of all the games he mentioned
Lore is pozzed
Balance is absolute dogshit

Don't listen to him
The entire game has been an absolute garbage ever since Bundle City has been introduced and there's no fixing to that game
The game before that always shifted between ultra cancer aggro and ultra cancer control with nothing in the middle
He's a shill.

Would it be a good idea to invest in the One Piece TCG when it releases?

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Looks interesting but I want to see more

>>game unironically designed around its own cancerous secondary markets
ygo is by far the worst example of this

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That was 20 years ago, Konami nowdays just doesn't give a shit about the West (its secondary market).

agree, it's a shame how far MtG has fallen.
Which has the worst power creep though?

I know that card gamers can be pretty tribal about their game of choice but Runeterra really is something special. Right now we've got the best meta we've ever had.

Digimon Card Game

they all got fucked by powercreep and the need to release new cards for more money

Fuck off. Next time put some effort in your fucking game shill, see you on Riot's MMO (which will also be a failure), and try to not add trannies there too. Or retarded powercreep.

Sir this is a video games board

Don't play ptcg. seriously DONT

Not a Riot shill. Runeterra's just a really good game

This. MTG has the best gameplay of the three but the worst everything else

>muh powercreep
If I'm playing YGO I can beat someone who's using a current meta deck with a deck from 2004.


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0/10 bait
YGO is the most power creeped of them all and it's not close

MTG has pringles for cards and the worst balanced its had in decades
YGO has the highest cost of entry since CED format and a metagame that equates to "be able to play through multiple negates on your first turn or lose"
PTCG is at least fun to collect but low rarity cards are virtually useless and numbers creep makes for one of the most imbalanced evergreen formats of any TCG
That said I think Pokemon has the most fun back-and-forth out of the three.

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Bro YGO has been powercrept to death.
But to be fair the power of individual cards stopped growing now for some years and all that becomes meta is just the most consistent broken engines mixed with older cards

runeterra, and it isn't close.

>no new IP
>"n-n-not a shill"

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I've just been addicted to this game, honestly. It's everything I've ever wanted from a card game

Most of the old TCGs have a huge powerspike right at the start when the designers had absolutely 0 thought about cards, then a massive dropoff until they start raising it again to sell cards

You played it for 5 days at best

You said earlier I'm tribalistic etc. but I played the game long enough to get absolutely disgusted and stopped giving a shit
And you're right it has absolutely generous economy (had? now the cards are starting to get a little too many) but I don't play every single f2p game just because they're free.
Another shit thing they do is introduce 1 billion mechanics and then drop them and forget them. Fucking Deep decks are still the same they were from 2 years ago


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I've been Master rank since launch lmao

and yeah the free thing is nice, but obviously good gameplay is more important. I think that the model is good though, because card games can never be really all that balanced when game devs are incentivized to push the hot new thing. Runeterra is able to actually make a fun game first, because they make money off cosmetics. That shift in priority is really important.

What's the most anime tcg currently in the west? Something like shadowverse but on paper.

>no exclusive merc
>shit offers/reprints
>constantly pandering to the 1st anime and boomers who don't even play the game anymore
>cards damaged in boosters
>shit handled events

>less than 300 HP
it's shit

Do you guys still collect cards? I only have like a couple of sleeves worth of collection because when I was a kid some black kid stole my binder full of cards and I lost the will to collect them like I used to.

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Hasn’t had the best gameplay since khans of tarkir

I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic seriously, but the PTCG meta is terrible.

Haven't played pokemon in years, what happened?

Play Runeterra! There are like a million competitive decks right now.

Outside of licensed shit like Weiss? Probably Vanguard. I don't play Bushiroad shit though because their mucho texto makes yugioh cards looks eye-pleasing.

Dragon Ball has a TCG and physical cards. The mechanics of it are ehh though.

>Dragon Ball

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PTCG for consoles when?

When was the last time you played? AFAIK the same gimmicky Shaymin strats are still viable.

Pass. If I'm going to go full autismo on paypigging on a TCG again it's going to be Pokémon once more since I already have some progress.

ADP happened

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Don't worry about paypigging lmao, the game is free. I haven't spent a penny on cards and I own a playset of every card in the game. It's also by far got the best gameplay of any card game on the market right now. Check it out, it's really good.

i got back into to yugioh during covid thanks to a random youtube marathoning 5Ds. how do i get into the pokemon TCG

Good game but fuck Voice of Maidens endgame bosses

This is the most fun vidya TCG I've played in a while

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Digimon TCG

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5 maybe 6 years ago magic, now it's yugioh

I don't see a yugioh reserve list

Well okay, but only because you're oddly shilling for it.

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You dont
It's just soimen collecting cards

>region exclusives only available on secondary market
>bad for secondary market
>Expensive desirable staples not reprinted
>bad for secondary market that hoards and flips those cards
>not guaranteed mint card out of pack
>bad for secondary market that sells mint cards

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I don't see a yugioh reserve list
the newest structure deck even comes with a called by

lol yeah. I don't normally shill for games like this, and I know it can be weird. But trust me, it's good.

i love edh and hate every other format now. yugioh sadly

I like Yu-Gi-Oh!

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yugioh has some of the funniest and most varied deck gimmicks/end boards but they get thrashed by meta shit

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