Who will Yea Forums be maining?
Who will Yea Forums be maining?
Stewie, because I'm also a gender fluid bisexual.
What the fuck is that bottom row?
>Reddit Guy
Go back
I can't believe Chris is dead
Just ignore them
Rick and Morty side project on Fox
Rusty Shackleford
Hank, bobby, Stan, Dale. In that order
Stan chads we fucking won
Bart Simpson
oh wait
>the characters are fused to their karts from the waist down
Why didn't they have the Sneedsons instead of that garbage on the bottom row?
I'd buy it
>Bobby what did you do to my mower?!
>sneeds seething that their old ass show is irrelevant
>No Bobs Burgers
The only good show listed.
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Chris (yes, THE Chris Griffin from Family Guy) getting confirmed in Warped Kart Racers! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Cartoon Pass when Chris walks into the spotlight!
>Chris was always the FG member that was "just there", outside of the monkey closet joke and that one Take on Me gag, he really doesn't have much going for him
replace the bottom row with the simpsons and Brian for Chris
Leaving Meg out would have been a funny nod to the fans.
Reddit and morty reddit spin-off.
Is this /ourgame/?
I actually liked Solar Opposites
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Bender (yes, THE Bender Bending Rodriguez from Futurama) getting confirmed in Warped Kart Racers! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Cartoon Pass when Bender, as well as Fry, Zoidberg, Leela, Amy and Hermes walk into the spotlight!
>B-b-b-b-but Futurama hasn't been on the air since 2013, therefore, Bender, Fry, Leela and other selected characters from the show cannot be in the game
Sorry, Yea Forums fags, but King of the Hill is currently not on the air, yet they're returning for new episodes next year AND they are also playable characters in Warped Kart Racers. Futurama is also coming back with new episodes next year, and therefore, Bender and his Planet Express gang should be playable characters. Guess you gotta deal with the hard truth that Futurama is just as relevant as not only King of the Hill, but also Family Guy or American Dad.
especially replacing luanne with boomhauer because luanne's voice actress is fucking dead jesus christ show some goddamn respect fox
I can understand Futurama being in there, but not Simpsons. Simpsons is a very expensive IP to use.
Solar Opposites.
>Family Guy
Season 1-3: KINO
Season 4: good
Season 5-20: Utter shit
Season 8 Episode 19 (Splendid Source): KINO
Feel free to add on
I disagree.
>Seasons 1-5 - Kino
>Seasons 6-11 - Good
>Seasons 12-16 - Decent
>Seasons 18-present - Shit
Seasons 1-16 Shit
Seasons 16-Present Absurdist kino
>Fox/Disney owns Family Guy and American Dad
>Fox/Disney also currently owns American rights to DBZ
...bros. We're coming home.
>old good new bad!
Why are vedditors like this
For me, it's Hayley Smith.
God what a waste of options. Solar opposites can get fucked, where's the Simpsons?
Turn Bobby and Peggy into one character, turn Luanne into an item, add Bill and Boomhaur as one character and add Cotton. Fixed King of the Hill
Shit, I fucked up.
>Season 17-present - Shit
Look, I'm very tired.
If you can switch around karts i'm maining Dale in Stan's CIA car
Simpsons is a very expensive IP. If anything, Futurama is a much cheaper IP to use than Simpsons. For christ's sake, they were used in that awful card game.
>fucking goddamn 20th Century Studios
They can afford it.
>no Futurama
>no buy
The writing has been shit for a long time.
Season 20 is the worst season thus far. It played itself way too safe, and felt more like a generic sitcom than typical Family Guy.
Post most wanted drivers
This episode makes me so angry
Principal Skinner
The Robot Devil
>tfw dated a hippie stoner chick that was basically Hayley in every way but blonde
she was insufferable but the pussy game ridiculous
Claim your skin Rogerchads
>glad hands
>shit tier
Make it happen, 20th Century Studios.
>No Sneed
Shit game
>Cleveland Jr.
>Tim the Bear
>Dr. Fist
>Gus the Bartender
>Raider Dave