I don't get it. What makes it so good?

I don't get it. What makes it so good?

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Let me guess. You took a left out of town.

is this game good
i see threads about this everyday

it's fun to play as a little girl for a little while but the game gets stale quick


Literally nothing. Ive been fighting the fight to expose this game as the ultimate contrarian game on this shithole. I understand liking ideas that it did but this game being anything but good? Complete delusion

>liking ideas that it did
That's literally it, except you still have a problem with it because you are the contrarian you claim people who like dragon's dogma to be. If you can't name one game that has similar controls, free movement and animation quality but does it better without being nintendo or total kawaii animeshit coomer gacha bogged down by modern ideas then you can stop griping.


It's the only good fantasy action RPG.

flawed gem, the (giant) monster combat is fun, pawn system is interesting, swapping between classes is relatively painless. Unfortunately its a fairly bog standard fantasy game until you hit postgame and go to the DLC area.

combat and pawns

Attached: test.webm (852x480, 2.82M)


niggers will literally try to counter you by telling you to play clitcher 3 or genshit

>get the urge to play this again
>get to the cart escort quest
>close game

This is what it looked like on ps3.
People were fucking HYPED to have it at a playable framerate with the remasters/ports.
That coupled with a great mounting mechanic and good combat with a world that wasn't too big and kept things concise made it a very good game.
Easily the best 7/10 I've ever played.

Attached: Kaiserin.jpg (1280x720, 65.29K)

You can speed up the cart by kicking them.

that's literally the only dogshit part of the game. escort missions are dogshit no matter what game they're in. waiting on ai fucking sucks.

You realize that makes YOU the contrarian, right?

Of course not. Everyone else but me is wrong.

holy shit

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It's the one game where this board can completely disregard contrarians in order to have regular threads full of nothing but love towards it.

Never played a DMC game in my life.What's the appeal?

If you don't get it, you didn't play it, or simply have no interest in what it's trying to do.
This is what will make any non-npc able to appreciate the game. Play either one of those games, or literally any open world game that involves lots of combat with melee weapons, then play dragon's dogma and you'll realize its value.

it's the best game that you can really travel in an fantasy adventure

>in order to have regular threads full of nothing but love towards it.
But it makes the shitposter niggers ruining this board seethe. We can't have threads where we actually appreciate video games.

DMC3 and on is combo autism, if you bother to git gud. If you don't and just want to play them as action games, the weapon variety, styles, and bosses are just plain fun.

also either get a pawn that has a healing spell as ask for help or just get a dozen healing spring water bottles to throw at the ox after kicking it

>start new game plus
>make your pawn a mage or hire one that can heal
>stand in front of the ox pulling the cart so you get the "KICK" prompt
>make sure it runs you over so you take damage
>stay slightly in front of the ox when your pawn starts casting so the healing field affects the ox as well
>repeat until you get to Gran Soren
Alternatively you can give pawns healing spring water or use it your self

Attached: twgt.png (355x85, 44.27K)

>reinstall game after a year even though I've 100% it on every platform I own it on
>only do this just to rest at the inn and see comments from people that have rented my pawn since my last check-up
>mfw someone used my pawn for upwards of several hundred thousand RC, left 5 stars and gave me very nice comments
fuck you if you let my pawn die though and didn't reset from checkpoint

Attached: whatwhat.gif (500x281, 795.94K)

>Put off playing for years because I figured it was some Dark Souls-style difficulty porn
>Relented and finally bought the game a couple weeks ago on sale
>barely even done anything in Gran Soren yet because I keep leaving to explore and do side quests
>Slaughtered countless cyclopses already and befriended a castle full of thieves because I can
>Randomly stumbled into a spooky flooded dungeon behind a waterfall
>Have no idea if I should be here or not but don't give a shit because it's cool
I understand why people love this shit now.

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Its Dragons Dogma without the fantasy RPG part but 10 times the crazy combat

I still don't understand how you are supposed to properly train your pawn.

You get it or you dont. Just like sex

>fuck you if you let my pawn die though and didn't reset from checkpoint
you can also rehire the pawn and then dismiss them with the gift/rating you want to give them as long as you do it before you rest at an inn

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The fact that you can make a fuckable companion. That's literally it. If you there's a hot girl, Yea Forums will praise a game like it's a masterpiece. See: nier shitomata


gif reminded me this one time my pawn (tall and muscular as hell) was lagging behind killing some bandits below at the griffon tower, and I was already sprinting to the top before an explosion blasted me back. I got thrown across stair cases with pits of death below me but he caught me right at the edge.
Catching is such a rare interaction but god it gets me excited

It and elden ring need to be combined med to make the ultimate game

>I've 100% it on every platform I own it on
Did you seriously get the hero in every single one of them? that has to be the most miserable achievement in the game.

I think the average Yea Forumsirgin is more likely to assert that souls games are the only good fantasy rpgs

Wow this song really sucks

Grigori is the only thing

I love the game so following a specific guide a few times isn't difficult

Attached: mvddpstno.png (692x468, 250.86K)

it's fun

I can smell your shit taste all the way here.

combat, classes, enemies, pawns, the expansion

Pirate it. It's good.

I know, but that achievement is particularly fucking tedious, if anything I admire your determination.

>missing out on online pawns
bad advice

>having taste this shit

It sounds like gay generic shounen anime music

To be fair most pawns in the guild are fucking trash and the one that are good are ridiculously expensive.

i repeat

but kino NG+ ending tho

The NG+ ending should be the default one. It's so much more impactful to fight your previous character.

It sounds like you have shit taste desu.


cant you just go offline mode?

i hope they do more with that concept in the sequel

>the one that are good are ridiculously expensive.
Not if you add them to your friends list, then they're free. But the good ones are OP as fuck I'd only recommend them for Bitterblack Isle.


Can you make all four pawns yourself if you want?

Yea Forumsiggers can't name a single action rpg in a fantasy setting with good combat. when you ask for one they move the goalpost and tell you to go play a fighting game if you care about combat and fun free movement. then you bring up dragon's dogma and they seethe about things nobody enjoys dragon's dogma for.

Yes, use pawn manager.