No one told me there was an Assassins Creed DLC set in Ireland and you could romance a cute redhead.
No one told me there was an Assassins Creed DLC set in Ireland and you could romance a cute redhead
Is RPG a part of parkour genre?
Uhhh what?
She doesn't stick around at the end of it and is never mentioned after the DLC.
redheads with green eyes are objectively the most attractive combo for women, if you disagree you're wrong but that's okay
I don't play Assassin's Creed games but you have my attention. Tell me more.
She asks if you want to take a bath with her and then is the final boss of the DLC. She's basically just there to tell you the druids exist and are bad people and then goes away at the end of the DLC never to be heard from again even if you bang her.
Btw its canonically a Lesbian romance because the MC is female. Enjoy more woke Vikings.
Wrath of the Druids DLC for Asscreed Valhalla, it's sort of like a mini version of a full Asscreed game with a new map, new gear/weapons, new characters and story etc. The redhead in the OP is a major character and you can date/fuck her if you want.
I'm glad we're never getting the reconquista game I wanted after playing AC: Egypt
>because the MC is female.
Oh yeah, sure, I totally believe you Ubisoft.
Is that why you got a complete nobody to voice the female version of Eivor and a proper TV actor who was IN The Last Kingdom as a viking to play male Eivor?
The game defaults to female if you let the Animus choose. You only become Havi in the Asgard fever dreams.
The game right at the start tells you that there are two DNA sequences in Eivor: A male and a female. If Eivor is a male then the female DNA makes no sense because that would mean Odin is a woman. They immediately establish that Odin is inside of her within the first 30 minutes.
If you choose Havi as your playable character you are addressed as a female both in name and in discussions.
The Discovery Tour multiple times shows female Eivor and specified female Eivor as the MC including with Shaun's VA saying "her".
>MC is fe-
You don't play the game.
I don't care about political bullshit. I just like girls fucking girls
Origins and Odyssey were fun but Valhalla was super shit.
Why has gaming become so poozed?
When will it stop?
And yet most people picked male Eivor making him the canon Eivor. Suck my cock ubiwoke.
imagine the accent
It's either video games die with female protagonist or live long enough as a male hobby with male protagonist.
a reconquista game will basically be a CAIR/ Muslim Brotherhood/ Saudi propaganda game. No mention of ethic killings, the slave trade (held by a specific minority), or the in-fighting between the Muslims. Basically you'll get a perma ban and cancelled by Ubisoft you mentioned The Myth of the Andalusian Parasite in their forums.
>making him the canon Eivor
Just because they did doesn't mean he's canon MC. Otherwise Alexios is canon and we know how that turned out.
Why? I hated Origins and Odyssey for being so repetitive and janky. Valhalla is polished to fuck and full of unique shit to see and do.
Eivor is a girls name in Nordic countries
If you picked male Eivor you were playing as a tranny Odin
this odyssey was halfway to a decent game
Valhalla was so trash I dropped it almost immediately.
>Otherwise Alexios is canon
He is, and Ubisoft will never prove otherwise no matter how much they say the Kassandra is canon.
>Incredibly unlikable main character
>Side characters are also all shit heads
>Story sucks
>Setting sucks (sorry English friends, but your countryside is drab and boring)
>Combat is worse than Odyssey
video game studio are so bad at making romance scenes. it's so funny
>and Ubisoft will never prove otherwise
So having an entire expansion dedicated to a character you can't change and doesn't read off of your save file thereby cementing the canon character isn't enough for you?
I don't care what is canon
My cognition says male eivor and Cassandra fucked
And there's men named Tracy. So what.
>So having an entire expansion dedicated to a character you can't change and doesn't read off of your save file thereby cementing the canon character isn't enough for you?
Not canon.
There's nothing wrong with Eivor being canonically a woman.
The problem is she's not hot and you don't get to see her pubes
Eivor is hot
God i want to coom inside danish women
anglo saxon bro btw
Ubisoft was actually insulting people about the canon mc. They had make the CV's do that cringe AMA video to damage control, then the novel came out which made Good choice Kass canon.
Well yeah, since that updated version isn't cracked. I mean you aren't gonna PAY for ubishit, are you?
Wtf an attractive female in a western game
And of course they had to make her bisexual lmao
>imagine the accent
its probably the same lucky charms leprechaun accent every video game does to an irish character
I'm not sure why they didn't make Kass and Fem Eivor having the lesbian moment in the collab.
>which made Good choice Kass canon.
I'm still mad at those canon choices, holy crap.
>Lmao all my family members suck so may as well let them die.
>Deimos? More like Deadmos after he didn't listen to me.
>Forgiveness? What's that?
>Pay no mind to me saving some random baby from being sacrificed though, can't have that.
>What's that? Let the Cult leader live? Sure, I agree with your outlook on life. Let's kill people just because, worship the Isu, and rule over the sheep.
>Except wait, I'm going to bring balance to the Force so I guess I'm not doing that now.
Kass being canon is dumb and I just don't get it because they literally have a side quest two feet from the Olympics where a woman is about to be executed for trying to see her son and saw nothing wrong with Kass taking part in it?
Now I’ll buy your game
Before of that,how good is this game? It’s been awhile since played last AC
Eivor is quite literally a female name. Every AC since Syndicate was supposed to have a female lead but Ubisoft management kept meddling and shoving men down our throats.
You will never play as female.
former og fan, so its not my game, just find a canon playthrough and coom to that. Better yet, save your money and order a commission, at least it'll be canon to you.
The novel pretty much defeated the point of playing a AC video game for the story. Why spend 200 plus hours when one can wait for used a book or pirate it and then quickly skim down the plot?
Personally i like it
Its a bit bloated though and takes a while to complete
Most people here seem to like origins and odyssey more
I wonder if there's a complete package with all the dlcs that I can pirate now. The base game was okay if padded.
Story is garbage and each settlement mission takes forever.
Characters are some of the worst in the series and they introduce you to new groups every time you do another mission that you just don't care about at all.
Eivor is by far the worst MC next to Kass in terms of being an actual character. She's all over the place in terms of her morality, she can't decide if she loves or hates Christians, she can't decide if she's for the vikings or for neutrality, she flips between her beliefs all the time either believing in the Norse gods or not, and she turns on her friends on a dime for no reason and you have to pick choices that don't make her do stupid stuff to them.
Gameplay is extremely unbalanced and even at the highest difficulty from the start of the game you are melting enemies. Once you get to mid and endgame you are melting them even faster with them being unable to do anything to hit you if you're even half paying attention.
Your choices matter even less than Odyssey which already only had like five choices matter. Literally only like two things matter across the entire game and that's if you honor a character's death or not and if you punch two guys.
Romances mean nothing, you can bang everyone without consequence.
The world is pretty good and has a lot of areas to visit but some people find England worse than Greece. I find Greece worse than England personally.
Modern Day becomes Kingdom Hearts-tier funny and I love it.
DLC is pretty solid but I don't have Ragnarok.
Very grindy for all the content they added past the original game.
Even after all the patches it's glitchier than Unity.
I like it better than Odyssey and have over 400 hours into it without Ragnarok but it's like in the middle for the series for me at best because I can ignore the characters and story and just explore. The gameplay is fun even if it's easy and the world they've established looks nice even if it's not very historic with the castles and all that.
Women can't be heroes lmao.
Why are ubisoft such pussies? Just make a female protag, why give us a choice if it’s ultimately pointless and all interactions are the same regardless?
>why give us a choice if it’s ultimately pointless and all interactions are the same regardless?
Because a male on the box sells.
Its funny how passive aggressive journos and the wiki people were when talking about AC Odyssey in insisting Cassandra is the only real choice despite Ubisoft showing over 80% of players play as Alexios.
You can actually assassinate people again which makes it better than odyssey.
Otherwise it's 5/10 really. It's not bad, but also not great.
Thanks,I’ll give a second thought though
Deep down it's probably something to do with trannies and acting progressive but Ubisoft never actually reaches the logical conclusion of their bullshit so it's all bland and boring.
>the druids exist and are bad people
Technically the druids she represents are the "good" druids while the actual ones you kill aren't.
More confirmation that the Ubisoft writers don't research history and based everything off movies. Remember, they fuck-up Cesar's death by stealing it from Shakespeare, which was lackluster. How does anyone fuck up Shakespeare?
>"""Vikings""" with For Honor fur and leather
You were expecting quality? Lmao