Chunners is back in Fortnite!

Chunners is back in Fortnite!
You DID buy her didn't you?

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fucking kill yourself chinese spyware

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nope :)

No but I'm jerking off to chun li every now and then.

cammy and sakura too :)

Yes mommy~

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cammy sucks
not worth buying her censored design

I mean they're all censored in their own ways, biggest issue with them is still their faces

cammy's face also looks the worst
sakura and chun are both cute and fappable and have better emotes



jesus christ

it's really fucking jewish but still better than lootbox bullshit

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That's not even the best form of Chun-Li. BEHOLD:

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I hated their faces until I figured out you never see their faces the entire game and are exclusively looking at their ass. So it works out

why couldn't they just copy paste that face or something, it would look so good

You mean from KOF:All-Stars or from the KOFAS artwork? Because both are ideal choices.

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Even if you buy the dumbest non-discounted v-bucks it's 1000 for $8

>Chunners in KOF
KOF now stands for Kween of Fthicc

She has an ugly retard face.

Don't forget friends!
Hide the thread so the shilling can end. :)

>no lewd emotes in the shop today
please kill me


Yes and I bought Sakura and cammy too

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Give me some fucking Sakura webms, what the fuck

why do you hate cammy so much bro

that's way too lewd...


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Is omega knight worth it?

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you are the only person who can decide that
start thinking for yourself

What if I'm a boy though

>start thinking for yourself
i refuse

I hate her fortnite model
I don't understand why you'd buy it

all the good skins are locked behind battlepass and are never coming back


but chun li is available right now and isn't a battlepass skin

all the battle pass skins are garbage

i like it

Don't pretend to be me, faggot
Just wondering since it's much cheaper than the rest as a package

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garbage at actually doing well at the game though, not great at aiming and lose most 1v1s

kids play this game what the fuck is wrong with people?

>he doesn't know

Why would I play that shit when I already have my perfect Chun in SFV?

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>Find the idea of doing this hot
I am completely and utterly beyond salvation.

theres absolutely no way this is a thing

Is fortnite actually fun

with the mercy subreddit shit i am almost sure this is a thing

This is decent graphic design for a theme park advertisement but what the fuck

you must be new to the internet

just go jack off in front of kids then fucking freak

>fortnite is now on the same level as coomer anime gacha games
what the fuck happened?

bought her first round with my old STW V-bucks, played one mission with her then quit

My sugar daddy got me it. What now?

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I'd consider playing fortnite if it was an FPS

i know about healslutting etc. and i dont doubt that people do this shit in fortnite, but i meant more like theres no way the prostitution thing with the emotes and dancing and everything is a thing, and neither is using that ruby skin, queing squads, and dying on purpose... right?

It's free, just try it out for yourself. I had fun playing during the time the map was flooded because I've always dreamed of a game with a semi flooded map with colorful houses (literally).

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anyone want to actually play?

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Sure post a way to add you

ugh her ass

I bought her the first time she was in the store.

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I didn't JUST buy chunners, I have a lot of cute FortMommies!

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do you have tsuki?