She killed millions
She killed millions
Ive been gone for a week
Limbus news?
This Friday
Is this the thread?
The concept art previews, and that little gameplay teaser has me a lot more hopeful for this game.
What does angela smell like?
She killed millions because she was forced to suffer through a million years of the same scripted bullshit over and over again. Does her own suffering not count?
She did nothing wrong, and A should totally have sex with her.
what does your computer smell like?
I love this funky pup
Bags of daddy issues and salty milk
Hate to break it to you, i'm a lappy user
Why do I hear a violin?
Aw dawg
Dont make me read dd, that looks badass
or is it the other one?
>Initially read the last line as "A should totally have sex with me"
Stop getting Hod to fill out the captcha you machine
alright so tell me why Don apparently wants to eat this thing so bad now?
Will anyone match Don's popularity?
It's a new limbus abno, they revealed the concept art for it today Speaking of, I wonder if anyone's able to translate those little notes (if they even mean much)
it's not like we know much about any of them, I have to wonder how they'll manage to juggle such a large cast of protags
I still think the thunder doggo is the Human Thunderbolt from Distortion and Garnet will turn out to be Dante at the end of the comic.
Limbus will most likely be a lot longer than both LoR and LC, so they should have enough time to give all of them some focus. I wonder if Dante will be his own character beyond (probably) being the player.
What is that thing Don is holding?
I remember asking this a few months ago, even found the same pic, but i forgot the answer, what's the deal between Abnormalities and EGO during Realizations? I was wondering if it's anything like powering their power while Angela and Roland are having an emotional breakdown or if it's closer to a demonic possession of sorts, given that they tend to speak out of character sometimes when wielding EGO.
isn't that jusr rei ayanami?
I assume a really basic enemy
Will Angela love (Me)?
>I still think the thunder doggo is the Human Thunderbolt
>Two things having the same color MUST mean they are the same
At least say it's a schizo theory
Only if you're Ayin
It's like the voice of the distortion, but this time the voices come from the abnos
You too huh?
He's cute. What game?
I really want to see what the combat is like
heard that chick has a Massive Elektra complex
how true is that?
same, how closely will they keep to the proven formula I wonder. Honestly even the fact that they're keeping the pierce/blunt/slash attack types is a bit surprising after going from lob to ruina
big fatty milk-loaded breasts...!
The entirety of Library of Ruina started because her beloved creator wouldn't return her love.
In terms of wanting to fuck her dad? Just a meme
In terms of her absolutely having massive daddy issues because she had to compete with her "mother" for her dad's affection? Most definitely
>Don will be the dev pet character
>She will get the most OP identities and the most identities
>fags will cry because muh "don bias"
>don will become hated
>or will become secondary bait
mark my words
Judging by the four squares above Yi Sang, I assume each sinner has four attacks, and the attacks change depending on the identity you have?
She's already baited so many anons and we barely have any info on her so you're partly right
bring it on, I love distortions
Dont care, already loved her from first sight
>tfw Summer Don tax still in effect
>tfw get nothing but shitty units for Lust teams now
isn't she named after Alonso -Quijano?
there's a good chance she's a Spainard
>draw 4 key frames
>add a bunch of flashy effects and some afterimages
>it just works
>Don Quixote
worked well enough for Ruina
To save like a thousand people? Not a whole lot at any rate.
user, I...
Idk but I kinda like the jankyness of it somehow
She didn't want to save anyone, she just wanted to ruin Ayin's plans since she was that bitter.
>Keep to the proven formula
Lmao, even
>Even the flashiest of attacks in ruina would have like 2 key frames, maybe 3 if you're lucky
Look how far they've come...
AoR update soon.
i feel like the dev pet is going to be either Yi Sang or Faust
My body is ready.
Why them?
Not that user but
>Yi Sang
Based off a Korean piece of literature
Created the bus