>Trade games with someone at school
>You get the better game out of it and they get some shit you dont want anymore
Trade games with someone at school
He was thinking the same thing.
>borrowed a game from a classmate
>never returned it
Ah, the perfect crime.
>you dont want anymore
While that wasn't the case for me I did get something worth more in the end.
My Nights for their Sonic Jam.
>borrow game
>give it back
>lend game
>they give it back
I traded Liberty City Stories for Mortal Kombat Unchained and my disappointment was immeasurable
I traded my Halo ODST for Gears of War 2. Never even bothered finishing the game.
A kid in middle school traded me his LTTP for my James Bond Jr.
>Notorious liar kid starts bragging about his Runescape account
>You call his bluff and ask for his password as "proof"
>He actually gives it to you, the dumbfuck
>It works
I felt too bad to change the password on him.
>Trick Sonic fan into giving their Youtube account
>They give it to me
>Their mom asks for me to give it back
heh... too easy
I remember when this one rich snobby kid left his Roblox account open one day and my buddy and I that shared an account put up a really expensive t-shirt for sale and robbed his ass when he wasn’t looking
>Some kid brings their copy of Alien Hominid PS2 to school
>Buy my own copy just from reading the manual
>borrow game
>give it back with a completed file over an empty slot
>lend game
>they give it back but all the save data is wiped on the cart
>lend game
>get it back
>they played up to the final boss but never beat it
>roblox niggers is a real thing
wait what?
>trade my entire Yugioh collection for Pokemon emerald.
Eh. Old cards are worth nothing now.
>Trade my Linkin park CD collection for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Pretty funny and poetic now that I think about it
>cousin steals your game
>you steal it back and take one of his
>you keep it forever
>Sell someone fable 3 for a discounted price so they can suffer too
>regularly trade games with classmate
>do it a few times until someone steals his game from my backpack the day we were supposed to trade again
>I tell him its not his fault so he can keep my game.
>some few days later someone steals his game from my backpack again
>fuck this shit
>check everyone's backpack and find the game in some quiet kid bag
>confront him about this
>stuttering he tells me it was my friend who told him to hide that there
motherfucking traitorous cunt mudnigger
never trust people with brown skin NEVER
My big brother traded my copy The Legend of Starfy for Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia without my permission when I was younger yes I'm a zoomer.
I wasn't too upset back then because I had already beaten Starfy 3 times over and Pokemon Ranger was actually really fun, but I still feel kinda bitter about it today
Starfy for Pokemon .
That's a deal
Are you gay son? Who cares about starfy C'mon
>Let someone borrow Godzilla Save the Earth
>The box has dirt and debris inside it
>The corners of the manual are folded
>The disc is filthy
yeah it's a shit deal
realistically speaking Pokemon Ranger was the better game for sure, but it was also the first I got for my DSi so it held a special place in my heart. I look in my collection and see my copes of Chrono Trigger, M&LBiS, and DQ9 among my first games and I just get sad that Starfy isn't there with them.
>See kid playing Mario Superstar Saga on his GBA
>Looks fun
>Later he asks if I can trade him Minish Cap for "his Mario game"
>Say "sure no problem"
>Mfw he gives me Super Mario Advance
Normies are always like this
They are brutes . UNGA bunga me throw expensive disc all over the room.
UNGA bunga big game ball ball game *chimpanzee sounds*
>That kid who always put the wrong disc in the wrong box so you have to open every box they own to find the fucking game
I did that, I haven't got time to look for the real box.
I'm an adult and still do it hehe
>Trade KH1 for Duelist Roses
>Cant even fucking finish it
>forced to go see a cousin i don't really know or even like
>his family is loud, rude, and doesn't really like my family
>see his copy of super mario 3 for the GBA sitting in an inconspicuous place
>take it
>never got found out or in trouble for it
kid's a pharmacist now or so i heard, wonder if he's happy
there's a reason why he's a pharmacist and you're a nigger
>there's a reason why he's a pharmacist
well, he did have very controlling and overbearing parents. probably would have disowned him if he was anything less
Why was this such a constant occurrence.
>Lend out harvest moon 64
>Show them that there are multiple save slots they can use
>Ask them to please not delete my save
>The game even makes you go through multiple prompts to delete a save
>Get the game back and my save is gone
he can be happy while also think you're a thieving nigger, user.
>Take cousins and his friends Pokemon cards
>They never suspected it was me that did it and they fought amongst each other
probably, i'd be happy too if i made enough money to get away from my asshole family
>During the AOL days someone gave me their Neopets account to use whenever i wanted for items and stuff
>They had millions of neopoints and i spend them to buy paint brushes and map pieces
>Tell them and they get mad at me for spending so much
map pieces were such a fucking bullshit hustle on Neopets.
I thought this thread would make me feel some sort of feeling of being left out or I'd learn something since I was homeschooled.
Honestly though it just made me glad I was homeschooled, thanks mom and dad.
yeah, your parents really did you a favor. public school is hot garbage and private school is hot garbage your parents pay for
>traded Mario Kart Double Dash for Majora's Mask
>traded Mario Sunshine for Smash 64
>traded the three Egyptian God cards for a Dreamcast controller and VMU
Also I once let a black kid come over, he took my Oracle of Seasons, so I went to his house and took his Pokemon Yellow and my Oracle of Seasons back.
>friend has literally a room full of hundreds of video games
>I'm talking like a Youtuber room of those black shelves just jammed with every game worth owning from the PS1/N64 onward
>refuses to lend anyone games because some kid borrowed his copy of Shadow of the Colossus and moved away
I only needed to learn once not to get hustled. Luckily, my first experience being hustled was with Crazy Bones, and not something actually valuable.
It's kind of a scam too now that the internet is around. But it was kind of a scam before on the taxpayer because used textbooks for grade school have been cheap forever and that stuff doesn't (read: shouldn't) change very much or very quickly. I learned math from old Saxon math textbooks, and we were all in different grades so mom just told us to read the lesson then do the problems, and if we got good grades we could start doing just every other problem, so 15 instead of 30. Great motivator.
Actually why do we pay these mostly childless woman feminists to groom kids to hate their parents and spread STDs, again?
trust issues are a bitch to get over, especially when they develop at an early age
>Bring a copy of Disney Artist Studio to school for computer class
>Some fat fuck kid decides to say its their copy
>Have to get the teacher and parents involved just because some dipshit is jealous i have a cool PC game to play in class
Yea Forums goes on and on about black kids but truth is the overweight ones are scumbags too because theyre miserable with their body and social standing
>my first experience being hustled was with Crazy Bones
mine too
I was fat as a young kid and I'm fat again now that I got cut off my kid steroids, and I've been a nice person throughout.
Because it's free* daycare. That's the whole reason.
Same I was fat and nerdy. Good boy and moralfag to the end
Maybe he was fat AND ugly. Or poor. Or all three
you can't work and make the boss money if you're at home taking care of your kids! Why do you think remote learning got shit-canned?
I was home schooled solely for the last few grades of high school because i couldnt take the bullshit social circles that come with high school.
I also did summer school at the public library and my summer teacher was way nicer than any high school teacher ive had
>Why do you think remote learning got shit-canned?
do you want the meme answer, the non meme answer, or the truth?
are you spanish
It was a rhetorical question, I don't want any answer.
no but my dad was a total kleptomaniac if that explains anything.
well fuck you then, spoiling my fun like that.
Homeschooled guys are super cool. I love you guys. Always saints.
Zero shit tastes. Impecable tastes in media and movies. They hate soccer, most sports. You guys are literally me. Except I actually had to deal with the bullies and had to become someone I never intended to become. And I can't go back now. I'm a * tough guy now and I hate it. I wanna be cool and carefree again
>traded Final Fantasy IX for a friends Final Fantasy VII
>he moves away
While I might have gotten the better trade back then, I now prefer IX over VII.
>Except I actually had to deal with the bullies and had to become someone I never intended to become.
welcome to the real world, nigga.
Fortunately for zoomers the real world is nothing like our real world.
Kids today don't bully you physically. They are a bunch of Fortnite dancing weirdos. They could call you names for not keeping up with the new memes or something I guess. But that's nothing compared to physical violence. School for me felt exactly like Yugioh Season 0.
>Lending someone a DS game like Pokemon, Mario Kart or even Yugioh
>Every single time the save file is gone
>But that's nothing compared to physical violence
after a certain point all the emotional damage sure as shit begins to rewire an already impressionable brain.
No, you are an a puss filled assfagit who created gamestop