Is there anyway to avoid paying to Robin but still improve my house, build farm buildings? I don't want to financially support a coalburner
Stardew valley
inb4 jas
inb4 the usual Jas! user can post Jas!
most stardew players don't even know who the dev is
say something nice about him
Why did he put a nigger in the game
I deeply admire is work ethic. He's by far coolest and most impressive indie dev I know of.
No, you have to pay Robin.
You've been told this already.
smapi console commands
god i wish that were me
I'd rather start a real crop of potatoes than touch this tranny garbage.
It's one token nigger, what's so bad about it?
He showed up at my house uninvited and occupied my cave
Which character is a tranny faggot? The whole game is about escaping from globohomo, more trannies play elden ring and mainstream shit than this
>when there's only male or female options and the in game option to change appearance/gender is called the shrine of illusions
SDV filters quite the amount of brainlets, unsurprisingly. Just look at OP.
Putting good shit in your cave is the only thing demetrius ever does right.
I used mods to make him and his daughter white
>make demetrius white
>make maru saj
He has a daughter
When are these used?
I haven't done her events, but it looks like she's writing or drawing something. Watch a video of all the events.
When you repair the bridge on the beach, She uses it and starts drawing on that little island
the perfect portrait mod finally exists
You raised my hopes and crushed them quite nicely
>tfw stuck with the vanilla version of the seasonal portraits
The Ohodavi version lacks a huge chunk of content including entire characters, plus I just prefer pixel art since it conveys way more detail.
If you're not frankenmashing portraits together you're not a REAL stardew modder.
Shut up
Maybe if you played it you’d know how retarded you are.
Has that mod even been updated?
it was pretty genius to rip off harvest moon and make it accessible to a generation too stupid to emulate a better game
One of these days™
Just mod him white.
>comp sci grad fresh out of college
>no experience whatsoever
>makes one game that is just a pixelshit copy of oldschool Harvest Moon
>net worth is now $32 million
How did he do it lads
>net worth is now $32 million
Is that his actual net worth?
>testing the new event dialogue for loli Emily
>all is good
>until it suddenly isn't and the clothes therapy event at the manor refuses to change despite the target path being correct and the console having zero errors
Either way, look forward to the update in the next thread, I've crammed in as much extra dialogue for Emily and Saj as possible along with several fixes.
Godspeed brother, hang in there.
If you need help, you can always try asking here
>How did he do it lads
His based girlfriend wage slaved and supported him while everyone else said he'd never make it
Already did during a huge chunk of the last thread, considering the game is constantly running laps around me with vanilla dialogue showing up when it shouldn't, I don't think there's a solution but I appreciate it anyway.
>just unlocked the bus
>found the skull key too
>ready for desert adventure
>still no prismatic shard
$34 million actually
What are those farting sounds when it rains?
With all this purpleposting you'd think that mod was being updated every other day. All these post make me want an update and more art.
I think it's from Krobus.
slowly but it is being updated.
>How did he do it lads
>makes one game that is just a pixelshit copy of oldschool Harvest Moon
literally there wasn't other harvest moon copies on PC until ape released SDV.
Where are you getting that number?
Does anyone know the best mine levels to get copper from?
The dark ones
>net worth is now $32 million
That seems really low for how many copies stardew sold.
Let us fix yo house up, string bean. Need a game room with a pool table an all dat shiet, betta let us come ova.
>when she sees the human farmer
I wonder how big of a chunk Chucklefuck took to host some forums and put out a couple tweets.
Furries still upset trannies are the latest fad instead of them.
Are you fucking retarded? Of course you are.
all he ever talks about these days is self publishing so he is probably bitter af