Why are even mediocre WoW zones dozens of times more interesting and engaging than FFXIV zones?

Why are even mediocre WoW zones dozens of times more interesting and engaging than FFXIV zones?

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because FFXIV plays more like a super linear story, whereas WoW, at least early WoW, felt more like open questing hubs where you took a bunch of quests at once and then went out and did them.

Art team has carried this game forever, as far as zones go.
Not a big fan of wow character models though.
While Xiv has amazing art too it never translates well to the game.

Zereth Mortis has 100x as many gameplay mechanics as your average FFXIV zone too. Tonnes of jump puzzles, hidden treasures, progression mechanics, etc.

I wanted to like XIV so badly, I remember starting it up think "fuck wow. Yoshi P is so great literally saved the MMO genre." I shitposted in threads for weeks became really obssessed with the /vg/ general, consumed nothing but XIV content and was positive this was gonna take over my life like wow once did.
Well a year and a half later and you couldn't pay me to log on.
When I did play I logged on occasionally, listened dead brained to my friend have a melty over some guy/girl/tranny (who knows!) who he wanted to "EB" with, RP a little in Uldah, consider slitting my wrists over doing my rouletes, and make excuses to not show up to my static because the content was so boring to do.
I would just log off and go shitpost in the general for a few hours and fap to pictures of bunny girls.
I have no idea how anyone plays this garbage game.
>the story is a masterpiece and the best FF has done
No. No it is not. The few decent moments of the story are so far between and buried between utter tooth-pulling nonsense that I literally cannot even begin to care for any of the characters.
Not even RP is interesting to keep me there, 99% of the community are the most boring human being I ever met and look at you like walking garbage if you try to speak with them.

So this is the wowbuck cope thread, eh?
Have a bump from me. I hope you all find the help you need soon.

I like FFXIV, it's a pretty decent story and raiding experience, but there are still many obvious things that WoW does better.

lol? you unlock flying in a day and there are no more "jumping puzzles"

>many obvious things that WoW does better
like what?

>you unlock flying in a day
Yeah, this is because of blizzard folding under the pressure of spergs howling about how they need flying instantly or it's not fair.

wow is worse user, we're all in agreement.
But don't try to pretend XIV is even a decent game.

netcode, combat feel, movement feel, better zones, significantly wider variety of quests, story is largely told through gameplay sequences instead of movies, significantly less retarded UI jank where you have to do a yes/no prompt after every single menu, etc.

>collect treasure to get 0.02% of the currency for your 17th 128 hour upgrade

>okay yeah wow is bad
Hmm. Interesting. Thanks for your post.

I mean yeah, it's an mmo, so it has grindy content. What do open world treasures and puzzles in FFXIV reward you with?

Yes. The mmo genre is dead and you need to move on with your life.

No no, YOUR mmo is dead. XIV is doing just fine.

Nice trips tho.

>your mmo
are you illiterate

I don't play any MMO's anymore user, didn't you read my post?

I-I don't even play mmos
Yeah, because the one you were addicted to is dead. I know. Your story is not unique.

rep farming for flying for weeks on end is one of the least fun things to ever exist in world of warcraft and i do not understand why they had it like that for so long, either remove flying all together because it was a mistake to be in world of warcraft to begin it or make it easy to unlock.

well treasure maps can make you a fuck ton of money + it's a fun minigame to do with friends.

they also give you tomestones to buy gear.

>treasure maps
This isn't what I mean by open world treasures because of how utterly braindead it is, but I guess it counts.
>a fuckton of money
You get a fuckton of money from Zereth Mortis shit
>it's a fun minigame to do with friends.
You can do Zereth Mortis with friends.

I cannot believe some of you retards are still playing wow. What's wrong with you?
>i-it's fun with friends
So is jerking off. Why don't you do that instead of playing that dogshit mmo?

>So is jerking off.
Stop projecting, user.

your question wasn't what ffxiv does that world of warcraft doesn't your question was what does ffxiv even give you in return. i've played both games for years on end and i just prefer ffxiv's simple as.

>your question wasn't what ffxiv does that world of warcraft doesn't your question was what does ffxiv even give you in return.
The only thing you brought up in your initial response were rewards, so I used that as my axis for comparison.
> i've played both games for years on end and i just prefer ffxiv's simple as.
That's fine, a lot of people prefer movies to video games, there's nothing wrong with that.

>You get a fuckton of money from Zereth Mortis shit
No you don't lmao

>The only thing you brought up in your initial response were rewards,

>What do open world treasures and puzzles in FFXIV reward you with?

user are you having a stroke. read the reply chain next time.

>No you don't lmao
You do, yeah. At least comparable to what you get from treasure maps. Obviously there are ways in both games to make more money.

Not at all, maps get you WAY more relative money than zereth mortis.

I did, I'm not sure what part you're confused about.

>asks about rewards
>asks why you'd only bring up rewards
guess youre just here to bait then.

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>maps get you WAY more relative money than zereth mortis.
how, exactly? when i did maps i barely got 100k

That's much more than you get in WoW

>>asks about rewards
Yes, because your initial response here: only mentioned rewards.

if you are only getting 100k off of maps then you are doing something terribly wrong, you easily get upwards to 600-800k gil if you are unlucky, and like 3-4mil if you are lucky.

the literal number is different, yes, but gil is much more inflated than gold in general, so 1:1 figure comparison is obviously stupid.

thats not me you absolute monogoloid im replying to
specifically asks about fucking rewards.

>38 replies
>8 ips

>i don't understand how conversations work
Is it autism?

>but gil is much more inflated than gold in general

I'm not talking about a 1:1 comparison you retard, I just said "relative" like two posts ago.

Yeah, it's pretty funny how worthless gil is.
Then why did you say 100k wasn't a lot in WoW?

>obsessing over ffxiv vs wow isnt autism
>calling out samefags and schizos is

>>obsessing over ffxiv vs wow isnt autism
You mean having a conversation about ffxiv vs WoW. I know autism can make it hard to detect nuance in interactions, so I can't blame you too much, but at least now you know for the future.

>Then why did you say 100k wasn't a lot in WoW?
I didn't you illiterate retard

You said you make way more than 100k in maps, as if 100k isn't a lot in WoW.

I make at least 100k every day in Zereth Mortis.

Guess i struck a nerve that i dislike a game that you enjoy
>Almost at 50 ips and still 8 ips not including mine

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Yes and like I already told you twice now, I'm talking about relative value.
Were you dropped on your head as a kid?

>Guess i struck a nerve that i dislike a game that you enjoy
No, you struck a nerve by loudly misrepresenting what I've been saying and doing.

maps in ffxiv make you enough to spend gil luxuriously while in wow you make enough gold to live. both make you good amounts of money but ffxiv makes you so much more.

>I'm talking about relative value.
What's the conversion rate between gold and gil? How could you even begin to make claims about relative value between imaginary currencies that never interact?

That sounds awful. I can enjoy 14, but only because the friends I enjoy the game with actually care more about the world the the characters, rather than fucking every living thing in sight.
Seeing coomers thirst over every character gets really tiring. has made me consider quitting multiple times.

>while in wow you make enough gold to live
user, you don't die when you run out of gold in WoW. What the fuck are you even talking about?

yes obviously, but i'm not autistic and can understand that theres a different between someone that with 100k who will struggle to buy consumables gear and everything of the sort that actively goes into playing the game and coming out hurting and someone that has 5million that can do it without feeling a dent, ffxiv maps give you money that lets you do this no problem while wow doesn't.

>Seeing coomers thirst over every character gets really tiring
Now you know why western devs make all their female characters ugly, it's to protect the integrity of the story. Instead of coomers obsessing over how much they want to fuck a character, the discussion instead is about the actual character, not her tits or ass. I'm glad more and more gamers are starting to wake up to this. Having your characters be attractive is actually a detriment.

Other than crafting on the patch day one rush, there is nothing you can do in FFXIV that gets you more gold per hour than maps.
There are endless things you can do in WoW that get you more gold per hour than shit in Zenith Mortis

>there is nothing you can do in FFXIV that gets you more gold per hour than maps
crafting is lucrative at any stage of the game, just make furniture or tincs.

>spend 1-2 hours in Zereth Mortis every day
>between gold rewards, vendor trash, and gathering professions, earn enough gold to buy game time and all raiding consumables for the month multiple times over
wow yes I'm just barely surviving.
>There are endless things you can do in WoW that get you more gold per hour than shit in Zenith Mortis
this is true, but it's also not relevant. no one claimed zereth mortis was the best way to farm gold.

so how come wow is still filled with dirty coomers.

>this is true, but it's also not relevant. no one claimed zereth mortis was the best way to farm gold.
Try actually reading the rest of my post you absolute retard

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