Is it worth it?

I want a RPG that is not too deep like Pathfinder, but not too simple like modern adventure-"RPGs" (Witcher/Assassins Creed).

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its ok as long as you don't touch any of the "dlc" or the sequels

It's more choice and roleplaying heavy than those games you mentioned it's a silent protagonist with up to 6 origins and lots of dialogue.

Yes. It's the best one. DA2 and Inquisition took leaps backwards.


I really like it, but I don't know if it did hold up. It was the beginning of the end for good Bioware games, origins have some scratches of bad story and mechanics that are more visible on the DLC, the DLC sucks and it's essentially the same game, but gayer characters
It really is a very simple Pathfinder/PoE kind of game, so you are right about that, I like the story, the plot points and most characters of the base version, the gameplay is phenomenal imo
I would give it a go, if you want you can download mods too

It's good. More choices than later bioware games and a generic but good story and characters.
All the dlc integrated to the main campaign is pretty good. Awakening is the best DLC Bioware ever created and some of the other additional campaigns are great if you're interested in the relevant characters. No point avoiding them.

It's great, beat it like 6 times, play mage unless you want to be bored though

Fenris >>>>>>>>>>>> Zevran
Nothing can prove me wrong
Zevran is an ugly slut
Fenris is a beautiful thing with a very sad backstory

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the origins stories alone for all the races you can play make it nicer than most rpgs and all the party members are fun to play with. you can make it pretty strategy oriented where you can turn on friendly fire and have to be very careful with aoe magic. the expansion is great too, just buy/pirate the gig version with everything already included. once you play through it its kinda sad though because you see just how far bioware fell after this game.

For me it's young Wynne mod

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I think its awesome. For me its the real Baldur's Gate 3 not that Larian dumpster fire.
The origin stories and ability synergy possibilities between classes or even in the same class are still unmatched, as far as singlepalyer RPGs go. Game still holds up visually and mechanically and has a ton of content. Maybe a bit too much even, if you want to do absolutely everything.

not bad except for blatantly ported sims hair

>fags mogged by Leliana

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The ultimate edition is on gamepass, so go for it

im tipsy. call me mogged. I don9 care. i love fenris

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you DID romance best girl, right?

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Fucking awesome game. Huge amount of narrative choice and role playing opportunity, great characters and dialogue, expansions are awesome as well and everything ties into your character’s personal story and the choices you make. The last great BioWare game.

Yes and she fucks our son

Its "baby's first RPG game", very simple and straightforward mechanics wise, but it focuses on party interactions and companion stories greatly (which is why all women and normies like it so much).
It's a good game, but "hardcore" RPG players will be very annoyed by how shallow the combat is. There literally isnt even a combat log in this game.

Also, its sometimes very hard to focus on the dialogue when youre staring at Morrigans tits the entire time.

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Coomer subhuman. Old, wise and motherly Wynne is best Wynne. She had a bit of Kreia in her.

It’s not super complex but it can be pretty god damn challenging on the highest difficulty, Deep Roads section is a fucking soul grinder.

It's what dungeon siege 3 should have been.

>ywn get a worthy sequel
feels bad man :(

Going from this game to the second one two years later was such a fucking whiplash in quality. It’s like you could see BioWare totally fall off in real time

It's a one hit wonder where the first play through is the only good one. Playing it more than once or its sequels isn't fun. Take that as you will.

One of my top 5 favorite games probably. I beat it almost every year

I actually just looked and it wasn’t even two years, they released Origins and did all of its DLC and then came out with a sequel less than 18 months later. No wonder it was dogshit, thing was shoved out the door insanely fast. I wonder why

Yes. But be sure to buy it on steam for pocket change whenever it goes on sale.

It's a well-executed but very standard RPG. The dungeons are long and boring, and the lore isn't interesting, but the combat is decent and the character interactions are fun.

>owned by EA
i wonder why

Play Andraste's game.

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It's because Origins exceeded expectations EA was just gonna leave it to die but it sold millions of copies

Faggot still. Why does dragon age have do many shit companions? In second you're forced to have Varric and not good but not as awful as everyone else pirate slut. Third installment don't have any redeemable ones at all.

I found it boring.

die zoomer

>playing without shale

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Witcher is more deep than Dragon Age bruv.

My wife since I first played the game 2010
12 years
What the fuck

Story wise? Maybe.

As an RPG overall? (builds, mechanics, classes, spells, itens, etc)... Not even close. Witcher is not even a RPG if you think about it.


I mean lore and world wise, the theme you can tackle playing the game, its more deep compared to the usual fantasy type games.
It's probably top 4 after Planescape Torment, Deux Ex, Disco Elysium.

Not RPG mechanics true.
For RPG mechanics its actually not deep at all.
If you want deeper RPG mechanics go Divinity Original Sin.

Dragon Age is like middle ground, okay writing and okay rpg mechanics but doesnt excel in anything.
I still like the game a lot.
I like the characters and the lore. I think it has deeper lore than any bioware game.
I have not played Baldur's Gate though.

I know it’s common knowledge but the fact is the Witcher has a massive advantage in taking its source material and lore from an established and published author where the story was the sole focus, an author who in turn took most of it from historical fiction and mythology. A couple of video game nerds building an original story and world at the same time as a game being built around it from the ground up are always going to have a harder time with things.

Not gameplay wise.
Let me give you an example: in DA:O you could freeze an enemy with a mage and have a tank shield bash that enemy and if you got the proper roll(I think it needed to be a crit) you could shatter that enemy and kill him instantly. But then that particular enemy would drop no loot which if you would have killed him using other means he would have had loot on his corpse. And I think if you dealt the killing blow on some bosses like this you'd also get no loot. There is nothing like this in any Witcher games, because Witcher is a solo game.

This sort of synergy between classes and abilities made the gameplay fun, tactical and kept it fresh even on repeated playthroughs. Of course if you're some pleb who plays on the easiest difficulty and just face-rolls the combat to get through the game as fast as possible you won't appreciate these sort of in-depth mechanics.

I still give credit for adaptations, many writers try to adapt a book story into a film or a game and fail miserably, i think the adaptation of Witcher into the game is one of, if not the best adapation of a book out there.
It made the books appear better than they actually are and its a far better one than Netflix shows.
It may be because it kept the soul of its essence because the people who adapted it understood it more because of them being native polish rather than americans? but that is just a simple random guess.
Nevertheless, You are right that its an advantage. I would say plenty of the side quests and the expansion work is from CDPR team, but still they draw inspiration from literature. Well its all the games has going for them.

Not sure what version you played but shattering an enemy doesn't remove loot

I will forever have fond memories of just wiping darkspawn as an unkillable Arcane Warrior

Origins is pretty high budget for a crpg everything is fully voiced aside from the main character it wasn't something that's done much even today

I played it back on release and it removed loot if you shattered. I know this 100% but its possible they patched that out with newer patches. Have you played this game at release day one, prior to any patch was put out? Because I did.

I did play at release and I don't recall it ever doing so but I won't pretend I remember exactly, looking it up people are saying it doesn't, maybe it was a very early change

Only one those who were frozen before then got shattered, were the ones who did not drop loot, and I remember not liking this and actively avoiding it on my first playthrough so I would not miss some important drop. I might be confusing with another game but I remember vividly, honestly. Of course memory can sometimes play tricks. But it's really not important because that's not the point anyway. The point was how you could make abilities work together to create special effects or outcomes, which is how literally every single party based RPG should be designed.

>replaying game
>get to the fade

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>*Skips it*

use the skip the fade mod, ninja

That's pretty much exactly what DAO is if that's what you're looking for


This hardass Male Dwarven Noble fell for the amoral voodoo witch's charms.

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>best girl
oh i'm laughin'!

>He doesn't want free levels

>he wants to play 3 hours of doo doo ass combat for 2 attribute points

I like being the arcane horror and the giant, burning man and rat can suck a dick though

it's cliche but evil swamp witch catching feelings and ending up in a wholesome romance still gets me
seeing the fruition of that character arc was the only good part about inquisition desu

>burning man
>sucks a dick

>not spamming fire bomb to clear everything in the room

take a wild guess
>Publisher Electronic Arts gave BioWare only 14 to 16 months to finish the game's development
for perspective Origins had 3 years of full scale development.