This is the stupidest thing I've seen in a minute.
This is the stupidest thing I've seen in a minute
Fusion rode a dangerous line but dread is just fucking shonen anime
honestly i don't know what it is about this game, maybe it's because of how long it's been, maybe it's the shitty 3ds styling, maybe it's the new development team, but i honestly cannot consider this shit anything other than "official fanfiction" because that's what it looks and feels like. fanfiction that is published
all me btw I hate video games
>oh no a bounty hunter with genetic and cybernetic augs and decades of experience is a badass
inb4 some fag tries to say the ending to super is at all similar
I agree. Feels cheap.
The Metroid Suit is fucking awesome. You're out of your mind.
I swear, there's a vocal contingent of people are salty as fuck that this game didn't flop, and are desperate to shittalk at any opportunity.
>babby's first character design
that's v on any new game
She's literally just a fed-up beast of a woman with access to superweapons. Cope harder.
Maybe, but the Metroid Suit appeals to my dick. Have you seen her back?
wouldn't it be BADASS if Samus combined with the Metroid?? It's like if a T-rex had goddamn motherfucking LASERS on its head! That would just win all the internets for the day
When they had Samus's "Dad" speak and the language just sounded like jumbled up spanish, because Mercury Steam are spanish, that just made me realize the game actually is fanfiction.
DOOM Eternal had the same problem.
This is why you don't let fans make a product. They have no restraint and are just focused on portraying their favorite characters in a way they've always wanted.
She's been one since Fusion.
>They have no restraint and are just focused on portraying their favorite characters in a way they've always wanted.
based if you ask me, rather this than whatever sterile shit you're envisioning.
It's insane how amateurish the suit is. I can just imagine the conversation inside the peabrained designer who made that atrocity. "Metroids have like, fangs right? Where should I put them? Oh, I know, right on her gun. Cause that looks badass. Like how dangerous does that look now? So heckin cool
The question is where are they going after Dread? Everyone is excited about sequels but didn't they just made Samus an actual godly mutant chimera by the end? I mean she has reached super powerful levels in games like Super or Echoes but were only temporary.
Imagine seething this hard about the fact SAMUS is a badass
Do you cry about Lara Croft kicking ass too?
Yea it's incredibly dumb. looks wise and lore wise.
Zooms problems primarily stem from the argent and that gay power suit. It's odd that doomguy is a better character when he's a not speaking normal marine in hell who knows nothing more than that he must kill, and eternal somehow fucks that up and gives him a "totally radicool" gamer station where he listens to epic music on his "wicked sick" space station, he also commissioned a painting of his "awesome rabbit named fluffy" the whole thing seems like it was written by fags who want very badly to fit in.
Samus was badass. When character designs weren't so tryhard. Those days are gone.
New! Metroid has her get bonked in the back of the head and start out from just a weak gun again.
I cry about fragile little flower Lara who hates tombs killing a small country's worth of asians using nothing but her bare hands and a bow yes. Old Lara was cool and sexy and used those to her advantage
>Samus was badass. When character designs weren't so tryhard
Says you. To me it's just a natural progression from the Fusion Suit, becoming bulkier and more imposing while staying chitinous and organic.
>The question is where are they going after Dread?
Into another 15 year hiatus
The federation is probably gonna be the enemy soon enough. A sort of "too dangerous to be alive" type thing. Either that or they force her to find a way to get rid of the DNA and she complies or something lame. Personally outlaw samus that maybe even assembles some kind of supporting crew while on the run sounds kino.
>Shitposters still mad that Dread didn't flop and was actually a good game
this game sucked ass. I'm tired of pretending it's anything but a 7/10
I think people who use “minute” as a substitute for “a long time” are fucking retarded, so swings and roundabouts really.
So which do you want, muh mundane designs or extravagant designs? Because good (old) Lara is a DD supermodel badass which is its own brand of over the top.
Dread had some problems but Samus getting a new powerup based on the metroid injection she got in the prior game isnt one of them. I think the transformation into the suit could have been a hell of a lot smoother and the succ be better explored before hand but other then that I liked it.
I want the original designs from the original creators. Note that mercury steam made this garbage and I don't even fucking know who made Nulara.
Do they still work at Nintendo?
You really think I have the employee roster on hand? You can like dread, that's totally fine, but this shit was an outsource job and has all the trappings of one
That's such a fucked up mindset, too. I genuinely can't imagine wanting a game to be bad.
It's an older meme, but it checks out.
>oh no they expanded upon the SA-X concept the most memorable aspect of the chronologically most recent previous entry
>and expanded upon the bio-tech augs Samus has
>while delivering a quality 2d game improving stuff from Samus Returns
What an outsourced hatchetjob
You never see this kind of behavior for other companies and that's all I'll say on that. It's good, not great. The movement mechanics are actually really good, but the bosses are gay, the story is gay, the designs are gay and you crying about it not being a travesty meaning noone has any right to complain is also gay. It's better than federation force and the zero suit section of zero mission and not much else, what else do you fucking want?
am I the only one who thinks super metroid was better?
>the story
Go back to Tumblr if you want games that are GAMES to be Othello
>and you crying about it not being a travesty meaning noone has any right to complain
You're complaining about faggot shit, nigger
it's so stupid it's good
do people really play metroid for the story?
I had the same idea for a post-fusion suit ages ago, but that edgy watermelon-looking crap is just terrible.
Samus turning into a Dark Samus-like abomination is neat. The way it conveniently gets undone in 2 seconds is lame.
The next game seriously needs to have less of a story though, it's never been their strong point.
>Ahem ACKCHYUALLY it expanded on her SA-X and bio aug abilities
>Yeah that's gay and makes the story gay
This is the last you that youre getting from me
it was good but it lacked soul
I like this idea.
>more story shit
Niggerfaggot the SA-X shit is the fucking robots that stalk you. That shit's GAMEPLAY
And the Bio-aug shit are her powers. That shit's also GAMEPLAY
You're crying like a castrated cuck about STORY in a fucking ARCADE GAME
God you really are the most contrarian faggots imaginable
the ending went overboard, yeah. good game anyways
Federation that have been infiltrated by space pirates outlaw Samus and she goes on the run. Last boss is Ridley in a federation officer suit and hat.
You shouldn't have to worry about showing up in the future, ending is Synonymous with the opening. Start of the game, her hand is different, ending of the game, her hand is back to normal.
They're never going to be the enemy. Dread was the perfect time for that but that ship has sailed. Nintendo/Sakamoto saw that people didn't like the Ringleader plot from Fusion and Other M and dropped it before it got any more stupid than it already was.
>Game tries to convince the player that Adam is somehow still alive for real this time
>Final cutscene you are looking at Adam from behind and he looks completely normal
>He speaks normal English "I'm glad you've made it this far"
>He turns around and he's now a 12 foot tall purple pterodactyl wearing a federation suit that is way too small for him
>*Ridley's screech from super*
I'd play it
>noo you cant criticize X or express any discontent
shut up man
>sucked ass
user, I...
>Samus becomes the metroid
Probably the coolest thing they could go with. I mean fusion almost abandoned it at the end, but Dread fully embraces the concept with this.
If Fusion abandon that concept her suit would have still not resembled a Metroid somewhat, you guys spent years reading what Sakamoto said and meant wrong.
How long until ACfag shows up
What does armored core have to do with metroid
>where do they go after Dread
Samus inevitably reproduces and creates the new race of human-type metroids which threaten every species in the galaxy.
You play as one of her decedents who hunts her own kind. It would be inspired by the Species sequels, H.R Giger's other alien franchise.
Nintendo wouldn't have the balls to use this great idea however.