That one friend who got a gf and now tries to integrate her into your gaming group

>that one friend who got a gf and now tries to integrate her into your gaming group
>keeps saying we don't talk to her enough

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Get out, normalfag

do you guys not have friends?

>keeps saying we don't talk to her enough
Holy batshit insecurity Batman

Most of us are sigma males, you beta bitch.

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>that one friend who got a black gf and didnt care about saying nigger and insulting women
>now gets pissy when i say nigger and insult women
i just dont get it.

>got a gf and now tries to integrate her into your gaming group
>keeps saying we don't talk to her enough
would drop him and his gf immediately idc how close they are
gtfo that cringe shit, if you're not being "talked to enough" it's bc you're boring simple as

>keeps saying we don't talk to her enough
It's your bitch not mine. You talk to her.

>keeps saying we don't talk to her enough
Holy cuck

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he's pussy whipped

>have a group of friends who play halo and call of duty
>they're dicks and I eventually sour on their bullshit, move to another state because my parents got divorced
>look them up on social media, they all have good jobs, girlfriends/wives, advanced degrees, go on vacations
>I'm still a video game playing virgin with no online friends and barely any irl acquaintances

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Believe me, that's better than
>that one friend who got a gf and now completely dissapeared from our social group

Remember this well: Don't expect robots or misogynistic fitfags to stick around in the million to one chance that they do get a gf.

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>Get a girlfriend
>Have actively become more racist and sexist besides with her
What’s the meaning of this?

Just tell him he doesn't want you to be to close to his gf and to talk with her and to play vidya together and to know when shes online as it will eventually lead to them getting into some fight and her sucking your cock out of revenge.

Or she will ask you to carry her in some game like LoL and come over to duo q and feel the need to give you a handjob to repay you for boosting, but when you during the handjob push her head down she will resist a little but then start sucking like wild. So you fuck her and she screams to not cum inside but when you do she gets all possesive and making plans.
Yes women are that much evil and retarded.

>*friends* became a bunch of alcoholics and normalfags
>the unironically enjoy Dead by fucking deadlight and Fucking Undertale now
>they don't even talk about games, they just talk about muh life and muh job, muh twitter

Into the trash

>be me , super autist who barely talks to other human beings at all
>Despite me being a super autismo have cousin who is into all the same anime/manga, and Vidya as me. Seriously a total bro
>I only have sisters so this cousin is basically the closest thing I have to an older brother
>he enters a serious relationship
>they move in together
>now whenever I wanna hang with my bro I have to go to his apartment (I still like with my parents) and his gf is always there
>Never get to hang out with just him anymore, she's always part of the equation
>she's nice and all but it's just not the same, not nearly as fun
>he obviously acts a little different with her there, a bit more filtered as opposed to unfiltered

I miss hanging out with just him. Girlfriends suck bros

i dont understand the appeal of twitter.

Did the penguin waiter not reach you with his order yet?

Grow up uncles. They’ve changed for the better. Why don’t you do the same?

alright name 5 (five) games

>friend gets a nerdy black girlfriend
>brings her over to hang out
>he gets mad at something and yells nigger as loud as possible
>the realization sets in
>room is silent for a minute
>he pulls out his phone and acts as if someone calls him and has to go now
>leaves her there
>I have to take her home
>as far as I know he never talked to her again

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I haven't watched this show but I saw Alan Moore was a writer. Is Omni-man just that boring trope ''Superman....but what if he was evil/a dick???'' If not what's his deal?

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>I saw Alan Moore was a writer.
what are you on about m8. Alan Moore has nothing to do with the comic or show Invincible

big kek

>that one friend who got a gf and now tries to integrate her into your gaming group
more like barely shows up to plays games anymore, and spends all his time with her now.

vidya in its entirety is a hobby that image describes

>couple of friends fly out to visit me and the boys
>best friend just got a new girlfriend
>spends the entire trip ignoring everyone to spoon with her
>have barely even talked with him for months now
Some dudes just get whipped easily I guess.

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>Is Omni-man just that boring trope ''Superman....but what if he was evil/a dick???'' If not what's his deal?

No, he’s pretty much a Saiyan from DBz

>became a bunch of alcoholics
I empathize with you deeply. People will cope and say alcohol is fine, but every friend I've ever known that goes beyond a drink once in a blue moon inevitably centers their life around getting fucked up and experiences noticeable mental decline. It's even more painful to watch them then inflict their addiction on others and continue the infection.

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>friend gets a gf
>he turns into an annoying normalfag and nobody in the group likes him afterwards but we begrudgingly keep him around

Sigma balls bitch

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>keeps saying we don't talk to her enough
Why are you being so off putting? It's not hard to be sociable. I'm literally autistic and I routinely make good impressions on new people. If I can do it, you have no excuse.

Are you willing to uphold the very same impressions you've made?

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Ok, i laughed.

Keking at current Yea Forums faggotry.

You shoulda fucked her

Where do you think we are?

Twitter is fine if you're just using it to look at memes. And if you're working in a creative field, or want to, twitter is basically a non negotiable necessity at this point. Not only can people easily view your work/portfolio on it, but you can network with others in your field easily as well

>internet friend gets a gf
>suddenly becomes ultra-normie, barely even logs onto steam anymore except to tell us about his dog or to try to talk about real life sports games
It is almost cartoonish what it did to him, like he literally got replaced with somebody who is the exact opposite of his previous self.

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>friend tells me we should talk to his girlfriend more because she doesn't have many friends
>"she's a cunt, dude"

She was not attractive in the slightest
Pussy isn't hard to get

This works if the girls is already part of the group

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Damn I'm glad my friend don't do that shit. We have a don't bring your girlfriends to a bros only hangout.

nigga he was my friend but the motherfucker openly talked about how much he unironically hated women. I don't mean as in a few jokes or whatever, he OPENLY said shit like "god i fucking hate women so much it's their fault blablabla"

Don't expect people like those to stay around once they finally get a gf to blabber their issues all over.

if a gaming group already has a girl, it is by definition not a gaming group

>having frens

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Steve jobs whore

Alright name 169,000 (one hundred and sixty nine thousand) games

good on him for growing up

I had a guy like this in our friend circle. Then I fucked his gf and took her virginity. I'm not even lying. I fucked her for 3 years, pumping all her holes with my seed and then she left me to get back to him lol. And he accepted her LMAO. Then he cut off all interactions with everyone, don't know what happened next with them, but I bet she remembers my dick to this day.

That’s what she gets for being a nigger and thinking she was welcome lmao

Sounds like he was too good for her anyway

Go back.

I have two friends just like this except they maintain double lives with different groups. We joke that one resembles Patrick Bateman with how he changes personas. The sudden change in both cases came as a result of getting hitched with a girl or trying to get with girls.

>it's a "normalscum thread vaguely related to videogames episode"

He’s basically “What if Vegeta almost conquered Earth, but then Trunks beat him up”. Also le wacky hyper violence that hasn’t gotten stale at all

I've been on Yea Forums since 2007, I have friends and I'm not a virgin. Am I the only old user like this?

No, I'm 32, I lost virginity at 17. And I'm using boards for at least 16 years.

user's creative writing classes are paying off, but monitor his tv time at home.

>i-im a sigma

it wasn't a gaming group to begging with

The ending to the first episode was super duper kino. The rest was okay, though the gay poc trans rights cast rubbed me the wrong way the entire time.

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it's the only way i can still enjoy games user, cut me some slack

You might not believe, but it's true. Right now I'm honest to the core.

It's the worst when they bring her to a DnD group.

>but then Trunks beat him up
omniman massacred mark but he managed to wreck him emotionally after getting his ass obliterated