Why did this end up filtering so many people?

Why did this end up filtering so many people?

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because it was boring.

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Was it?

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Takes too long to get the hang of all the combat mechanics
Much more fun on higher difficulties
also the story was cringe and the platforming felt out of place

Reddit: The Videogame

Doesn't look at interesting, and changing your weapon every other shot doesn't sell it very hard.

That would be Elden Ring.

>I'm here, because there seems to be some very serious problems.
>Oh really? Do I need to remind you of the groundbreaking work that we're doing here?
>No, but I've been authorized by the board to look at everything.
>The board authorized you? Hmm. The board doesn't know the first thing about science.
>All they want is something to make them more money, some product.
>Don't worry. They'll get their product.
>After how many accidents, tell me Doctor Betruger, why are so many workers spooked, complaining, requesting transfers off Mars?
>They simply can't handle life here. They're exhausted and overworked. If I had a larger, more competent staff and bigger budget, even these few accidents could have been avoided.
>I'm afraid you'll get nothing more until my report is filed with the board. I will need full access Doctor Betruger, Delta included. I won't have any difficulties doing that will I?
>Only if you get lost Swann. Just stay out of my way. Amazing things will happen here soon. You just wait.
>Let's go.

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>dude djent lmao
>boring as fuck gameplay
>lmaoxDmaymays, rip and tear
>makes fun of game with stories but goes full retard with the story in the second
The only people who like this shit are autistic morons who eat up whatever is marketed
Also all nudoom threads are made by shills

Because it's kinda unique, you combo and dodge like a hack and slash, but it's a FPS, and god forbid anyone makes nromies play anything that isn't similar to the rest, elden ring did a open world that isn't like most of the others and people created a whole discord server to shit on it in here

>boring as fuck gameplay
you smell of redid


as if the game isn't fight x number of lame demons to proceed over and over again

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I just didn't like it compared to 2016

and its still more complex than any other aaa shoter its times more complex than horizon0dawn on the market , more intense than any other game
and you dont waste time with some dogshit dialouge/story , story is optional and you can skipp cutscenes

they're absolutely right. eternal's platforming was unintuitive garbage that broke up the pace of combat for no good reason

nigga please, game is easy and dumb as fuck. Just because it has a few mechanics that doesn't mean shit

It's fair to say that all the Doom 3 fans have only Resident Evil games to look forward to now.

Doom 2016 and Eternal is for the Quake Arena fans.

Wake me up when they want to make Tribes 2, Doom Eternal edition and CTF with vehicles becomes popular again, otherwise I ain't interested in your gay bunny hopping.

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Hilarious how much the platforming segments filter people. I wish they added more of them and integrated them with combat.

Name one (1) other FPS as mechanically intensive as Eternal.

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>thinking about meds

Same reason Soulsbornes seem to filter low-IQ dopamine junkies, you can’t pick it up and instantly be good at it. It’s a game that rewards in-depth understanding and application of all the systems the game presents to you, and demands you make use of every tool at your disposal especially at higher difficulties. Mastering all of that takes practice and patience, something a lot of people are programmed to be averse to nowadays.

Bro, stop trolling, there are many and they actually do it right.

Go ahead and name one then


Novelty > Intensity

Chronic masturbation v.s. sex with a playboy bunny

True, but you usually need a hook to catch a fish

Yeah it was, the forced gun swapping didn't do it for me.

It expected you to learn its mechanics, and was unforgiving if you refused to.

Therefore limits the audience

Game is for Quake Arena fans

You're right. It's for someone who wants a game to play, not a game to experience.

>not a game to experience.
fucking gay

I dislike Q3 and I still enjoyed the crap out of DE.

Multiplayer games = people who want to play games

Singleplayer games = games to experience

Doom Eternal = Single player game with multiplayer mechanics

not saying it's wrong, but I like my tea with a side of acid.

>play game
>realize its garbage
>"uhm filtered sweetie"
glad i have high enough standards to get "filtered" by such peasant trash

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Well I am glad you enjoyed it, cheers

>16 and Eternal are for arena fags
lolno. Get this trash out of my face. You never played Quake's MP in your life. What you meant to say was Painkiller/Serious Sam

Absolute fucking snoozefest.

>the only people we can point being "filtered" are gaming journos and retarded normalfags (from fucking yt comments)
It's almost as if you don't play games. Like a DYEL who brags about his 1 pl8 bench.

Name one (1) mechanically intensive thing Eternal does.

boredom doesn't count as filtering

It's actually for Firestarter fags ;)

Not sure where this zoomer idea of filters being a bad thing comes from. It filtered me because the combat system and gameplay simply does not appeal to me. I loved original Doom 1 and 2. I even enjoyed the original Wolfenstein 3D. Quake was great. Doom 2016 was great, but it's clear that Doom Eternal was a game made fresh for the smartphone crackbaby generation that hit their teens in the year it launched. Now I'm getting older and there's only so much time left to shitpost before I shit my pants again, so I'll leave you with this. It is okay to not like a game that is popular. It is also okay to be white.

it's different enough from 2016 that it was to be expected to filter some people. also the general difficulty on HMP and higher was beyond many normies' tastes.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there.

Serious Sam = big open areas with lots of cartoonish enemies

That's fair.

they're basically just disguised hallways segments and are totally trivial, anybody who struggled with them is a legitimate retard

Zoomers are the most nigger generation that love to brag about find "success" from boring grinding and doing the most basic shit.

>Filtered boomers because it's not a hold the shoot button and circle strafe game
>Filtered zoomers because it actually demands something from the player
>Filtered Doom 2016 fans because it differed quite a bit from it
>Filtered casuals because it's not a movie game

>It's almost as if you don't play games. Like a DYEL who brags about his 1 pl8 bench.
the implication is that you are as bad as these people for getting filtered lmao

>trying this hard to "no u"
This is like the top 3 "arguments" Eternal fags have.

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Well, this explains a lot.

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>bright neon colored health pods and ugly mishmashed map palletes
>only 1 possible playstyle that forces you to swap weapons every 0.5s
>tries to make some cohesive lore and story that is totally reddit LE DOOMSLAYER. Was only tolerable before in 2016 because hardly any cutscenes or story
I don't think it's a bad game, but it's just not Doom to me

user, that post was not a "no u" it was an explanation because you apparently missed the point

Back when I played mostly on consoles and tried out the Doom '16 demo on PS4, I couldn't even finish it because using a controller felt so awful (this comes from someone who had played online FPS on console a whole bunch). I basically waited until I got a decent PC a few years later and finally got to enjoy it. That, and the fact that I saw so many people complain about the platform segments in Eternal being too hard just makes me think it's largely an issue from the console userbase.

>I wish they added more of them and integrated them with combat
That would be funny, but I'm banking on the devs to make the next game more mechanically simple or drop Doom for now and focus on another IP. Given the state of what AAA gaming was then and is still in, the nuDoom revival almost feels like a dream now.

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Because Yea Forums is unironically bad at video games. Im not the greatest, but Yea Forums cant even do the most basic shit. Seriously even shitholes like plebbit are better than games than this shithole. Whenever they explain why its bad it comes down to things that shows they are a bad player
I hate most current western games but Doom Eternal was for once a fantastic game that came out in the years that were filled with trash. However this place cant enjoy a fun game thats challenging. Just look at all the Elden Ring seethe threads that come up daily

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Because it actually requires a bit of mechanical skill especially on nightmare. So many fromshitters got their ego hurt when they couldnt just roll + r1 the whole game.

>Singleplayer games = games to experience
Not for old games, that put the gameplay above all else and expected you to learn their rules.


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Who is your favorite npc from any game to murder?


The original Doom had better gameplay because it was much more modular. Enemies filled specific roles, and weapons were purposeful. I love Eternal, but it's just not even close to the same game. You just mash weapon keys after every shot to murder everythng the same way, and chainsaw every once in a while when the game encourages you to.

Quit trying to make the game look bad troll.