Peak JRPG kino

Peak JRPG kino.

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Better than Xenogears

As a game it fucking sucks but it indeed has some top tier kino moments
The lip-syncing/models/animations are rough but the actual cutscene direction and subject matter btfo 99% of jarpigs

To each their own.
Gears, despite also being unfinished, still managed to tell a more complete story than Saga. That being said I do think Saga has some great ideas and the lore of the world/universe is more interesting with the UMN and Gnosis.

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I never beat it

What's better than DZIELO? because Xenoblade 2 is above DZIELO for sure.

Nah that would be the English version of Shadow Hearts Covenant

Still, Ziggy 4 lyfe.

Stop misusing this word, underage.

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On the contrary, kino is quite appropriate for movie games.

the minigames were the highlight of the game

That was cool

Kos-Mos > 2B

Never played this game but some user posted a webm showing different places in this game the other day and it looked like pure SOVL

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Switch Gears and Blade 1

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Remember wanting to play undub but there were only projects, any idea if they got an undub already?

They've had one for like a decade. I have it. Don't know if anyone still offers it

Will take a look thank, doubt this thread will be up for much longer so don't worry. Take care user

It's 2022, you surely have something that's able to emulate PS2 games. Give it a shot. It's far from a 10/10 but when it's good, it's mindblowing good.

how were the DS versions?

The what?

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Xenosaga 1&2 for the DS. Only released in Japan iirc

Is there a full translation for these?

I didn't play them, but I watched a bit of a 実況 and eh... the presentation is terrible. They don't replace the originals at all.


I hear the game has like 20 hours worth of cutscenes, is that true? Are they at least good



I started 2, and the combat is actually fun. Much better than the shit we got for 1.

It's Good / entertaining.
But you need to be in the mood for it
Jesus Christ himself shows up at some point. Worth if for that alone.

more like peak jRPG boredom, the combat is mediocre, the "level design" (and I use that term loosely) was complete hallways, and the story has nothing going on. Saga 2 was just as boring. They got their shit together for 3 but even with that being good it's still worse than gears/the blade games

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weeb for let's play

I like Xenosaga and have tons of nostalgia for it, but it's objectively not good. 2 is pure shit.

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Wouldn't say Gears is better than blade 1, but blade 1 is better than most of Saga, and blade 2.

This. literally gears is mostly a flick

Can we agree that blade 1 is a better game than gears, as in being a videogame and not a movie most of the time? I barely hear people talk about the game play of gears

It's better from a gameplay perspective, but Gears mogs it in pretty much every other way. Overall, gears is the best Xeno game.

Xenosaga trilogy ruined me for other JRPGs. No other game even attempts to be as complex. Just stupid ass, illogical cliche anime shit with 0 attempt at doing anything original or thought provoking.

Kids dont even know what Xenosaga is. They are too busy jerking each other off over how good they think Xenoblade games are.

>I started 2, and the combat is actually fun. Much better than the shit we got for 1.

lol wut? 2 has the worst combat of the 3 and I am convinced the stock system, which forces you to take damage, only exists to artificially lengthen what is a short game.

>type kos-mos on google search
>first auto complete is kos-mos xenoblade
>xenosaga doesn't show up in any of the options

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>I barely hear people talk about the gameplay of gears
its a fucking late 90's jrpg on the ps1, does any turn based jrpg of this era has actually good gameplay?

I barely hear people talk about gameplay of blade.

nothing will top 1’s writing, music, presentation and voice acting.

If the game had actual in-game music and a better gameplay to cutscene ratio, hnnnnngh

Every poster below this line is gay


funny seeing the image I made as a joke years ago being used seriously

Xenosaga 3 tops 1, easily. Music? Seriously? Xenosaga 1 has like 1 theme for when shit is going down.

saga 1 was one of mitsuda's weaker works desu

Shion is such an average roastie, the very moment Kevin explains to her he is destroying the universe to stay with her forever her pussy goes dryer than the Atacama and chooses her simp.

the sound of shion's heels clicking on the floor

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not gay but if i was a girl, i'd suck allen's dick after he pistol whipped that gnosis in the ending of 3 to death

Prioritizing Shion's lame soap opera character arc was a mistake.

xenosaga is a bad game and bad anime. not even the best xeno.

gears = saga > blade > blade X >>>>>>>>>>>>blade 2
I haven't played the saga sequels yet.

Bait game
1st is a movie that promised waifus and mindfuck
2nd if filler
3rd is oh its just da vinci code, because it was trending

I love how Allen gets on absolute chad moment each game. Mowing down the enemy with the gun turret in 2 was awesome.

Still an all time favorite series of mine. 2 was the weakest entry overall, but that soundtrack though.

It's admittedly been 15 years since I've played XSII, but I don't remember this song at all. Sounds kino.

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It plays during the battle in the prologue when Jin and Margulis go toe-to-toe. That and the music from the chase scene on the highway are my two favorite tracks from that game. I still use both of these to test stereo equipment.

>chronicles sabotaged saga from ever getting a part 4 or just a new game

It's fucking gay

Saga sabotaged itself by being pretentious as fuck.

I really like the feel of that first mission where your Ziggy and you have to infiltrate this base and extricate this girl i think it was. Really felt like i was a man on a mission

Yeah, where you exfil Momo. Great mission. Ziggy's an awesome character.

I just started playing this and agree. It's really fuckin good. People were complaining about the cut scenes but I like them. Gives me a chance to chill out. Shion is cool. KOS MOS is cool. I actually liked virgil, the asshole at the beginning. So far it seems to be way better than xenogears. People who praise that game (and it is a great game no lie) I think forget how poor the pacing was and how lacking it was in rpg mechanics, and also how dry the main characters were.

But the pretentiousness is part of the fun in a Xeno game.

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