yeah... THAT happened...
Yeah... THAT happened
seeing the actual screenshot just feels surreal now
Agreed it looks faker than the edits at this point.
I miss those threads.
Nope, entire game is not canon.
>if the crazed leader of a militant death cult that does live human experimentation captures your daughter to dissect her and you kill him, YOU are the real monster
Bravo, Niel.
if they wanted to say joel was definitively in the wrong they wouldn't have gave him that scene at the end of the game where he says he would do it all over again
>Game tries to talk about VIOLENCE AND REVENGE BAD
>dev team can't figure out a gameplay loop other than killing a small countries worth of people to go from cutscene to cutscene that tries to tell the player to feel bad about killing
>Game has even fewer zombie segments than the first game
what's that word gay sanfran liberals like to throw around about lugopejorative discontents or some shit
Gameplay as Ellie is great, sneaking around and brutally fucking up people bigger than you feels awesome. I want to replay the game... but then I remember the Abby sections... fuck that
It's ludo-narrative dissonance and they don't just say it, they live it every day.
mUh lUdOnArRaTiVeDiSsOnAnCe
On the dead serious tho, if Neil wanted to drive home violence bad, they should have had Ellie fucking strangle a defenseless old woman to death. It really doesn't work when you play as 2 killing machines and try to say that one killing the other is bad when you killed 20-50 people SECONDS before you found them
i think the game was trying to say that killing people in self-defense ie regular gameplay is better on the psyche than stomping some defenseless person which was the point of Owen's story where he says he killed a whole bunch of Scars without feeling anything but then the defenseless old man Scar broke him. which is also why Ellie had to goad Abby into fighting back by putting a knife to the kids throat instead of immediately stabbing her, i think the game intentionally puts Abby in such a shitty state to make Ellie sparing her more "believable" and if Abby were still a killing machine Ellie wouldn't have such a hard time
i think they were purposefully trying to say something about that i am just trying to understand author's intent putting aside my opinions on the narrative
This scene would've been better if Abby had a dick and raped Ellie.
Sure? I guess? It's very tone deaf though. It's pretty well accepted that killing even in self defense really fucks your psyche up. Neil can try to go rounds about killing in self defense being morally virtuous, but avoiding conflict wholesale and being given the option to would have driven home a better point.
>i think the game intentionally puts Abby in such a shitty state to make Ellie sparing her more "believable" and if Abby were still a killing machine Ellie wouldn't have such a hard time
So why did Ellie kill the chubby asian kid just minding his own business? So much for self-defence, she sneaks up on someone busy playing handheld games and then slit their throats, instead of sneaking past.
I swear this all happened last year. I swear it did.
Because cutting throats is cool, user.
Don't make cutting throats cool if you want me to think cutting throats bad.
ellie only kills psp girl and pregnant bitch/owen when they went for the knife, ellie could have sneaked past psp girl but it was a perfect opportunity to get some information
I'm still surprised the game is only about 20 hours long. It felt like 50 when I played it.
That thing wasn't a kid
>*subverts ur expectations*
It's fucking weird, user. I feel you. It seems like the year of 2021 didn't even exist. We couldn't really feel it, and when we less expected it we're here in the middle of 2022.
I feel like i am going fucking crazy
Miss me with this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Cannot believe how based this was.
Did this game and the casting for TV show kill this franchise?
No one talks about it anymore kek
I really enjoyed the game up until you play as the tranny. It's so sad they killed that series, it was open ended. They could have went anywhere with it. Loved the locations and stuff, hands down the best post apocalyptic explorer besides Days Gone. I'm enjoying Horizon forbidden West atm, I love finding the old world holo tapes etc
Do people know that the game can be and is designed to be played stealthy?
>Days gone
Shame the head guy behind that game got the boot and was also an asshole. Shame Sony undermarketed the fuck out of it and had it killed. Probably for the best though desu, I wouldn't want a sequel where you're carting around your wife and dealing with relationship drama at the end of the world
The game is still by design for you to kill people. Many many engagements require killing people and there's no way around it. Being stealthy or aggressive doesn't change that by the end you've killed A LOT of people
remember back when everyone on Yea Forums was shitting on this game? and now they're still shitting on it because it's bad lmao.
I haven't beat it yet, I'm near the end so I didn't check your spoiler, I'm on the last big hoard, keeps fucking me up, the one with all the explosive train cars. What a good game, the set pieces etc. I wish they had hashed out the side missions better, I would have loved some flash backs to the starting days of the plague. Not sure why games always jump into the future instead of letting you play the downfall of humanity
Kek I haven't seen this one
If they wanted to ACTUALLY be brave and say something about the horror of revenge they’d have had Ellie have her head caved in instead and actually subverted the trope of “young person loses old person character” and flipped it on its head having Joel descend into madness and fury hunting Abby down
did he really surprise me with anything if i already knew i was going to get subversive jewish antikino beforehand?
>Side missions
Don't get me fucking started, you expect maybe one or two to be something meaningful but they're all garbage. The free roaming and the story missions are where all the kino is stored. I believe you will like the game right up until you hit crater lake, very lousy slog for an hour or two and then the game picks back up. Sequel never ever
Did you notice that Abbys campaign has much more zombies?
It's perfectly consistent, narratively speaking to kill a lot of people as Ellie because you're going through her anger phase.
thx doc
The sequel should never have featured Joel or Ellie at all. Their story was perfectly capped and rounded out.
Part 2 should have taken a leaf from Resident Evil 2 and told a new story with new characters set in the same world. The response to the game would have been so much more positive.
post your favorite choke/punch/etc. edit
hard mode: that you made
We could have had such kino:
>Jackson is raided by the WLF
>Ellie is killed instead of Joel, now the last person on the planet with the ability to cure everyone is dead
>Joel descends into his old Hunter self, takes Tommy with him like the old days
>Literally nothing left to lose, he’s absolutely brutalizing people
>So much so that the player begins to feel uncomfortable
>This is interspersed with sections of flashbacks to young Joel and Tommy doing horrible shit
>Game ends with Joel burning the WLF and the remaining fireflies to the ground
>All the major factions are gone, but Joel and Tommy are alive
>They are the last of us
That game was so boring. I gave up half way through with the second or third stealth mission. Fuck that.
Also the lack of ammo in the game really makes the game stale. You have to use melee weapons most of the time because of ammo shortage, and the melee combat is simply trash.
it was already posted, which is a bit surprising since I only ever posted the original once before deleting it
This must have been from some obscure indie game right? After all it couldn't have been a big budget AAA release because if it were then surely people would still be talking about it for years to come?
I'm getting an ultra wide monitor just cause of this
I would have liked to see things from the militaries point of view. Have it take place over 20 years. Start with the outbreak of the virus. Then the establishment of safe zones. The fight against the Fireflies. End it where the first game starts, with Joel and Ellie leaving the settlement and setting out on their journey (but don't actually show them, just have the final happen at the settlement at the same time).
I made this one and a pixelated version, but I have that one stored in another PC.
I had to download this one from a knowyormeme link I found in google. Didn't even know somebody appreciated it enough to save it.
The memes and templates were the only things of worth to come from this game
check that nine
The game is good despite it's problems, and the discourse around it is easing up and becoming less hyperbolic. The Metacritic user score will be above a 7.0 by 2025, and all the controversy and pissbaby anti-SJW arguments will seem so far away. I can't wait.
This just proves that western writers are creatively bankrupt. You have an entire fucking world of possible stories to tell and you choose to make a sequel with the characters from the first game.
Merci docteur
The sequel was there to shit on the Joel
This was the last hurrah of Yea Forums before it nosedived into post-post irony era. We now have unironic e-celeb threads, halo threads, and twitter threads with nobody calling them out
How long until your breaking point, user? oh and let me remind you that zoomers will turn 30 in 2 years so expect a new -oomer very soon