What now, Fromtards?
why the price drop?
>Meanwhile Horizon is being given away for free with highly sought after consoles for FREE
Since it already sold like hot cakes they're most likely trying to get the 1% of interested players.
>What now
Probably going to pick up the game.
They're hoping to rope in new people for when the dlc drops
a dlc is probably not going to drop until next year
What a genius way to get rid of stock. Just write it off as a promotional expense to keep the district super visor and up happy.
*clunk* *clunk*
Took around a year for DS3 DLC and this game is bigger
That's still potential customers for it and the game is still being talked about. And a digital copy has increased profit motive, usually distributors just get like 8 dollars for physical copies, they probably get more if it's digital.
Are you familiar with the concept of price skimming?
Wow. A whole 10$. What a steal.
So sony is desperately trying to have the biggest shares of From sales as possible, probably trying to get another exclusive deal with From and they need the numbers to show they wont get fucked like they did with BB.
>"Oh boy! I can finally afford the greatest game of the decade on my wagecuck salary because $10 is a lot of money to me!"
Go buy it now while you can so you can forget about how poor you are for a few hours.
Since I already beat it, I'll be busy fucking your mom while telling her all of the extensive lore behind Malenia, Blade of Miquella's prosthetic's
i preordered it for basically the same price on greenmangaming
Classic selling strategy for something that sold well but you are predicting will soon drop off on sales.
Get the normies who heard about how good it was from their friends but were waiting for some reason with a basically inconsequential 10$ price drop. Basically wrangle in new people who were probabaly always gonna purchase at some point but were just waiting for a better opportunity
Nintendo does this all the time
This. Summer starts next month, minor end of quarter sales are popular for successful products to squeeze a couple more points out. May, August, November, February for sales that aren't promoted as holiday themed.
another way to look at this is that Horizon costs $500 which is 10 times more than your cringe berserk ripoff ;)
makes sense the dlc is going to be revealed at big xbox conference
>Paying to steal
Are you retarded?
even at 500$ it still wouldn't bring in more revenue than Elden Ring
Thats how much I paid on release day at walmart
i'm eastern european
quality > quantity
I got 400 hours out of it. I'm happy paying full price
What the hell does that have to do with revenue you buck toothed dingbat
selling less of a good product is morally better than selling more of a bad product, its basic economics.
why are you replying to such obvious bait you retarded faggot
12 million.
I accept your concession of defeat.
>shazamfags grasping this hard
lmao git gud
golden week in japan
The only thing morally better about this is that no one cares about Horizon at all.
It was fucking impressive just how badly shazamtards got blown out on Elden rings release. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a meme trend on Yea Forums die so suddenly and absolutely. And it wasn’t even an intentional move. They just drowned, no one replied in their stupid threads, and eventually they stopped trying. It would almost be sad if it weren’t so funny
>already sold 15 million copies
>outsold Horizon: Forbidden Hairline
i will buying again for the steam deck
I'm glad the last update tuned them to switch off more often
I preordered it for 15 bucks less than that though
There was a minute when they tried to get it started again for Xenoblade 3, but naturally it petered out immediately
if you are waiting for a price drop you wait til its at least $30 off. not $10
based mr krabs
PC Chads paid less than 40 bucks months before it came out. Do snoys really?
That's how they proclaimed that the first Horizon and nuGoW sold zillions, just packed them with the consoles and counted it as a separate sale.
I went to game stop and traded in some games to get a steam gift card. Only ended up costing me $10
>6 cent price drop
you can't make this up.
asking for it
Because there's groups of people willing to play a game, but not for launch title price. Since the game has already been out for a couple months, people who wanted the game would've probably got it by now, a sale will help it sell better
What games do sonybros even play?
Non rich people must be happy.
Latinos are waiting for 30 or 40 dollars
What now?
Thanks for hearing the good players
Nah it's gonna be a while.
FIFA, Madden, and Fortnite.
More like Elden Flop
I bought it for less than that from GMG before release.
Then guess they don't play anything then as they have nothing else.
30 million copies