Gamer fuel thread

gamer fuel thread

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ur a faget

I take Omeprazole everyday so i dont have to get an esophageal dilation again.

>user dilated

my gamer fuel? i buttchug cum

I take Desvenlafaxine for depression. Pretty based. Basically just makes me feel happy.

Change your diet and lose weight faggot.
>t. GERD, eosinophilic esophagitis, and gastritis.
Also play Skyrim.

My sister and I share a can of the white monster every now and then. Most of the time it doesn't do anything, but sometimes it really kicks, since we share it we only get around half a can, so maybe it's due to that

I take rat poison daily so my blood doesn't turn solid

When I stopped drinking booze and soda, the GERD stopped.

do americans really take medicines every day

The doctor wants to put me on SSRIs for panic attacks but I'm worried about long term effects

Then stop panicking

I take a vitamin D pill
that's about it

>putting every pill at once inside a non-daily carrier instead of just being in its individually labeled bottle
bad idea and also useless

>that disgusting unkempt nail

they even have to take pills to sleep

I hate Americans so much but not gonna lie I'd like to get drugs as easy as them too
Yeah that would make me a degenerate and slave like them but the only hope for me would've been that God does not exist and don't see me falling

Do you fuck her afterwards?

Do Americans really?

All I take is one Vitamin D pill per day, so I don't have to go outside.

Being American is the disease

I'm fat.

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Why do you always ask me that?

grandma's recipe

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15mg escitalopram oxalate daily

Drug companies don't want to cure you.

Are you me?

i dont have any medicines i need to take so i gobble a few mike & ikes a day instead. its american tradition, you'll get kicked off the dinner table if you dont consume some pills before saying grace

>least touched container is the one to help stop binge eating

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cod liver oil chads wya?

We'd really love to see a positive answer with proofs and details sir

Because you mention your sister each time. Well, do you then?

I had what I and my doctor assume was GERD for a while. Perfectly healthy weight, perfectly healthy diet. I didn't change what I ate or my lifestyle at all, before or after, and after about a year it just went away. I'm pretty sure the food we eat is just poison nowadays and it can randomly make your organs start dying for no reason.

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I take nothing. I just deal with my problems if they occur. I also mostly cut off caffeine. I completely stopped for a couple years and now I try to keep to a minimum. That and cutting out soda and 95% of the sugar I used to intake and getting regular sleep and you are most of the way there to being a happy healthy human being.

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You know that will only get me banned

I sometimes take omeprazole when I feel like my CHS kicks in. It works to cure it right up but it takes like half a day to kick in.

I take 1.2g of omega 3s daily
(Not 1.2g of fish oil but 1.2g of omega 3s itself)

I weight 176 lbs and im six two.

No bother make it on Yea Forums and send here

>This is the guy calling you crazy

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The fuck is a panic attack other than you being an absolute pussy?

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you don't at least take a multivitamin a day? it makes you feel so much better overtime.

Isn't taking meds that much fucks your liver?

I take omeprazole, Zyrtec (or rather the Costco generic), a men's multivitamin and then a dedicated K2+D3 vitamin.

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OP's picture gave me anxiety

I'm way too self conscious and scared to be honest with what I'm thinking/feeling with a fucking therapist and these assholes take 30 meds every day and flaunt it on social media.

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i can give you a pill for that

Parents who didn't realize their son was autistic and get him help and instead let him go off and do this are partially at fault.

I don't know user, there are legitimate anxiety disorders, it runs in my family, but I've tried my whole adult life to find other ways to manage my anxiety. It doesn't always work, and sometimes I just lean into it.
But a lot of panic attacks snowball from avoidable bad decisions and poor reactions that once you know what to look for, you can avoid.
Also, none of it fucking matters. There are very few situations in life where you can't walk away, take some deep breaths, and recenter yourself as you evaluate the decisions that need to be made.

here's my meds right here

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Physical symptoms like racing heart, sweating, balance issues, dizziness. Has very little to do with panic just the name
Mine come on when running

I haven't ever taken a pill in my life, unless in order to have some fun. Why are American doctors so happy to prescribe medication?

I trust the experts
I take my meds
I vax the fuck up
I look to Fauci
I pray to Floyd

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No because if they did, we wouldn't need to tell /pol/fags to fuck off all the time.

>I bet they wear watches so that they can say "Oh look, it's time to be transphobic."
It's always that time.

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i got put on zoloft for anxiety but got off it a couple years later, don't do it and try to find non-medication ways to deal with mental illness. the side effects are fucking terrible.

I guess theres a medicine for that too.

I have taken one everyday for almost a year. Still feel like shit.

user, I wanna see...pls

>anxiety xD
retards need to eat vegetables, drink water and take multivitamins

100% this is an american who automedicates himself. No doctor would give all these unless it's something really serious.

you also need sunlight and exercise

Because it's depressing to live in north america.
Eurofag who moved to N.A. and now I have 3 antidepressants.
Also, food is overall less flavourful and you get fatter for less enjoyment.

I went from thinking i have MS or young onset parkisons to completely healthy within a week of taking a massive magnesium supplement

Its truly fucked up how the body and brain can get completely ruined if it cannot succesfully get a single vitamin

I only take pseudoephedrine and triprolidine because it feels good

doctors give out pills like fucking crazy because they get a portion of the profits, which are immense because everyone is forcibly insured because of how excessive the prices are. its the ultimate racket

My job is very physical. The sunlight part I do not partake.

Daily amlodipine for BP, had an adderall scrip for funsies but it didn't work so the doctor got rid of it.

Don’t take drugs for mental issues, doctors try to push that stuff on me but I always refuse and new doctors are always impressed because I’m actually healthy and not reliant on anything. Yes America is a drug addicted shithole before you ask.

say that to her face, not online, see what happens

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Never taken a psychoactive drug in my life except for caffeine and only rarely and I'm American

I'm doing CBT to try and combat it and it is helping but I go off road a lot and am really worried about getting injured by one of these in the deep woods

This seems to be a focal point of bragging for women now; how many pills they take for their litany of maladies.

Is it some evolutionary leftover from people, the weaker sex especially, to try and activate some protector instinct in others by showing how fucked up they are? Personally, I see genetic dead ends but there are those who through Medical/spiritual vocation try and keep alive the already half-dead.

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>taking jew pills

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Pills to wake, pills to sleep
Pills, pills, pills every day of the week
Pills to walk, pills to think
Pills, pills, pills for the family
Pills to grow, pills to shrink
Pills, pills, pills and a good stiff drink
Pills to fuck, pills to eat
Pills, pills, pills down the kitchen sink

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My doctor wanted me to start taking anti depressants but I just told her that I didn't have the money for it. She got angry when I suggested she could pay for them if she wanted me to take them so badly.

I only take multivitamins when I eat mostly junk/fast food throughout the day.

You won't actually learn any food science online to see though, you'll just keep seething and assuming and suspecting that you're a victim and back in the old days everything was so much better.

Literally every thread turns into tranny obsession anymore.

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Are you sure ? I keep reading stories about how they keep pushing popular meds on patients because of pharmaceutical kickbacks.

This one just just makes me sad. This is pretty clearly a hurt and unstable person lashing out in grief.

>doc tries me on strattera for ADHD
>discover the side effect of "decoupling of orgasm and ejaculation"

hope you're not taking pussy grade stuff. you need medicinal grade multi cocktail. it basically feels like a meal replacement or senzu bean.

Bullshit. The weather is much better in the states. In Germany you get depressed even when things are going your way just because the whole country feels like a nightmare

Why not just take one cyanide pill and get it over with?

I take valaciclovir actavis against genital herpes once per day for one week prior to having sex, so I can go without condom and leave a nice creampie.


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I leave all the window blinds in my house closed at all times and only go outside to drive to work

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>decoupling of orgasm and ejaculation

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True, but not for the reasons you think.

>Why are American doctors so happy to prescribe medication?
Money you dipshit

It rains every other day here in this part of Florida, can’t wait to love to the other coast and enjoy eternal sunshine and less people.

based poorfag

>7 fucking dollars for a redbull
What in the goddam

you need a job you dont hate

What does reddit frog have to do with that?

The ones who do give that type of treatment tend to be the ones working for pharmacies, because they don't got their own place or don't work at a hospital.

When I had depression I tried efexxor (venlafaxine) and it did fuck all to me. I really can't remember the pill cocktail (i remember trying Zoloft though) but I felt like a zombie. Is desvenlafaxine much different?

Only dumb zoomers or old boomers

Most multivitamins are pretty shitty and don't do a good job of getting the vitamins into your system. Like vitamin c and b vitamins cancel eachother out, the c breaks down the b before it can get in your system. You should take them a couple hours apart.
That being said I take a b-complex vitamin every morning. You really can't go wrong with it, you can eat them like candy and you'll just piss out anything your body can't uptake and flush it out in some nuclear-yellow piss.
It's a nice way to ramp up your energy levels in the morning in a way that doesn't make you all geeked out.

Why doesn't the government do anything about it

i don't do much rural hiking myself, i stick to gyms/urban areas.

dont forget the obese and women. especially obese women. lardbeasts eat their weight in pills

I like to pick my nose

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The weather is only good in shit empty parts of the states or insanely overpriced parts of the states faggot.
Most of europe is temperate, never too cold in winter, not crushingly hot in summer, with fairly large springs and falls.
If you want better weather you need your 3-million dollar sheds in somebody else's property in California. Great.

I am an autist with OCD and depression. I took Prozac for a little while back when I was about 34 (I wasn't diagnosed until about a year prior when I had a really, really bad bout of depression). I eventually stopped taking it because it didn't do a whole lot for me, and I found that it was more effective for me to actually resolve the issues that made me depressed rather than trying to medicate.

I changed my diet 2 weeks ago. Mostly proteins, no carbs, no sugar and I take some vitamins. Added to that, I started working out and mountain biking. Have to say, I do feel better mentally. Kind of disappointed that I don't see any physical changes but I assume that takes years, so I just gotta keep this up.

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I was ADHD, but my doctor only subjected me through therapy, no meds or anything. Turned out fine in the end and I'm living a relatively normie life.

Today I will remind them.

Transgender cultists and kosher boshers gaslight vulnerable people into thinking that hormones and surgery are the only way for them to be happy, that they were born in the "wrong body" and that the way to start living as their "true selves" is through experimental surgery. The gender identity lie makes it easy for them to convince anyone with even a single atypical interest that they were really "meant to be" the opposite sex. The guaranteed state mandated acceptance and constant positive reinforcement from the media and their fellow grooming victims helps sell the con, too. But in reality there's no genuine appeal. HRT is ugly serum that makes you fat and ruins your skin, it doesn't "feminize". The "bottom surgery" is simply genital mutilation. It can't give you a real vagina. They absolutely do not need surgery or hormones to start loving the way they were born. Boys don't need to cease being male to feel pretty. Girls don't need to cease being female to feel athletic. The gender identity construct is inherently limiting. It tells people they need to change themselves to express any feelings they have that don't fall in line with the socially accepted parodies that our media considers "masculine" and "feminine". It's sad that people get tricked into hating and destroying themselves like this just to appease sexist stereotypes, even moreso that a lot of them are kids. If we had positive femboy and tomboy rolemodels rather than these transgender groomers telling everyone that self esteem is achieved through hormones and surgery, I think you'd see a lot more happy people who accept that they don't fit into gender stereotypes and a lot less miserable mutilation victims who insist on being called something they're not. The world becomes a better place when we celebrate tough girls and sensitive boys who break the mold while invalidating this meaningless and dangerous fad.

i only take pills for headache, it's 1 or 2 for 3 months
for sleep i just have a cup of passion fruit juice

restaurant prices, plus that's actually not that crazy. Ever been to literally any club in an actually large city? Red bull can be 10 bucks/10 euros.

cum but no feel as good, if at all

>Why doesn't the government do anything about it
Money you dipshit

As someone who did something similar yes it takes years for the big changes but you will feel much better over time

invest in a indoor sun lamp. it will not only improve the lighting indoors but its also good for you.

It's also very different. Some people change alot very fast but don't have a high ceiling for how much they can change (like me), some people always retain similar weight and barely change - ever. Some people have a very high ceiling but it takes an enormous amount of time to change.

Just keep going and see, even if you don't change alot visibly it's still worth it and you're still improving your physical health by strengthening your bones and muscles.

>so I just gotta keep this up.

You won't.

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It just starts oozing out before you're actually finished. Then when you finish barely anything comes out.
Only happened the first week though.

Based. Only medication i take

Yeah I told her I'd rather just work out at a gym then spend God knows how much for fucking pills.

>start taking biotin pills
>also start balding
>only in my mid 20s

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Anons, know that it is worth taking the time to learn what benefits different foods and vitamins offer. Most of the them in combinations will offer you better benefits than pharmaceuticals. Many of these pills are designed to make you dependent on them rather than fixing the issue. And most doctors won't give you a full diagnosis on what vitamins and minerals you're deficient in. Only basic stuff like Vitamin B/C or Iron. Americans have a terrible diet and suffer for it physically, mentally, and financially. Balance is not a meme.

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I'm so glad my mom was a schizo and told the doctor to go fuck himself when he tried to diagnose me with ADHD when I was little. Can't imagine having my whole existence revolve around taking countless drugs, draining my wallet dry in the process.

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