Why was the CRPG """revival""" so disappointing?
Why was the CRPG """revival""" so disappointing?
Because much like an overactive immune system WRPG fags are bitter jaded overly critical losers
What do you mean? There were plenty of kinos.
Because JRPGs are just better nowadays.
Owlcat did well with Kingmaker, but WotR isn't very good. People are smoking crack. Act 4 and 5 are AWFUL. The Engima is the worst thing ever put into a video game. The first DLC that was supposed to let you actually use your powers for more than 2 seconds before the game ends is just more puzzles. The second DLC is a shitty version of KCD's A Woman's Lot, but replace the woman with a gnome faggot.
Speaking of faggots, it's also because Owlcat's two games, while less pozzed than Obshittian or Larian, are still pretty fucking pozzed. Oh, did I mention the game is still a buggy trash heap all these months later? I wanted to play an evil Mythic path to see how it is, but then I remember the bugs, I remember Act 4, and I remember Act 5, and I remember the DOGSHIT crusade and I lose all interest.
As for Obshittian; lol. I don't need to say anything else. Just: lol.
Larian: BG3 is the Star Citizen of CRPGs. I'd like to thank everyone retarded enough to buy a game that has up to level 4 only and that allowed them to just never finish their game. Early Access is sheer cancer.
Solasta: Good ruleset implementation but let's be real: 5E sucks dick. It's for retards, brainlets, and women who can't do anything more complicated than boiling water. The campaign is flat out NWN1 bad. Good dungeon maker if you want to just make combat situations for your friends, I guess.
Wasteland 3: this was pretty good. I guess you deserve the state of the genre when this game gets ignored and people buy 'the promise of BG3 sometime in the future maybe lol' for 60 dollars. Notice I didn't claim it was 'amazing' to cut off the shitposts. It was pretty good.
As a kid I used to be equally into CRPGs and JRPGs. As it is now, I am looking forward to XC3 on Switch and CRPGs can generally suck my balls and taint.
Can someone port Icewind Dale 2 to modern PCs, please fucking Jesus?
I tend to like thse games until i start getting party members i have to fucking micromanage out the ass
crpgs disappeared for a reason. the revival just reminded everyone.
that's the only fun part of the game because in 3e and Pathfinder 1e martials are auto attack machines. It's boring as shit without other guys that actually do stuff to flesh out the group.
I can't think of a single one that was well balanced from start to finish. Imbalanced games can be fun, but games like OS2 had a really dumb armor system and teleport spam. Deadfire's boat gimmick was dumb, both Pathfinder games have shit campaign map gimmicks plus INSANE stat bloat for WOTR.
>crpgs bad
>xenoshit good
mentally ill
Good argument, fucktard. I've actually played all the games in question, unlike you.
Suck my dick nigger faggot
>the revival just reminded everyone.
>as several CRPGs had massive success and critical acclaim
If anything the CRPG revival is one of the most successful retro game revivals. Certainly moreso than the attempts at 3D platformer revival or RTS revival.
actual garbage gameplay design where they try to make the game simple enough to attract Critical Role-watching millennials but forget that its supposed to be based on a fucking tabletop where you are supposed to be capable of doing anything you want
Until I see this, I don't care about the genre.
crpgs are shit for the same reason arpgs are shit
the core player bases are mostly comprised of autistic purists who only want to play a reskinned BG2/D2. developers are boxed into a very specific formula and have to resort to gimmicks to stand out
>no argument
>jumps to sucking dicks
>still likes xenoshit
tranny projection
That is less of vidya's fault and more of a 5E problem in general, though.
I don't know how well it would've gone over if these new games were like "we're just going to use 3.5E still"
useless shitposter
That only describes Baldur's Gate 3 and that's mainly because 5E is so basic a chimp could understand it.
>the core player bases are mostly comprised of autistic purists who only want to play a reskinned BG2/D2. developers are boxed into a very specific formula and have to resort to gimmicks to stand out
The success of DOS2 suggests otherwise.
Solasta uses 5E, too. It's safe to say most games going forward that aren't Owlcat using Pathfinder are going to be 5E or complete homebrew like Underrail.
>Characters can't find their path to fight enemies
I've been trying mods after beating WOTR and the few new classes added are weird and broken in a way that I can't see a line bewteen them and owlcat's mess. I love this mess.
post a wojak next faggot
pozzed shit
That's not pillar of eternity
That's just a reflection of the current TTRPG market. D&D and Pathfinder are the only popular systems left. Everything else is basically dead.
>As for Obshittian; lol. I don't need to say anything else. Just: lol.
Obisidan made some of the better crpgs during the revival era. That, Shadowrun Dragonfall, Wasteland 3, DOS2, and Expeditions Rome are the only worthwhile.
>while less pozzed than Obshittian or Larian
>Tranny archers, powerful whamen, niggers, and lesbian orc
>Less pozzed
Did you actually read your comment before typing it?
Wrath of the Righteous was pretty good desu
taken right from the source material. Have you even what is in BG3 in comparison, retard?
>Expeditions: Niggers while talking about what is and not woke in a fucking HISTORICAL game
i was thinking the same. even if you didnt like the current state of RPGs. why would you EVER take a JRPG?
We have at least a very good entry per year the last few years, not sure what you are talking about
>i was thinking the same. even if you didnt like the current state of RPGs. why would you EVER take a JRPG?
dont get me wrong, older jrpgs are good
but xenoshit is laughable. only persona 5 or modern final fantasy is more embarrassing
They let too many women make them
Because JRPGs are good and modern CRPGs are shit?
This is why one genre is alive and well and the other is dead and dying
Please seethe for me over this ironclad fact, though.
>Tranny archers, powerful whamen, niggers, and lesbian orc
This was taken from the source material and had nothing to do with Owlcat. Same for Seelah and the Aldori lady in the previous game
>even though I'm probably under 25
because I play both and I'm not retarded enough (like you) to let literal drooling idiots on Yea Forums sway my opinions.
CRPG isn't dying tho it's just stuck in AA/ Indie space.
It's telling that they didn't release custom module tools like NWN, because they know that fans could make 10x better campaigns than them
Fans are also to blame for being insufferable waifu obsessed morons such that they can't play Icewind Dale or Storm of Nehir because abloo bloo where's my waifu
but WotR has the most vanilla western game love interest in probably in the past decade
Alright, fair enough. Owlcat isn't AAA and Underrail is indie. I can agree with that.
Maybe it's for the better to be honest with what AAA companies are putting out.
Because WRPG faggots don't know what a good game is. They subsisted purely on licensing in their "golden" years and now that tabletop is dying, the brand doesn't have enough power to fool retards.
>I'd like to thank everyone retarded enough to buy a game that has up to level 4 only and that allowed them to just never finish their game.
Here we go again. BG3 IS NOT A PATREON GAME. It is not a pay by month scheme for a game that will never launch, you are BUYING the game and being given access to a test build of act 1. Larian doesn't gain anything by delaying it, and are actually spending the money from EA sales to improve the game.
If you haven't bought the game, why do you even care if it takes longer for a superior game to be produced?
Pillars of Eternity and its sequel being massive awful disappointments kind of took the wind out of everyone's sails too. Those games were expected to start the kickstarter-powered second wave but turns out Josh Sawyer can't design shit.
You sound like a Star Citizen cultist
>Wasteland 3: this was pretty good
Is wasteland 3 actually good or just "better than expected"?
I played Wasteland 2 expecting an OK game but it was so bad that I was surprised that it was called the "director's cut"
>Because WRPG faggots don't know what a good game is
We know it perfectly well, it's the companies that don't know.
I don't really understand what the point of shoving all the paper table top mechanics into a video game instead of designing an actual combat system is. The fun RP shit you can make out of it doesn't work because it's a video game anyway. And it goes for combat and everything else.
I actually think 2 had good combat design and interesting classes/combos.
The problem is that outside of very few titles (like Icewind Dale) CRPGs also need a compelling narrative. It's one of the things they are known for, this is why everyone names Planescape even though its gameplay is HORRID.
Pillars 2 has one of the worst narratives in the entire genre. Also, everyone is gay in it, ship combat SUCKS DICK, and those random events mean everyone male on your boat keeps coming to your cabin to suck your dick (literally).
If I can't ignore the gay shit in a game and it's constantly thrown in my face, that's a dealbreaker for me.
Game felt short and the story wasn't that compelling. Felt a little rushed. Didn't give me that dopamine hit like Baldur's Gate did.
CRPGs are disappointing.
Divinity OS2 was probably the most ambitious CRPG of the past decade and it was still a deeply flawed, divisive game.
>no argument STILL
lmao even
I hated WL 2 and loved WL 3. It subverts 'ebil white man' and 'stronk Mary Sue wymyn' pretty hard, but unfortunately a lot of people thought it was going to be that played straight.
Combat is very fun, too.
When I said WRPG faggots I meant people like Obsidian, the gothic devs and others.
WRPG purely survive through "smaller" releases nowadays with stuff like ATOM Trudograd being better than anything Obsidian has shat out in decades.
I'd rather play through Grimoire 10 times before I touch any of the modern "WRPG revival" game. Made the mistake of wasting dozens of hours in PoE and Wasteland 2 to learn that lesson.
>makes no arguments
>refuses to address your arguments
>types 'no argument kekw' like some Twitch faggot as if that was an argument in and of itself
no (you) for you today, go post in a BBC thread
NTA and I get the comparison but its a little unfair. Larian isn't asking players to spend thousands of dollars on JPEGs of swords or armor (yet).
Will you apologize on Yea Forums when Baldur's Gate 3 is released ?
When, in 4 years from now when I don't give a single shit about it and we're on D&D 6E?
Is it not true? What are they gaining? You can see the changes and improvements in the ea builds. No one is being lied to, because the product is all over youtube. Anyone curious can watch 20 different playthroughs of each BG3 build released.
Explain to me what your point is.
You mean Divinity: Forgotten Realms?
So when do you get the 'Internet Defender' patch? 3000 posts, or 4000?
>Divinity: Forgotten Realms
Would be an improvement over the usual real time with pause cancer assuming it gets released in my lifetime
kek ain't that the truth
Setting and plot was definitely a problem. But I don't even like the combat in those games. It's too disconnected from everything else in the game, and you can't do any of the cool shit you could do in BG such as summon elementals before a fight and sic them on your enemy from three screens away. Things like that make the player feel clever and Obsidian did everything possible to stamp that out. Only thing that was left was just the most basic ass hack and bash possible.
In a good RPG the player should never have to fight fair if he doesn't want to.
those new pathfinder games are too crusty even for me, and i still pick up and beat random trashy crpgs from the 90s
I'd say its an 8/10.
what would you rate wasteland 2