>able to cancel out of stagger animations just so she can get another attack off on the player
do people actually defend this?
Able to cancel out of stagger animations just so she can get another attack off on the player
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't reached her yet but if she's as easy as radahn you're all just trash
>able to be stunlocked to death without being able to hit you back
Do people actually not know how to do this?
why are the Japs so incompetent? You wont see this shit from Santa Monica.
is he ok
Japs don't have the European concept of honor or "fair". That's why their bad game design is considered "good". The developer of this game is literally and ugly, flat faced gook.
Radahn was nerfed into pin wheel status.
Yes. I enjoy the seething.
This is the 3rd malenia thread I saw today, what the fuck is this schizo even trying to accomplish?
get attention, same as always
Hint: She isn't and none of the late game bosses are either.
I fought Radahn at around lvl50 on the launch patch before he got nerfed to shit and all late game bosses were significantly harder, especially malenia before I figured out how to counter the waterfowl attack.
other main bosses don't even really stagger at all so what is your point did you want to just be able to smack her around while she's stuck in stagger
I beat the game, so yes
>there is no way a broken thing could cause multiple people to complain
>it must all be the same person!
Yes, I expect the game to not break its own mechanics just to try and own the player. If they don't want her to get locked into stagger animations, why give her stagger animations at all?
>I beat the game
No one asked or cares. What does that have to do with the thread?
players and enemies cancelling out of stagger animations has been a thing for over a decade. Stagger has a few frames that cant be canceled out of and the last few can, its always been like that.
Malenia can dodge or do her kick for the last half of her stagger frames (which does next to no damage it mostly just interrupts you). she would be too easy otherwise. Stop spamming heavy attacks or attacks with high recovery frames and you should be OK.
He watched a jewtuber and now can't shut the fuck up about it. Malenia needs to be easily stunlocked to death like a regular mob, because she is a "human enemy". That would fit """""the rules""""".
her staggering does make the fight a lot easier even if you can't rely on it, the reason ogha is such an OP spirit summon for her fight is because unlike every other boss she gets knocked on her ass if she gets hit by certain spells or greatarrows etc
>jump behind boss to get out of the way of the attack
>boss instantly pivots 180
>still misses you
>still take a damage and die anyway cause this hitbox is so bad
The person saying they beat the game might be a retard, yes.
>even if you can't rely on it
you can though.
You can reliably make her flinch out of her fast attacks, its her wind up attacks where she has hyper armor, and she will cancel out of her stagger if you are spamming on her.
dsp beats the game and this fight but vee cannot. Wow.
>pushes right through the player
> thinks it "misses" them
actual retard. plz keep posting this and outing yourself as a dummy, thanks.
I beat her twice, she's still a shit boss
She beat you 100 times, for her you're a shit player
>you can though.
Demonstrably false with light weapons
What a cope lmao
thats very clearly not what happens and anyone with functioning eyes can see that
You can always stagger her after she jumps away
its a tranny discord raider trying to stir shit
only malenia
bruh she just wiffed that attack so bad what are you talking about???
the boss literally clips through the player. you are mentally ill.
try harder
i am really thankful she get staggered when she gets hit if she didn't I would never be able to use Maliketh's Black Blade skill on her, the first spin of the blade staggers her long enough for the second half to pop off which knocks her on the ground. that move is the only way i can feel like i'm putting good dmg on her for co-op since everyone else is BTFOing my dmg with their bleed bullshit. i thought my greatsword was so badass but then you look at everyone else in co-op hitting things for 2k dmg while i'm hitting for 900 with the knight's resolve buff on feelsbad
>player is a massive retard and tries to jump out of the way of a wind up attack with perfect tracking
>player head in between the bosses neck and her sword
>she clips into the player and pushes right through them
>b-b-but it missed me?
what next? going to say this pic isnt real?
>Maliketh's Black Blade skill
>i thought my greatsword was so badass
kill yourself
that demonstrably shows that she can be staggered even with light weapons. wtf are you on you pathetic monkey?
I also watch jewtubers user, but I don't make gay threads afterwards. Freezing pot stops waterfowl, if you really needed the help i guess.
if the game gave you any way to rechallenge bosses, even if it gave no runes, id do it but you only got co-op. what would your recommended weapon for a str/faith toon to use I was stuck with the greatsword for most of the game because everything else sucked
Endgame bosses that are all harder than 1.1 Radahn imo
>Godskin Duo
>Radagon/Elden Beast
Basically everyone except Godfrey/Hoarah Loux.
>haha here's this pic of the player not being hit by the sword doesnt that make me right
the boss bodyslams the player. Now you are splitting hairs saying it doesnt look like the weapon touched. You are a massive faggot who sucks at the game. keep "coping" by saying its unfair.
Did you not watch the video you retarded faggot?
>that demonstrably shows that she can be staggered even with light weapons.
yes, it also shows that there is a weird buffered stagger, and that with light staggers she can arbitrarily cancel out of them
>hurf durf well it doesn't matter if she can randomly animation cancel at will you can still cause the stagger
splitting hairs, you could indeed say that, but there is there is no functional value in it, meaning effectively you cannot
>i-i-its a bodyslam
is this the new shockwaves
lmao. chargin chuck boss
This one boss is better than every single boss in elden ring combined and its like one of the shittiest monsters.
>Malenia punishes the player before player regains control
Untrue. If you hit her once you will recover and be ready to roll her kick. Her stagger cancel and kick are not faster than you just recovering from the attack. That would be 100% unavoidable damage. You only get hit if you press attack more than once.
Stop posting your tranny jewtuber, retard. You don't have a single argument outside of that video. You're a literal NPC.
Its not arbitrary. heavier weapons have longer recovery frames so the staggers they do have more recovery frames before they can be canceled out of. Its called game balance. All staggers have frames that can be cancelled with a dodge or in malenias case even a kick. Cancelling out of recovery frames of staggers has been a thing for literally over a decade now. That youtuber calling it rule breaking on malenias part only shows that he has 0 understanding of basic game mechanics that have been in place since demons souls.
>splitting hairs
its not splitting hairs, dumbass. when she starts a quick attack you can attack her first and the stagger cancels her attack. She can kick out of the recovery frames but the kick cant hit you faster than your attacks recovery frames end because the game is balanced in that way.
>tfw spoonfeeding retards
Spoiler: you're not meant to solo her. It's an optional challenge mode.
git gud
git gud
you'd never see this from Western devs
>thinks nerfed radahn is hard
>telling others to gid gud
keep coping.
Me and tiche had no problems with her.
>do people actually defend this?
The kind of faggots that refuse to use all the tools are their disposal do, because powering the dumb&hard way through objective bullshit is their only title of glory.