>the GPU pricing is the reason people own this machine
What is the laptop equivalent?
A good enough gpu cost's 400 minimum, now do the math and keep in mind that laptops are overpriced for their spec
roughly an RTX 3070 laptop, so we're talking about $1400.
The Series X is $499 MSRP, $599 irl.
I want one for that reason. That and the OG Xbox BC in 4k
I own one because peecee is an overpriced meme and piss5 has no games. Easiest choice of my life but i understand retards cant help but make bad choices
I own one because Xbox>>>>Playstation forever and ever.
The fuck you gonna do about it, cry? Go ahead.
A 3070 laptop is like GTX 3060 tier (not Ti)
Sanjay, it doesn't matter how many dotheads you have spamming these threads. Trashbox will always be in last place behind Nintendo, Sony, and even PC.
I would dropkick someone's grandma for a Series X right now.
>1 minute apart
No games, no movies, no studious, no chips, no consoles, no sales. You have nothing but fear.
the real reason is xbox/360 gems in bc
3000 players left in shitfinite. Cope, pajeet
>peecee faggot op seething at the mere existence of a console
i'll see you in the peecee portbegging thread later
yeah cause the online sucked. 0 players left in DeS, Sanjay. what will you do to fix this? you must do the needful or else no roopoos for you
Halo is played on Xbox, the official console of the white Christian male.
The era of pic related? Yes. Today? No. It's for Mexicans and children (zoomers) that support pay to win trash like GTA or nuhalo which isn't Halo at all. Just like in real life how whites moved out of the cities for a better life, white people moved to PC and MAYBE got one of the two other consoles for exclusives, though they're all shit. You weren't alive yet when Halo and Xbox is at its peak. In fact, PC players are the only reason why Xbox losers are able to play the MCC. Sorry kid. At least you'll be alive to see the next Sega.
didnt read. you lost.
>that much blatantly false autism
The state of Utah alone keeps Halo profitable. And that's just the Mormons.
Gears is for Mexicans.
I'm aware of that
I'd love the idea of having a console, but I always realize what I'd miss the most from being on PC
>no emulation (or not on par with PC in the case of the xsx/xss)
>almost no background compatibility
>no piracy
>no coomer games
>no or very limited VR
>no kb+m for shooters
>can't use it to render video
I wish there was some shit like console but it's actually a normal PC. The fact that there's only one hardware config, means you'd get the same benefits as consoles, like prerendered shaders and better optimization.
>inb4 steamdeck
Cool, but too weak.
To weak for what exactly?
I got one because my 1080 is starting to show its age and I didn't wanna spend $2k on a new gpu, yes.
Anything that isn't an indie shit
>no emulation (or not on par with PC in the case of the xsx/xss)
only emulators it cant run right now are 7th gen and newer, aside from dolphin. even then, the backwards compatible with 360 games means most games that arent nintendoshit from that gen are available.
>almost no background compatibility
not sure what you mean by this. wallpapers? background audio? which does exist btw
>no piracy
probably the biggest factor. the xbone still hasnt been jailbroken yet so I wouldnt expect it to ever happen. gamepass is good value for poorfags at least.
>no coomer games
just dont be a disgusting coomerfag, or use your phone like a normal person
>no or very limited VR
vr gaming is already on the way out. dedicated vr headsets are also available and cheaper than buying a pc
>no kb+m for shooters
tons of games support this now, releases from the past few years often have native kbm support
>can't use it to render video
if youre actually doing that frequently enough to warrant that being a necessity, you probably already own a pc or laptop anyways.
It runs games like Control and Doom Eternal just fine though, it's basically a midrange to lower midrange current day pc
There's even limited VR use
Remember, this thread is about the console price point, i don't know what more you expect
For my gaming needs.
>no or very limited VR
>vr gaming is already on the way out
People have been saying VR is dead for close to a decade now and it's still moving along fine.
Just because it isn't Xbox level mainstream doesn't mean it's a failure.
Yes, it's the reason I bought it and using with gamepass paid off.
Are you on Yea Forums or on le sophistaced leddit?
You don't need to 'settle' for 4k 120hz just to maybe enjoy the chance to enjoy a game, it's got plenty of power.
Maybe because at low resolution that thanks to the small screen isn't a problem and low game settings, for a 600 buks console I'd still rather buy a decent gaming laptop for 200 more
PC doesn't have RDR without shitty as fuck emulation, wouldn't want a GPU even if they were MSRP.
>tfw no fps boost for RDR yet
the 4k patch is awesome, but man it would be great if it also ran at 60fps. would make me not care as much about the lack of a pc port
Even at 540p lowest settings, the best you can hope for in a steamdeck is locked 40fps (with the new 40hz screen feature) and even then you'll see dips occasionally. 1080p60 medium/high settings now too much to ask for new games? That's what my 1070 can deliver and the deck can't.
In regards to elden ring. Just noticed I didn't mention that anywhere.
Since the 4K patch was for the One X, you just know the Series X is strong enough to do 60. I'm hoping we get more FPS boost games just in general, not sure if they stopped development on that like they did with adding games to backwards compatibility.
I think its because fps boost is dependent on them being able to make the change without any changes to the actual code. if its something they would need access/permission from the developers for, then it will likely never happen. with how jewstar of late has been with rereleases, I dont expect anything else to ever happen with their legacy titles. the fact we even got that last batch of games in november was shocking
>, $599 irl
tfw got 2 Disc PS5's and a Series x all at retail price
Git gud faggots
from what i know,its not fueled by PC gamers.
its mostly fueled by a more positive image of Xbox and better availability.
the deck can run game pretty well,its so close to a great 1080p60 machine,though a gen 2 will likely be perfection
>7th gen and newer
that's alot of games
>backwards compatabillity
its cool,but doesn't even compare to it on PC,not even close.
>vr is dead
doing fine and is best on PC.
>tons of games support this now
and not all of them,which is a problem when you load up DOOM and you now need a refund cause its almost unplayable for you.
and there's no gyro aim to compensate,so you're also worse with a controller.
Bought an Asus G17 2021 for around $1,900
RTX 3070, Ryzen 9 CPU, 300Hz 1080p display
1TB storage, 16Gb Ram
Can run Doom Eternal Ultra Raytracing at around 140-180 fps
Arkham Knight 80 (exploring)-200 fps(combat)
What was that OP? You'll have to speak up, I couldn't hear you.
It's an RX 6600, you can build a PC with that GPU for less than $1000
>put a RX 6700XT into a console
>cuck its release by mandating that all games be made for XB1 for the rest of its lifecycle
Microsoft is fucking retarded. Sony too.
its so gimped that i saw a PS5 lose to a 1060 when raytracing was off
or how the next-gen consoles lose badly to a 980 in GTA5 with raytracing off
im a PC fanboy and even i think that's just BAD optimization.
Ah, that explains it.
>for 400 bucks
>in this economy
I think the discussion is rather pointless for you, since you already have a better pc at hand and by the time you need to buy new the market will have changed.
Look, even as a fan of XIII, this looks garbage
Sony fucked up where they basically blew their load on the SSD, but then invalidated it requiring games be cross-generation. Then doubled down on that fuck up, by not investing in a proper RDNA2 core and instead cheaped out and got an RDNA1.5 core instead. Then tripled down on that fuck up, by implementing power gating on the CPU and GPU in the SOC, so that you can bump the CPU clocks in favor of lower GPU clocks, which means that the CPU will idle on average or drop the CPU clocks to bump the GPU clocks; which means that the CPU will bottleneck the GPU instead.
This entire new generation of consoles are completely pointless. They don't offer any value to anyone that buys them other than "you can run games made for hardware from a decade ago at 4K and maybe 60fps if you're lucky with real time global illumination cause proper raytracing is too fucking expensive."
I abandoned the triplA market and basically stick with indies and B-->A/AA games now; its where all the innovation in gaming is happening now. The rest are just chasing pixels, because physics and AI is cucked by the turd sandwich that is XB1 and PS4 holding the new-gen hardware back. Halo Infinite is a fantastic example of that. Horizon Forbidden West on the PS5 looks incredible, but it plays like Uncharted from 15 years ago; where nothing has changed whatsoever in terms of game design.
Look, I didn't ask.
Lightning is still hot though.
Which is, as a result, making publishers turn to: , shit like this. Microsoft and Sony invested heavily in new hardware, and while sales are slow and steady for building the hardware base, there's zero incentive to actually innovate on games now. Why would anyone, when you can release Game version or just remaster after fucking remaster or just game variants where one version gets the low version for $60, another for medium @ $60, and the last at high/ultra @ $70; and then is cocked to the gills in scammy blockchain bullshit. Between XB1 and PS4, there's some 140 million players and roughly 30-40% of that has actually moved to the new generation. Plus, the bean counters have basically taken over game design completely and the new build philosophy is: "console exclusives are dead. They now must cover BOTH generations, so we can double dip the shit out of the market and make 2-3x the money at the unit sale and 5-10x the money through content expansions and 10-20x the money through microtransactions."
toriyama posting is not fun anymore bro
it seems they want to go half-way into being a like PC,without really asking why people game on PC.
so you end up with something that underwhelming in both aspects.
the deck i thinks gets the balance alot closer,its just not totally finished (and i say this as someone who thinks linux gaming is mostly great) and needs a bit more time to adjust everything,get devs on board and maybe a more powerful model.
>that's alot of games
It is but not a big loss since rpcs3 and xenia aren't dolphin-tier yet and won't be for a while.
I just bought one the other day to replace my One X. I remember when the XB1 and PS4 came out you could build a better gaming PC for the same price but that’s definitely not true right now. My One X is fine, I was debating replacing the HD with an SSD but then grabbed this off the MS store. Seems pretty obtainable now and the resale price is basically retail.
I’ve amassed a library of games when they were on sale for a few bucks and I like the 360 and original Xbox BC. I don’t need a PC. I know on PC I can “enhance” almost everything (limited by your hardware) but still I’m okay with the limitations and this ecosystem. The simplicity of it. I know I can hook a PC up to my TV but I probably wouldn’t and I don’t think desk gaming is very comfortable. Maybe if the prices ever become reasonable again I’ll go back but it’s been years and IDGAF
the target audience is illegal immigrants who can't into computers at any price
Deck doesn’t belong in the conversation really. It’s a low spec device with a small 800p screen. If it was the size of a Switch or smaller and had little to no fan noise and last hours on battery, I would be impressed.. but it would still be a low spec device. These claims that it’s a $400 gaming laptop are way off. Sure it has better graphics than Intel graphics. But only a little bit.
Metal illness is the reason people own this machine
We are all mentally ill user. That’s why we are here
if dolphin is the bar,then almost no emulator compares,xenia and RPCS3 do alot of games great (like persona 5,with patched in royal content).
you also lose newer nintendo games.
its better than all portable stuff in its price-range and has some interesting features.
i wouldn't say its equivilent to a gaming PC or laptop,but its a very cool device,sad that most are on a long wait-list
I live in Australia and I can't even buy one due to the conductor shortage.