All that development time and this is the best they could come up with. This is just sad and pathetic

All that development time and this is the best they could come up with. This is just sad and pathetic

Attached: elden-ring-elden-beast.jpg (1920x1080, 766.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: boc.png (598x221, 23.7K)

You "people" are so fucking boring. What does this intend to accomplish?

>Ghibli rip-off and the 'le many trees' thing he's done about 5 times before

Attached: 1647302409947.png (936x496, 623.44K)

Please do not bully the space Shamu

imagine what it would be like to fuck that thing

Attached: foolish ambitions.png (598x472, 49.38K)

there's also the deer spirit thing

what if the whole character was a penis? I mean they got hand enemies
why not dicks

>have amazing iconic fight with Radagon
>finish it with lmao second phase dragon spirit with a BIG SWORD SOI SOI SOI
lame as fuck, doesn't help that the boss is a snorefest as it runs away and pelts you with bullshit elden stars.

>Got to this fuck again this morning
>Heard that they patched it so he actually fights you
>Constantly flails around and dives underwater and move 50 feet away
>Just shits projectiles non-stop as you run towards him
>Hit him three times and he flies up in the air for another muh spectacle attack
Elden Beast is like all the worst parts of a QTE boss, except it's not a QTE it's just the player blasting through all their Stamina to plink at the enemy.

Attached: 1650420702907.webm (720x404, 2.88M)

People normally defend this boss as a "spectacle fight", and they're not wrong - I was absolutely in awe how can a company that makes these kinds of games for years on end could fuck up this badly. As far as end bosses go the elden beast makes nashandra look like Gael.

That orb attack that follows you around is the only thing wrong with the boss. Y'all are shitters of the highest echelon.

Whatever helps you sleep at night Fromdrone.

I would rather have that boss be something I could hug instead of fighting it

Garbage players dont get to talk.
Imagine seriously having any issue with Elden Beast holy shittting kek

Radagon is part of the package

this looks like absolute cancer

Are you retarded? No one in this thread is complaining about difficulty you Fromdrone. Radagon is significantly harder and no one is talking about him being shit, dumbass.

Attached: elden beast radagon.jpg (1454x1186, 95.72K)

maybe if youre a shitter :)

Most of the story bosses in ER are just spectacle fights. These fights weren't designed with agency in mind, they were designed to show off how "cool" they look.

Attached: 1650797797448.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

Funny thats the same thing your mother said about you when I fucked her epic style

>waaah i have to run a whopping 5 seconds to hit the bosssss
yeah nah, youre just impatient troglodytes who would have instead been happy with just another roll R1 fest boss.
Anything, absolutely anything out of your comfort zone and you crumple into dust holy shit

Don't care, didn't ask.

but user your clip was supposed to show how bullshit everything is and you're supposed to die in the clip to prove your point not just win because you are better

>plays well, dodges everything precisely
>is completely blind to the aoe that happens on every ground slam move
>still complains
Its never enough is it, you always find something to bitch and moan about.

Yeah it's pretty lack-luster. I thought their approach of using this transparent look with the golden veins was to relate it to the lands between. The veins resemble the golden erdtrees and the transparent body is the universe and stars. The shape of it's body is an amalgamation of all beings, like the crucible shit. Unironically signals to players that, yes, this guy is the god of this universe. pretty cool, but very cookie-cutter in design and could've been something more. Annoying as fuck that it tends to move away way too much. Having Torrent available would've been nice.

Neither did I of your incessant and endless fucking crying after 2 months lmaoo

Attached: 1634693341635.jpg (285x287, 9.94K)

>your clip was supposed to show how bullshit everything is
I didn't say that at all, stop projecting.

>12 seconds of the player just watching the boss.

has a boss ever caused this much seething? everywhere I look, people are bitching about him.

Attached: FRvZP4paQAAgASB.webm (1280x996, 173.14K)

Don't care, didn't ask.

Idk when the music hits during the cutscene makes this one of my favorite bosses in the game. I love elden ring, but my biggest gripe is that its too easy. This boss and the gargoyles were the only ones that killed me >5 times

The entire ending quarter of the game is fucked.

Reused content out the ass
Aoe spam bosses who's stats are wack
Dogshit endings

>Dogshit endings
I don't understand why people don't talk about this more. There's two good/decent endings and four pallet swaps that change 1 line of dialogue. The pallet swap and effects don't even carry over for the post-game, it's literally a cutscene effect and that's it.

When will you fucks get that the problem isn't how hard it is or isn't to doge the boss
it's that you have to wait a fuckton of time for them to finally stop attacking.

This sort of boss design is almost like fucking kingdom hearts secret boss.
Go youtube some KH3 DLC bosses and see they got this same shit as some ER bosses like malenia get where they just shit attacks for 30 seconds before you're allowed to attack back.
In fact, some of the kh3 DLC bosses also do the delayed attack thing so you can't just spam dodge roll or parry.

It's not about difficulty, fucking kingdom hearts is not hard. It's about how fucking boring it is to spend a minute just watching the boss doing anime moves.

You're meant to kill this thing in 2-3 tries before the spectacle gets old

If you don't want to actually deal with the boss's moveset just overlevel/get some op shit so you can kill it before it does anything then like most of the dragons who are such slow bitches that they melt before they do anything.

its not a ripoff if they are made by the same guy user

It's not about ignoring bosses. I can just melt that retarded wolfman guarding the rune of death since they gave him such low HP but it doesn't mean he's a good boss with his faggy anime jumping around.

There's plenty of bosses in the game that don't rely on "I'll just attack non-stop for 30 seconds" for their difficulty.

Why, is that criticism of a boss, in my favorite game of all time? I'm guess I'm gonna have to get Miyazaki's cock out and suck it aren't I?

I think encounter wise it's not supposed to be hard or complex.
Design wise the internals look good but I think the outline or "skin" w/e should have been like a transparent fade or whatever. Like not as hard defined edges could improve it 100x to me

>max 10 seconds
>a fuckload of time
You being an ADHD zoomer baby is not something I care about, I will not read the last 20 lines of your post.

Beat him my first try with my greatsword and mimic tear. Get good

exaggeration and hyperbole wont do your ADHD attention span non-argument any good, retard.

>End boss isn't an old man
It's true.

You are a fucking idiot

Please be Bait

Attached: 1617597117890.jpg (205x253, 15.82K)

Why is it that fromdrones ALWAYS go for the difficulty argument when people are talking about how dogshit the fight is and NOT how hard it is?
I killed him yesterday on the very first attempt because he's easy as shit.
Doesn't mean that it's a well designed or good fight at all. It's trash yet anyone trying to argue this will immediately without fail be jumped upon by the le git gud faggots.
t. 210 hours

Reminder that input reading and AOE is not clever game design

one thing that annoyed me was how even when I had my mimic with aggro and was running towards elden whale he still would target me with his last sword projectile, like fuck you

It is

>he's the ADHD zoomer baby
>but you don't have the attention span to read 6 lines of text
i lol'd

Yeah man, it's Miyazaki. The guy that considered this to be an abomination, while simultaneously putting it in a video game.

Attached: miyazaki.png (1875x1061, 2.66M)

The Fromdrone Checklist
>git gud
>skill issue
>not enough vigor
>excessive use of lol, lmao
>first Soulsborne game?
>you can skip all of the content
>it's always been this way
>brings up Horizon
>online review scores
>input lag is a good thing
>mad cuz bad
If you think you're arguing with a Fromdrone, simply revert to this list, call him a Fromdrone, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

Elden Stars is dumb. I don't like that they basically make you use bloodhound step. I hate the constant chasing. I also think Radagon was a cool fight that they relegated by making it a pre-course. If they wanted it to be 'harder' they could have given him/her a phase 2.

Actually and unironically based.

why aren't you moving towards the boss you fucking retard

>Elden Stars is dumb
You mean those circle things?

objectively incorrect opinion to have. Literally any build can get a ranged attack and make the beast more enjoyable but bed of chaos will always be shit.

No one's crying my dude. Maybe you apparently cause 'your' hecking vidya is being disrespected. If I wanted to run after a pussy I'd just show up at your doorstep.

He's hoping his summon will kill the boss for him, he's cucking his own gameplay for a fucking npc.

I do. Did I use the wrong name?