Religion is LE BAD!

>religion is LE BAD!

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Other urls found in this thread: idea floated around was,the new sectors of space.

God was a dream of good government.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?


Wrong game

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Religion is..... good!

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I mean, it's cringe in that we didn't need to be told, anyone with a brain already knew that.

Morals good, religion stinky. If you need to perform rituals and fear eternal torment to have morality then you're a fraud.

Only Islam is the good religion

You both did not understand these games.

Retarded secular religions like Unitology are what you get when everyone becomes cringe athiests.

It's cringe not because it's wrong but because it's cliche'd and we've all heard it a million times.

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>christcuck hiding his real butthurt.

He’s right though, it’s literally the plot of 90% of JRPGs.

That's because Japan has a history of fighting off Christain encroachment.

>game is critical of Christianity only
>”it’s an attack on religion”

unitology is based though

why are christcucks perpetually offended by strawmen

>pick an easy target

This whole game is cringe. A shame that a sort of neat weapon crafting system had to be put in a game that it ended up ruining

It's already proven that atheists are immoral shitbags without any objective moral framework.
So yes, it seems like people indeed need higher motivation to be moral.

This is true. Though they are every bit as religious as any church-goer. Attack one of their tenets of faith in their woke-ism and see how they recoil and seethe in dismay.

Religion is bad you fuckin' ape.

Religion is for weak people. Needing to believe in imaginary things to get through life is a sign of a weak mind. That goes the same for waifufags and gachafags

Funny thing is the Unitoligists were right, just not in the way they thought they were.

And what a waste of an ice planet environment too.


elton john was funny


What about the chads who trick the weak people into believing in imaginary things for their own benefit?

>Game is critical of religion but also glorifies its aesthetics
Any example?

Dead Space 3 is a lot better than I gave it credit for when it released. The microtransactions and shift in focus really threw me off. But I replayed it with a friend recently, it’s honestly one of the best coop games around, granted that you’re playing on impossible.

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yes, only judaism is not cringe, all other religions should be removed

Yeah, kikeism is just pure evil

that one side scrolling souls-like/metroidvania title

starts with a b or something.


If you think Dead Space is a criticism towards Christianity, then you missed the whole point.

Anyone can be a piece of shit regardless of religion
>no not real Christian

The brother moons lifted up humanity and they will also give immortality to it's collective conciseness in the form of another brother moon.

More of scientology if anything. I'm not sure if it's about religion being wrong either given it was completely right too.

Those games are the poster child of “religion is le BAD”

I think OP just wanted an excuse to post about Dead Space, I don't really think he thought it was a legit critique on religion guys

Honestly I could never understand why chan tards hate islam considering it supports everything they stand for and would fix the incel problem with arranged marriages

Carver was surprisingly deep. The co op idea was pretty retarded, but at least the co op character had a good arc. [spoiler/]Still would had preferred Ellie.

Because Islam is practiced by Brown people.


It's just not fair bros

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Lmao not even close to the point of that game.

>honestly I could never understand
Ah, you are retard?

I don't know, this seems like a pretty good way to end the series. The franchise was never really optimistic to begin with.

>"The common man is one of low intellect and cannot be trusted with the lofty concepts of morality and justice. He cannot be trusted to judge right from wrong. For men like this, faith must suffice."
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1784

More like genocidal death cults are le bad.

>some literal who said
Cope sneed

How would you even make a sequel to this over the top cliffhanger?

Yea Forums, what if religion was good? Would we have more, or fewer, good games as a result?

If you believe in any religion, you're a cuck. You've allowed your mind to be dictated and controlled by other beings.

The Founding Fathers were right, mob rule was a mistake

"Shit's fucked and everybody dies" is not a cliffhanger.

Glad you have faith to guide you (^_^)b

I think the setting of Dead Space gives a good case for the importance of religion. The situation in the universe is pretty bad, as humanity is resorted to cracking open planets just to be able to have enough resources. The government, Earthgov, is highly tyrannical and corrupt. Corporations seem to wield an incredible amount of power and influence. Religion in the Dead Space universe has been dying off, so much so that being an atheist is the norm. With a world so dire, it makes so much sense why Unitology took off as it did. If literally any other religion was still prominent, Unitology would had never gotten as powerful as it did and the Brethern Moons wouldn't had consumed humanity.

There was going to be a DS4 though, if the game had somehow met EA's unreasonable target numbers. So there had to have been some idea of a continuation from this

Their stance was, quite literally and explicitly: "commoners are literally too stupid to be trusted to make decisions about anything, even their own well being. Men capable of achieving independent thought are few and far between and for those who are clinically retarded, we have to just TELL them what to do and doing so is the only role religion serves in modern society"

Im not religious at all but I honestly believe that some people need it, and there is a distinct lack of spirituality now in favour of living like a degenerate because of it.

what game was this? I played all 3 Dead Space games, the only one i didn't like was DS3 DS2 had a comfy end credits theme

Yes user, at least 90% of the world is fucking retarded.


>black people are stronger than inferior whiteys

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>Scientology is le bad

did you guys see Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne got a 90% on Christ Centered Gamer? lol

Do you love the Earth, son? Your mom? And dad? idea floated around was,the new sectors of space.

So was Christianity no matter how badly /pol/ wants to desperately pretend that it was wasn't

>Im not religious at all but I honestly believe that some people need it
They do need religion, per se. What brainlettes need is an authority to tell them what to do. It's why 90% of Yea Forums just parrots the same statements.
>Cope seethe dilate nigger nigger nigger
>Console Wars
>Coomer threads
>Waifu bait
These are what "Yea Forums" has told these mongoloids are worth discussing or defending and it's all their tiny nerve cluster can navigate. Actually being a thinking, feeling, independent entity is something most people on this board will never experience
