The video that killed johtofags

>the video that killed johtofags

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>the video that killed swshills

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I'm not watching your essay.
Gen 2 contrarian backlash to retaliate for BDSP and SwSh being hated by older fans is retarded
Pokemon is for children, you shouldn't be going to war for it because it's bad when you can just admit you appreciate the babyfication.
Whitney's Miltank being a meme before memes were a thing is a level of unique experience that games after Gen 4 will never provide.
Kill yourself.


Nope. This will never stick, no matter how many ugly shills try to push it.

gen 2 is objectively the best gen on the basic principle that you can visit both kanto and johto in the same game

What happened, people are not biting your bait in veepee anymore so you try here?

I don't like gen 2, I'm a Hoennfag.
They are far from the worst. As in, not even in the lower half of Pokemon games.

pokemon peaked at bw2

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>some zoomer got filtered by a game older than him
>that means it's bad
Gen 2 will always be peak soul, and this makes zoomers eternally seethe.


>gen 2 is the worst
>when it is objectively a straight up improvement over gen 1 in every way, meaning it literally cant be the worst in the series

I've never seen clickbait so incorrectly desperate.

Gen 1 does have some better design choices, but the first four gens completely eclipse those that came later (sorry BWbros, BW1 were pretty rough)

Imagine caring this much about children's games


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the fun i had with the game over hours and hours of gameplay can't be undone by a random youtube video

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Zoomers love Gen 2.

Is there a hack of pokemon that let you catch all pokemon and let you evolve the trade only evolution pokemon like is there a hack that let's you evilve a ghost pokemon into a hunter without trading?

I don't really play Pokemon but i'm interested about that Whitney's Miltank thing. What's the story behind it?

They're the best because I was 7 when I got Gold with my atomic purple game boy for christmas and I got to play it while my parents and family talked politics.

what if I think both gen 2 and sword and shield are fucking dogshit?

Her milktank does a move call roll out which continues to do more damage each time it hits, and her milktank also has a lot of hp. A lot of kids went into the fight with her without a proper setup and ended up getting completely rolled by her as a result.

No, Zoomers love gen 4.

wow, is that exclusive to her? First time i hear that you need to arrange counter measures for a fight

It's nothing deep at all.
It's just that Whitney, the 3rd Gym Leader of the game (essentially the game's equivalent of boss battles) is one of the only NPC trainers IN THE ENTIRE SERIES that uses something that even has a passing resemblance to what people would call a "strategy".
Since Pokémon games, especially at the time, were extremely popular and primarily played by grade school children that mostly got through the games by mashing A on their Pokémon's strongest move at anything that breathed, a lot of kids ran into Whitney and got completed blasted by her on their first attempt, thus her boss battle got a bit of a reputation among those who suffered their first defeat ever in a Pokémon game to her.

It's only a problem if you picked Cyndaquil

>the only NPC trainers IN THE ENTIRE SERIES that uses something that even has a passing resemblance to what people would call a "strategy".
Try the Gamecube games. All the bosses there have strategies

yea that's why i'm surprised to hear you can lose to her without the right set-up. I played gen 4 - 6 and dropped the series at one point because the actual gameplaytechnical interaction got really boring

I meant in the mainline series. The GC games are an entirely different beast and are overall much more difficult.
The mainline games sadly always had to content with mostly braindead AI.

So, pokemon up until Whitney went like this
>get to suitable level
>use super-effective move
Brain dead. Whitney has two pokemon a clefairy and a miltank. These two pokemon are normal type, so they have one weakness and getting a pokemon with it is out of the trainers way (and NPC trade). Also, the majority of pokemon to this point are likely to be male. Here's how battling whiteney usually went
>Down the clefairy it just serves to be annoying
>Whitney used miltank
>Miltank tanks your strongest attack and uses attract
>Miltank tanks your second attack and uses milk drink(heals)
>There is a move called minimize that makes you impossible to hit
>Whitney's miltank has stomp which guarantees a one-shot
>Miltank uses rollout
>depending on your team you now have 2-3 turns to beat it before it one shots your entire party
>If attract activates you lose
>If you swap you lose
>You're going to lose a lot

tl;dr she was the Great filter because you had to know how to play to win

Why was the soundtrack so good for this game?

Kek, imagine being so BTFO in /vp/ you come crying to Yea Forums.

not really, it's actually the opposite, it's the easiest if you pick Cyndaquil, because it learns smokescreen. Use smokescreen 2 or 3 times, an because rollout will continue missing, it will never actually build up to lethal amounts of damage. i know it's counterintuitive because fire is weak to rollout's rock type, but rollout only builds in power if it connects and hits, so the idea is to force miltank to miss.

miltank is just hard because
1) as a single-stage pokemon it has high base stat total compared to the partially evolved pokemon at that stage of the game, so it's tankier and hit harder than stuff you have
2) there's not a very good availability of super effective fighting moves to use against miltank at that stage of the game.
3) there's not a very good availability of rock and normal type resists at that stage of the game, only a geodude/graveler if you caught one earlier (only in crystal).

>They were going to give her three pokemon but decided against Aipom.
>Her miltank became less of a problem by virtue of mechanics changing
>They nerfed it anyway just to be sure
We need more of this.

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To be honest, saying you can lose to her "without the right set-up" is arguably overrating her difficulty a lot already. You can very easily beat her by being overleveled, which is not particularly hard if you just play the game normally with nothing but your starter. Even if you have a slightly more balanced team, status effects absolutely ruin her. So is having a single Pokémon that resists the Rock-type. These are all pitfalls you are far more likely to fall into if you're a half literate kid that barely understands what's happening in game, so a lot of people never even fall for it.

Battle Tower/Frontier and World Tournament teams tended to have actual strategies.

All of the Gen 2 Gym Leaders use unique strategies. It's a nice bit of game design that I don't think really came back until Gen 7 or 8.

>Falkner and his Mud-Slapping Pidgeys (TM-exclusive move) making the fight drag on if you don't OHKO them.
>Bugsy chips you down with his cocoons, then sends out the big boy Scyther who has very high stats for that point in the game
>Whitney and her Metronome/Mimic Clefairy and Rollout/Attract/Milk Drink/Stomp Miltank. Seriously, they made that thing as humanly annoying as possible. Similar to Scyther, Miltank has a high BST for that point in the game, and the Attract/Stomp combo can cause your Pokémon to get locked into not using any moves. Remember that your starter has an 87% chance of being male, so if you were like every other kid back then you would've only trained youe starter and nothing else. Yeah... good luck. Miltank has stupidly high speed letting it outspeed your entire team, and if you get Attracted/flinched with Stomp and it starts stacking Rollouts you can do nothing but watch as your team goes down one by one. Oh, and we haven't even mentioned it switching to Milk Drink once you finally manage to get it's health down to orange, where it will revert all of your progress back to square 1. And all of this going into Miltank's high HP and defense stats. This thing was a fucking monster.
>Morty and his Hypnosis/Dream Eater combo can easily fuck you over if you're not prepared for it. You wouldn't have seen this move yet as Dream Eater was newly added in Gen 2.
>Chuck and his Mind Reader/Dynamic Punch Poliwrath. If you have any Grass-Type you probably wouldn't struggle too much, but like Morty, if not prepared, he can easily destroy your strat with that deadly move combo.
>Jasmine and her Sunny Day Steelix to make your newly caught Tentacruel/Chinchou/Poliwag completely worthless. Remember that the only Fire-Types at this point are Magmar as a 5% encounter at a specific time of day in the bottom floor (1/?)

No zoomers love the gen 2 remakes.

BW1 were flawed but still decent, and BW2 were some of the best games in the series

Finally, somebody gets it.

I'm well aware of the major issues of G/S/C, but it doesn't change the fact that they're my favorite games due to what they attempted at the time.

Yes, the main game is short and the post game feels shallow.
Yes, the Pokemon distribution makes no sense with many Gen 2 Pokemon being locked till after the Elite 4.
Yes, the level scaling is wack with being over leveled at almost all times.
Yes, the game is significantly more linear than the previous games.

But all this is so superficial to a 8-14 year old kid (the actual target audience), especially when the intro and everything else in the game was designed to encompass the actual feeling of an adventure.

I think people really under appreciate how many ground breaking things G/S/C did at the time for a game on a portable system, especially for the RPG genre.

>Dream Eater was newly added in Gen 2.
it was a Gen 1 move. Even had a TM

A lot of words just to say you’re seething.

So I took a peak at the video and oddly enough its not a shitty video essay. It's worse its a shitty STREAM ARCHIVE.

I'm all for shitting on any pokemon game but I hate when it comes from these competitive fags

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Fuck, I had an ex who's teeth also seemed slightly to big their mouth, so they always stuck out a bit like this chicks, and it's bringing back feels.

Pokemon was consistently good to great until XY, which was just okay. Sun and Moon was a slight step up mechanically but even worse in terms of the campaign, then SwSh were a step back both in terms of mechanics AND campaign.

It had a damn good soundfont, and they had their best composers like Go Ichinose and Hitomi Sato for a lot of tracks

>of a completely optional side area, Growlithe/Vulpix depending on your game version, which is a stone evolution locked to postgame, so it's fucking trash against the behemoth that is Steelix, or Cyndaquil, and only if you picked it at the start of the game. This is all more likely than not to make Sunny Day work in Jasmine's favour rather than against here.
>Pryce stalls you out with a Rest Seel and Dewgong, all while lowering your Speed with Icy Wind, allowing for Piloswine to land a few more Blizzards than it should.
>Clair's three Dragonairs will Paralyse you turn 1 with either Thunder Wave or Body Slam, then proceed to sweep your team of shitters with one of three insanely powerful coverage moves that comes with each Dragonair: Surf, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. Once you barely manage to make it past these three, you then have the OP Kingdra to deal with, whose typing is absolutely broken in Gen 2 due to Fairy not existing yet so it doesn't have a viable counter other than Dragon. Your only Dragon-Type option up to that point in the game is to grind coins in the game corner for a Level 10 Dratini, or fish for a Level 10 Dratini in a pond in the corner of on an optional route at a 10% encounter rate using an item that most people never found at all as a kid.

Shame that these strategies were generally gimped by being forced to ride on underleveled Pokemon. The enemy having a specific strategy AND being over your level is an advantage the game's otherwise pretty flat AI really needs to stand up to a smart player.

>Shify eyes
>Ugly face
>Dresses like a child molester
>Receeding hairline
The FACE of anti-Johtofags

>You wouldn't have seen this move yet as Dream Eater was newly added in Gen 2.

It was actually a gen 1 move, but it wasn't used by anybody but Agatha I think?
Your point still stands though, it didn't get a lot of action outside of people who actually read move descriptions.

Gen 5>2>3>4>7>1>8>6
Mystery Dungeon is better than mainline, Explorers of Sky >Super >Rescue Team DX> Rescue Team> Gates
XD>Stadium 2>Stadium 1>Colo> Battle Revolution

Rage croconaw was just as easy desu, i remember getting doubleslap and rage going to max power so i could damn near one shot the miltank. You also had bite for flinch chance but thats more luck based than id prefer. Plus worst case(again luck based) you have fury cutter from bugsy right before that can build up a ridiculous amount of power before miltank is sent out

>3 over 4
shiggy diggy

4 took everything from 3 and made it worse.

I honestly don't like sucking off HGSS, it was good and had the post-game of what I'd consider Pokemon worth having, but I honestly liked the Sevii Islands post game campaign of FRLG more. I also don't like Sinnoh but recognize gen 4 did so much for the franchise.

Emerald > Yellow > Crystal > > > > everything else

The best pokemon is the one that you like. The worst one is the one you don't like.

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Guys, watch this if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven. It's very easy to be saved from hellfire.

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That's pretty much a given with almost every rom hack.
It would be a lot quicker if I named the romhacks that didnt do this.

Go to bed, Joe.

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>is one of the only NPC trainers IN THE ENTIRE SERIES that uses something that even has a passing resemblance to what people would call a "strategy".

That's not even true. Current gym leaders have teams that have way better type coverage and move sets. Whitney's Miltank is an outlier even in Gen 2. It is a beastly Pokemon for being so early and has a decent move set if you can't deal with Rollout or Attraction. If you have a Fighting type, which you can trade for in Goldenrod. She becomes just as easy as any gym leader.

>Get a geodude
>Win gym
Let's be honest here. When someone has """trouble""" in a Pokemon game, it's usually a retard that coincidentally uses a fire-type starter, like how they had to add in Pokemon that were good against Brock in subsequent games. Fire-starter users are usually the stupidest players or little kids that wuv the bright colorful fires.

dream eater is gen 1 and steelix doesn't have sunny day

>steelix doesn't have sunny day
Yes it does.

>First time i hear that you need to arrange counter measures for a fight
Pokemon Colosseum has a great battle against one of the main bad guy lieutenants where he sets up a protect and earthquake combo with all of his pokemon. He wrecked my shit plenty of times as a kid. It didnt help that he had access to a Shadow Entei, and I would prioritize catching it while also trying to survive the fight.

The gamecube pokemon games really do make a good point for having double battles as the standard.

A bunch of the route captain or whatever trainers in SM (or was it USUM?) had basic strategies, usually revolving around an actually useful held item that they'd give you when you won.

TamaHero's opinions are hot garbage, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


/vp/schizos are at it, again.

DP was bad. Just straight bad.

The video striked a nerve that's for sure. Then again this happens to any generation.


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I want this concept art to be a real 3D game so badly :(

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Gen 2 needs a little more mon variety and Kanto is sort of empty, otherwise these games are objectively perfect.