Are these ever worth it?

Are these ever worth it?

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The Soreseals in Elden Ring

if you aren't bad at the game they are

They're always worth it. Best defense is a good offense.

yes retard, because you end up one shoting everything anyway so it doesnt even mater

I always take these unless the damage taken is much greater than the damage dealt. Like, you deal +20% damage but receive 50-100% more damage.

Why is From Soft so autistic about this kind of stuff? It's very rarely "you do x more damage". It has to be something like "your left handed swings do 3.765% more damage but you take 15% more damage from all sources"

When dueling in melee
If you attack multiple opponents its a disaster

In LoL it was to make a burst damage nuker mage like Veigar or a burst assassin like Shaco.
You make glass cannon and go full offense because you will either not get hit back or will attack single target and get only return from a single target that does less damage overall than you because you strike first.

>He doesn't wear the Ring of Ares in SotN

It's more like 10% more dealt though, which is more than fair.

They're always worth it. For me at least. I never go into a fight assuming I'm going to be hit more than a few times, so I don't base my build around it.

>taking damage

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If you play ranged, yes.

Depends on the game. If it's the kind of game where you avoid most hits I'll go for that for sure. If you're expecting to take a lot of hits, unless it's more damage than you'd be getting no thanks.

>30% increase to defense
>30% chance to dodge
Which one you taking, Yea Forums?

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depends on the damage calculation. is it a multiplicative bonus with other buffs? pre or post mitigation? comes as an extra hit or not, etc?

Literally always.

Soresealtards were crying for three months so it's based just because it filters Yea Forumsincels.

It's just a "win more" mechanic. Saves time if you do, though.

Most items aren't supposed to be linear in progression. They are there give choice and allow variety in builds. The only real linear progression that just increases flat damage with no downside are stat increases when leveling up.

if it's turn-based dice roll garbage, no. If it's a game where you actually have full control of whether you take damage, always.

if you know how to dodge: yes

for me, it's dodge
>just try not to take damage
>if something does hit me, there's a chance it just doesn't

Radagon's Soreseal is basically a free pick. The extra health and defense gained actually is greater than the extra damage you'd be receiving.

Depends if the main character is already supposed to be a glass cannon and if
A. the damage buff will allow you to one-shot enemies that would survive a hit from un-detection otherwise OR
B. the defense debuff will turn attacks you could survive into one-hit kills

>It's more like 10% more dealt though
Maybe at rune level 1.

kinda depends on the game and whether you can even avoid taking damage. Also what other effects are on the table

For instance there are games where your damage is boosted relative to the amount of damage taken, or even reflect some of it, so avoiding damage isn't always the only way to play the game.

For a stealth character, always

If you consider extra health a crutch this type of item is probably a good thing. If you get hit a lot you probably shouldn't use them

if berserker and life steal mechanics are a thing as well, then yes

>str fags can't handle a little risk
Many such cases.

This nigga gets it.

Ask AoE2's #1 villager-killer.

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Sure, if the damage increase is actually noteworthy. Too many games out there that have shit like "take 20% more damage, deal 3% more damage"

lmoa just don't get hit


Some of their shit is programmed terribly so it does weird shit, but it's usually unintended. Most of the effects are really simple
>Soreseals: +5 free level in a few stats, but increases the damage you take
>leo ring: Thrusting attacks do more counterhit damage
>green turtle: stamina recovers faster

Only for lower levels. Once you get to the point where your vig can be 40-60 naturally you're usually better off without it.


if you can dodge then hell yeah.
see: every fromsoft rpg since demon's souls

once your vigor pass 35 this stops being true. but up until that point it's pretty accurate.

The scorpion talismans make you take more damage than you gain and the gain is reduced for weapons since it only affects one portion of the damage. It still works but it irks my RPG autism to see stats go down.

Not in that game. With how the defense/damage absorption formula works, you could be as much doubling the damage you receive by equipping a soreseal in the mid to late game if it drops you into the negative absorption for anything.
It's worth it in the early game, but by the time you reach the Mountaintops the enemy damage just becomes batshit insane and you can't afford to have 15% less absorption from literally all sources.

On things like stealth or long range characters absolutely.

The enemy cannot deal damage to you if they are dead

Depends on the agme. Some games do a huge increase in damage received while the damage dealt boost is absolute shit tier. If the amount is proportionate then absolutely, 100%, god tier effect.

>Always think I’m good enough to make these worth it
>I’m not

Depends on the game. If you can take scale your health/defense to still take hits then it almost always is (Dark Souls), if you can't but it's a game where you can consistently avoid damage then it sometimes is (Vagante), and if it's a game where you can't do either of those things then it's usually just for memes (Noita).

Explain how defence works first

Whichever I have a higher percentage in from other sources.

depends on how defense is calculated, what kind of enemies I'm facing and what the breakpoints of their attacks are. 30% dodge is probably usually the better option but in a scenario where you have very high defense and defense subtracts damage rather than reducing it by a percentage, the defense could be the better option

>this autist again with the same busted "explanation"
Taking an extra 50 damage when enemies already hit you for 800 damage doesn't matter for shit when you get a free 20 levels of stats, so stop being retarded

Fuck dodging sometimes the RNG just hates you and you can’t do anything about it

Kiddie shit
Where are my "30000x damage but you die in one hit" GODS at?

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You take extra percentage damage you retard.
Early game the damage you take is gonna go from 20 to 30. Late game it's gonna go from 800 to 1200, and that's significant.

It's more like 120 extra damage, but yeah. The way I figure is if you're getting more health from it than the extra damage you're taking, it's worth it. That other guy is right though that once your Vigor gets high enough it's probably better to just use the straight health increasing talisman.

You're just parroting what you think is true, go actually test it out with any late game enemy with the soreseal on and off. No enemy will do another 400 damage to you with it on

No it's not retard the sore seals are like 10% extra so thats 20 to 22 and 800 to 960

800 * 1.2 = 960
so the difference is 160 not 50.
in the late game, soreseal can absolutely make the difference between getting 1 shotted/ 1 comboed, and 2 shotted / 2 comboed. and also between getting 2 shot and 3 shot. that absolutely matters in the late game. the effect is exacerbated when you account for the fact that it takes up a talisman slot which could plausibly have been used for ritual shield or dragoncrest greatshield or something.

and that "20 levels of stats" is a lot more like +5 str +5 dex when you're past level 120 and your vig and end are already softcapped

in a game where u can dodge, yeah.

>20 free levels
>except the vig doesn't matter because you should be at the softcap lategame anyway and would get more out of the crimson medallion or erdtree favour
>and the end doesn't really matter because you lose more negation than you'll get from the armor and again the erdtree favour does more anyway
>and the strength and dex don't really matter because 5 points is 10-20 damage and if you just need to meet the requirements for something you can use one of the single stat boosts with no downside
Whatever though, I can always tell when crouch poke into giant hunt just randomly does 30% more damage than normal that it was a soreseal user at level 150. If you've got 50 vig that doesn't normally 1shot you especially with good armor but with a soreseal on it easily can.

yes just dont get hit

>erdtree favour does more anyway
Ah yes 1.2% is more than 5 levels of end

What if its an RNG based game?

yes, unless it's turn based it's better to be a glass cannon because you can avoid the damage in other ways

why yes this is me and i both destroy enemies by looking at them and get destroyed if one of them looks at me

Just don't take damage... EZ PZ