was it good?
Was it good?
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Is this EO6? Or a separate universe? Or what?
Not really.
It's taken me so long to finish IV that V, two remakes, and then this came out, there's no point in me following the series, I'll never catch up.
what's the issue brother, the games aren't that long
I play slow and take long breaks. I probably have 100 hours in it now, and am at the fourth stratum, but I haven't played in several months.
No, actually. Needed a lot more dev time.
Hated how 7 of the first 10 stratums were either forests or shrines.
Imagine a new Etrian Odyssey but rather than proper dungeons every single dungeon is one of the side stratums from IV. Oh wait, you don't need to imagine this because that is exactly what Nexus is
It was alright. I wasn't a fan of the temples and I think their choice of stratums for this game was actually bad (why so many first stratums?) plus lacking some classes that clearly should have been there (why not dragoon?) etc.
But all in all it was still a nice game. I played X not Nexus though but I don't think this matters. I don't know how was the translation work in this. Can't have been worse than 5's infamous fuck up.
Literally the worst EO game. Yes, even worse than EO2 on DS.
>5's infamous fuck up
which one?
Pretty much 6.
It takes classes and characters from every game.
Like, Napier is the shopkeep, and Shileka shows up for a few quests.
No way. 6 would have been a game of its own. This was a celebrative game taking stuff from the series as a whole. Why it was called CROSS not 6.
The game is supposed to take place on Mars, but the translation never mentions it. The original Japanese version does.
oh, yeah, that one
na, play superior ones instead
>>>>>> fucking years
might as well play the other 2 7th dragon games i haven't beaten yet
Someone else already answered for me, but
>which one
There were more than one?
Western Shrine can go fuck itself.
>run 2 heroes, harbinger, and gunner
>blast through to waterfall wood
>beat it and get to the shrine
>realize that regiment wave won’t fucking work with 1 other hero and gunner
>hero force boosts were being limited by other hero mirages
Someone tell me what to do with the fourth and fifth slot, I’m trying sovereign and nightseeker but that feels incredibly lame. It’s a shame that 90% of the classes belong in the front row.
Back when it was first revealed, Atlus JP said it was a special 'bonus round' game that celebrated the series up to that point and that they made to see the 3DS out with a bang. That's why they had a whole vote (in Japan) for classes to include in the game, and why they reuse and remix a bunch of labyrinths and other assets in it despite it not being a remake.
it's okay. The game starts off strong with stuff like the bouble boss and being kidnapped but after that it's all just standard dungeon crawling through areas you've pretty much already seen if you played the other games.
don't know, still haven't finished it, too much grinding
Played one played them all.
That what I said about the women in your family.
Nexus is easily the worst game in the series. But I'm a freak who really likes 5.
I don't think it is realistically possible for it to be the worst. It did have potential to be the best but it failed at that.
I'd play it if the artstyle wasnt so bland.
Looks like stock anime pictures from google.
No 5 is great, my only complaint is that some classes take too long to become useful either due to skill point investment or vital skills being locked behind mastery titles but that problem isn’t exclusive to 5. The mini events were a good addition and I liked the idea of using food from the labyrinth to cook in the labyrinth.
That's just my opinion, but I felt as a celebration of the series it fell pretty flat.
I have my gripes with 5 but it's still my 2nd favorite after 3. I wonder if we'll get titles again or different races.
I have to play 3 but getting a physical copy is impossible. I’ve tried emulating it but my computer is literally falling apart and it lags on the ocean and when I’m not facing a wall. I tried gladiator hoplite buccaneer ninja princess and that did pretty fine for the first floor.
Yeah, it's dummy expensive nowadays and I guess there won't be an untold 3. Hopefully you get a chance to play it
nothing can be worse than original ds 2
3 is the best only because it has the best battle theme
harbinger is a flex position class. you put them up front for regular dungeon crawling then in the back while they're debuffing FOEs and bosses. generic party for nexus is hero/filler dps/harbinger front, sovereign/gunner back. ronin, highlander, shogun, landshark, nightseeker and imperial are the usual front line dps, but you could also easily replace that with a second gunner.
Any other 3ds games that allow you to allocate skill points to your character stat sheet similar to Etrian Odyssey games?
3 is the only game in the entire franchise you cannot experience natively on the 3ds in one way or another.
>its the best cuz it wasnt ported!
For 3ds? I got 7 and 8.
I did not say that. I'm sure there are people who do think this way though. Seen them in the etrian general a bunch.
Yeah for 3ds.
Solid concept held back by bad class selection and how repetitive the main dungeon could get.
Also no new Highlander portraits. Absolutely unforgivable.
But I can't speak Japanese.
There should be a patch.
>no next stage ever ever
>Limbus is not a dungeon crawler ala etrian oddysey but a fucking gacha
Reminder that original 1 and 2 are completely different games from their remakes and the remakes don't replace them
Play the originals
Is it better than Moero Chronicle H? Didn't really like that one, and it's not because of the ecchi elements the game has, since I loved Dungeon Travelers.
Remember to play the EU rom of the first Etrian, it has a font that doesn't make your eyes bleed
Yes but it had a lot of dumb issues. Namely blowing its load of fun twists super early (ie the Berserker King ambush followed by Cernunnos) and not doing more and omitting fan favorite classes and dungeons.
Unfortunately it's the game with the worst distribution of its regular battle themes. First Campaign isn't used after the second stratum, and I like Those That Slay And Fall, but it kinda overstayed its welcome after entering the Cyclopean Haunt.
On a somewhat related topic, does anyone know of any good balance patches or mods for Etrian Odyssey 3, or maybe one of the other games?
The Classic mode of the remakes are infinitely better though.
I played the story mode of 1
Fucking loved 3, bounced off of the first two though. Currently halfway through 4 (just beat boiling lizard).
What am I in for with 5? I kinda like having different races.
Of course that's a different game you dummy.
Doesnt matter whats better, the old ones are different experiences with different mechanics, dungeon layouts, quests, and other stuff
They are different games and worth playing
le millenom girl
Played 1 through 4.
Undecided on how I should proceed.
I was thinking playing the 1 and 2 remakes story mode with the pre-built characters, Etrian Mystery Dungeon afterwards, followed up by 5, and finishing with Nexus.
What say you?
total shit, it went out not with a bang but with a whimper
I did
EO1U completely fucked up the original stratum 5 and 6
2U and 2 are both mediocre
i get not liking original 2 but wtf is wrong with 2u
that sounds fine
I see a lot of people shit on the story modes, but I think that's mostly because class choices are an important part of the game. Also people are allergic to text or something, though admittedly EO1U does mess the story up a little bit.
Jesus fuck
snoozefest maps
What's the best alternative for pc?