What are your favorite racing games, Yea Forums?

What are your favorite racing games, Yea Forums?

Attached: OutRun 2006 downhill drifting.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

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Attached: Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed.webm (700x394, 2.78M)

burnout 3 takedown

This, Burnout Paradise, and I'll even add MotorStorm Pacific Rift

Need for Speed Underground 2
And SSX 3 if it counts

Probably a generic NPC taste but NFS MW and Carbon.
Overall I enjoyed Carbon more because of canyon races and not having le bounty padding.

burnout and distance

i like ze need for speed reboot

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>playing in third person
otherwise this is the only racing game I need

good posts

It's need for speed most wanted.
Followed by Burnout 3, burnout revenge, grid 1, midnight club Los angeles and crash team racing.
In this order.

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You posted it.

Burnout 3: takedown
Need for speed: underground 2
Midnight club 3: dub edition remix

Depends on what you call racing games. Arcade racers are probably the most popular but Autist racing is like it's own genre.

Is this heat?

Then say your favorites for each.

Carmageddon 1, 2 and max damage
Burnout 2, 3 and paradise
Motorstorm and pacific rift
Assetto corsa
All need for speed but not after the hot pursuit reboot.
Fzero gx and maximum velocity
Mario kart double dash, DS and wii
CTR and the nitro fueled
Twisted metal ps3
Forza horizon in general
Dirt 2.0
Outrun 2006 and coast to coast
Crazy taxi 1
All project gotham
Death rally
Speed busters
Madskills motocross 2 and 3
Trials hd, evolution and rising
Wipeout trilogy
Destruction derby 2 and raw
Extreme g
Beam ng

It's the 2015 reboot, the one called just "Need for Speed".

>MotorStorm Pacific Rift
Why the actual FUCK did Sony kill this series? Pacific Rift isn't just one of the greatest racing games ever made, it's one of the greatest games ever made.

Ah okay thanks

all nfs games after hot pursuit 2 were engineered for npcs

Does anyone know what game this is from? I'm assuming it's some sort of racing game.

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Looks like Racing Lagoon.

buzzword is a buzzword

That's Racing Lagoon. It got a translation a while ago so you can play it, has REALLY heavy RPG elements though.

>NFS 2016
>absolutely fucking nails the Underground aesthetic people keep demanding
>but is online-only and one of the worst NFS games since Undercover
Fuck this gay earth.

you wouldn't know a buzzword if one came up and fucked you in the ass with your dad's detachable penis

>Racing game
>Heavy RPG elements

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To this day, still the best. It may not have the tightest gameplay anymore, but with all it does right, nothing even comes close.

It's not that bad to be quite direct with you, I got used to the handling and even got all golds on Prestige, but at least the game fucking works unlike Undercover which I cant for god get running on my machine without stuttering at an average of 20 fps despite having bought it on Steam.
Racing Lagoon by Square Enix

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holy racing kino

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one of many

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>those Araxis stickers
goddammit that actually threw me for a loop and made me double check if it was actually a real company and not one of the mainstay NFS fictional ones

>It's not that bad
I was mad about it being always online more than anything originally, but I found the gameplay to be tired. Maybe I'm an opinionated faggot but I always though NFS would've been dead in a ditch 10 years ago if it weren't for the sheer brand recognition.

Even the Criterion ones are tired to me because they're so goddamn much like Burnout.

I love Hot Pursuit 2010, but I too share the sentiment that they need to do something new with the gameplay. Ghost's Brake2Drift has become extremely tiring, and Always Online is not a good thing in the slightest for the franchise, glad it was only once but I'll miss 2015 once the servers go down, hopefully they patch it out or the community makes an effort to fake server connections.

1. Gran Turismo 2
2. Enthusia: Professional Racing
3. Need For Speed _____(2015)_____

Having a lot of fun with GT7 too.

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For me Gran Turismo 2 is the gold standard in racing games. It's not flawless, would've benefitted from less rushed development and more polish, but nothing has ever come close to it.

Other all time favorites include Colin McRae Rally 2.0, V-Rally 2, Star Wars Episode 1 Racer, Flatout 2, Need For Speed Underground, Dirt 2, Burnout Paradise, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2010, Trackmania Nations (Forever).

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I would kill for Forza Horizon 2 on PC

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Most Wanted is overrated, Carbon is underrated. The Canyon races and drifts were super cool, the crew races were an interesting concept albeit it underdeveloped and a bit gimmicky, the bodykit sculpting was cool as well.

Gran Turismo still has one of the best campaign progressions even if it became fully jewish with currency purchasing. Still has great time trial grinding with licenses and other shit.

Trackmania Nations for time trial autism with fun user made maps

Crash Team Racing for kart racing and time trial autism

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It's such a great game with a high skill ceiling. I really REALLY hope it comes for PC someday.

I need to play more racing games that aren't kart racers

Nothing competes with assetto corsa.

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Especially for touge racing (most fun category of racing imo)

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gimme some recs for arcade and/or realistic racers
I've heard burnout 2 is a good place to start and I've played a little gt4 but somehow I get the impression that gt is more for people who know things about cars (which I do not)

>unlike Undercover
holy fucking shit same, never got that to work on my system. had to hard reset my PC last time I tried going past the opening cutscene

Yeah. I got that NFS on Xbox so we'll see if it's playable after the servers officially go down.

It's hard for me to trust EA with anything after they stopped making Road Rash and Strike games.


It boots fine for me but I can't get a stable framerate or frame pacing regardless of which patch I install. I get smooth 60 for 2 seconds and then it drops to the 20-30 range and even to the 10s sometimes and it's not a once every 10 minutes thing it's every damn 3 seconds or so and it makes it impossible to enjoy driving. The Xbox overlay tells me the game is using 100% of my GPU whenever these drops occur and I know I'm on a GTX 1050 Ti but come on I can run NFS 2015 at locked 60 with maxed-out settings.

F-Zero X

shit is cooked. luckily I just bought a PS2 and it should arrive tomorrow or the day after, so I guess at least I can play that version lmao

Daytona USA


Is there any way to play Wipeout on modern hardware?

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Just emulate the fucking game using xenia or RPCS3. The PC version is a travesty and you have to make a choice between using the unpatched version with better graphics but a far buggier game or the patched version that fixes bugs but fucks the graphics and A.I. sideways. Oh and it's missing the DLC the console versions have.

It's soulless without the chick sitting next to you.

I got a fancy DD wheel for cheap and built my own pedals and rig, sim racing is pretty fun. I've been looking at getting a GT/F1 style wheel for a while but they're all super expensive and the DIY stuff all starts with "first, get a 3D printer..."


toca 2 and the geoff crammond grand prix games

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>after hot pursuit 2
more like after carbon

Pro Street was soul