Sony always wins baby

>sony always wins baby
>sells less than fucking xbox series x

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>came in my hand while thinking about my sister again
what does it mean to fix myself

its cause the series X is based. PS5 is cringe

It's a good thing they get a break this week, but the 10th and 12th are going to be Hell


Can’t fucking buy either of these so stop making these threads cause I’m over here fuming

It means you should hang yourself.

>wall of text cringe
kys snoy

>better system with better games, better services, actual next gen features and not just a ps4 pro pro, and a better company behind it is selling more

>PS5 is back on top now that they've fixed the stock issue.
Are they?


>Only because all the PS5's are sold-out.

Series S is the console that sells.
Series X is as fucked if not more fucked than PS5.

Both have no games, who cares?

How xbox sell more than pony if we have a chip shortage?

brainlet take


it means you need to fuck your sister

because Xbox actually has money unlike snoy. and yes sony wins because theyre poor

Who cares this gen has no games yet the biggest release this gen can be played on a fucking PS4

Xbox appreciates your money, peecee

Microsoft paid a premium to get more chips sooner than others. Which we can see the results of here when their actually in stock consoles can be found and purchased. Smart move to capitalize on the shortage like this.

>Another shill-thread
It is so tiring in all honesty. PS5 sells more, but Series X/S are given for free and counted as a "sale". Then on top of that PS5 production isn't priorised in 3rd world shitholes because Japan has hatred towards Sony these days. Microsoft just buys the factories and makes it impossible to produce PS5s in big enough numbers. It is dirty playing all around but PS5 will outsell all consoles by 2024, nintendo and microsoft will exit console market by 2023 after PS5 absolutely dominates the globe.

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Avatarfagging is against the rules

>wall of text
gay. Xbox owns this gen.

didnt read, you lost. no games, no games, no consoles, no sales.


>Series X/S are given for free and counted as a "sale".
Got proof of this?

Feels good to be a series x chad

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lmao that snoyjeet actually said that? thats straight out of snoy's playbook. when their movies dont sell they just give it away for free to artificially inflate the sales numbers. all they can do is project lol

based. you got LBP2 in that PS3?

>God Of War DLC for $60 written by Anthony Burch

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Not currently, but I do own a copy. Never got to play much before the servers were shut down, kinda regret that now

Mine's supposed to be delivered today. What are you playing on yours?

Aaaand tendie defense squad arrived. Whenever you criticize xshit, shitch or excel machines the tendies just appears to shit on Sony. I don't understand why mods don't fucking ban you all.
Oh, right. They are also paid by nintendo to let all tranime, shitch, and famishit get spammed all over the board.
Fuck you, seriously. You ruined Yea Forums, I miss 2015 so much

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I'll fuck her for you, bro

Based, enjoy user. Been playing GTA 4 TBoGT. Runs at 60 fps, and doesn't crash like the PC version so that's been nice. Having fps boost for 360 games has made me play them more than a lot of actual series x releases kek

I've told you that XSS was a game changer and it will help MS significantly as the time went on
Either MS will have more consoles sold by the end of the gen or Sony will copy them by by making the PS5 lite or something
Just watch. I'll be right

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>snoys so defeated by Xbox they constantly refocus their attention on Nintendo's baby tablet the second they get fucked

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Literally who cares

You still didn't give any proof that ">Series X/S are given for free and counted as a "sale"."

>Kratosfag is back and seething

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Playstations have always had lite/slim variants though

you were not here in 2015. Go back. Wii60 chads run this board again

uuuuh bro?

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i grow weary...please sony put up a fight...

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They only have themselves to blame. It took 2 and a half YEARS for VRR to be implemented and it isn't as good as Xbox's solution, need at least a $700 monitor for it to work or a midrange tv. That's not even mentioning the utter lack of games on the PS5. There are no true PS5 exclusives until next year KEK.

He's not even a good falseflagger. This would've gotten 2 "0/10 too obvious" replies in 2010 and nothing else.

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Snoy consoles have no identity anymore after the nips abandoned it. Xbox has a better controller so if you are going to get a console, you may as well get an Xbox.

That PC port was godawful, never again. I don't even care if it's fixed now. I'm planning on playing RDR1 since I've heard it's 4K and looks good with HDR, really looking forward to having a machine that has basically every major Rockstar game on it.

Ps5 sells out the instant it’s available while cuck box rots on the shelf. OP knows if Ps5s were available in infinite supply it’d be 3:1 this generation on the goodwill the ps4 built alone. Not to mention no good games on cuck pass. Cope seethe and dilate you marketing shill.

>while cuck box rots on the shelf.
Prove it.

one has gaem
one doesn't.

yes Raj, thats a good goy. 20 roopoos deposited into your account. keep up good needful

oh man when gow comes out /v's gonna seethe like never.

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Better controller? I just bought a brand new XSX controller to replace an ancient 360 one I used on windows and I can't believe how much Microsoft are charging for a cheap plasticy piece of garbage like that. I couldn't believe it was a first party controller. It's like it's made of recycled water bottles and rubbed down with sandpaper.

343 killed halo
Gears 5 has woke female as lead
Forza is the same game as the last one
Rare is shadow of themselves
Perfect dark in development hell
Fable is 2025 game
State of decay needed a reboot as if anyone cares to be begin with
Starfield will be rushed and unfished.

Cope seethe dilate

Sorry to inform you, that's not how math works poorfag.

PS5: 19.06M
S|X: 14.32M

as time goes on snoys become more and more aggressive and desperate with their copes and i love it. i cant wait to see what theyre spewing come Xmas when walk of talk 2 is delayed to next year and they get nothing again lol

literally everything you mentioned is still better than Ps5 exclusives

>still over 8 million ahead in total sales

>first party titles are so boring and uninteresting that microsofts investors tell them ether sell the brand or buy out the competition
Seems kind of pathetic to me.

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>he's still playing Sony/MS shit
Like literally get a PC or a Steam Deck if you care about portable high quality games, imo just use your fucking phone, and a Switch if you're too much of a moral Oral to not pirate. There, all of your gaming desires are satisfied.

>its okay when sony does it
seems hypocritical to me. no games.

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reddit is down the hall homo

Don't feel like upgrading.

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What are you playing on cuck pass that better or not available on PlayStation right now ? I hope You Xbox astroturf are being paid well.

Because the good chips that are in short supply go in the PS5 and Series X.

Series S uses a shitty chip that is not short on supply, which is therefore selling

no. kys.