3 hours before my 6 to 2am shift at mcdonalds haha

3 hours before my 6 to 2am shift at mcdonalds haha

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tell us more

Nothing is keeping you from working a different job.

I'm sorry. Try to stay alive.

>being a wageslave instead of getting on NEETbux
why are you even on Yea Forums? retard fucking normalfag NPC

I actually have a different job soon. My boss just brutally scheduled me late shifts for my final week out of spite.

Get me my coffee wagie!
Bend it like beckham wagie!

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What the...

I guess I'll wait for 3 hours before going to McDonald then

Unless your boss is cool never give them a courtesy week. They will still be mad regardless make your last week hell

what sort of customers do you get past midnight?


Dear god. That is depressing

Niggers, drunks, stoners, christcucks, boomers, basically the same any time of day

assuming this new job is already lined up and set in stone then just stop going into work lmao


Why do Neets act like wagies choose to be wagies? Like cool bro your hooked up but Im not so I need to work

Never worked a day in my life due to disabilities and I hate living, being a neet isn't all that neat either.

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I hate work so much. I'm a 5'4 Latino with feminine features and wide hips. Should I just take the femboy pill and cam for fags?

NEETs make less than $800 a month and can’t save more than $2k at a time, they’re just coping

Become the next Nikocado

very poor display, I would NOT tip this wagie

I'd rather not destroy my asshole

If the user who called my work in the last thread "drug dealing" is in this thread then go fuck yourself.

if you do the coomer shit, wear a mask, dont ruin your life pedro

Are you a pharmacist or what

The fuck? This person is PAR 4 too, meaning it's not like they are a random wageslave stonie fresh from the brothel or something.

No, private security

Genuinely have no idea how private security would be akin to drug dealing

glad I got out of working nights and rotating shifts generally, I could never enjoy playing vidya in the day knowing I had work later

How do I get on neetbux


Because I mentioned that I will get a new gun today, that's it

Literally sustaining my younger sister and her uni expenses so she doesn't end up like you op

What should I go to school for bros? I have money that can literally only be used for school without be taxed into nothing so I kind of have to go. I have absolutely no drive and all careers sound ass.

if they are gonna treat you like shit then burn em dude, he made your life hell so make his by quitting on the spot or not turning up at all, unless you REALLY need that shitty mcdonalds as a reference.

You owe them nothing, as a service worker you already give them an arm and a leg for scraps

What is going on in this webm

>the absolute STATE of wagecucks

She should be stripping to pay for her own education.

Claim you have a severe mental illness, hire a lawyer, and the wait a decade or more to get your case approved so that you can make a grand total of $750 a month while not being allowed to save more than 2k in cash and assets

6-2 is an excellent schedule, it’s too bad it’s for a fast food service. I just got a new role in medical deployment and I have your schedule except i shit post for 80% of the day

moot wrote a neetbux guide back in 2005. if you don't already have that guide saved on your computer, then what are you doing? are you some zoomer newfag who showed up after 2005?

>is lazy

Big bro will always have her back

>I have absolutely no drive and all careers sound ass.
based, become a neet

>mfw disabled
>mfw will never have a love life but at least I don't have to wageslave

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I know two lads in their mid 30s with management jobs in McDonald's, they're the happiest two lads I know. But this is in Ireland, they are both on like 17 euro an hour. I wonder is it more US service industry more than the service industry itself.

A supportive big bro would be slipping fives into her thong while she twerks.


I'm about to fail my final year of uni lads and i cannot wait! what a fucking waste of time this has been, i'll see you all in the wage fields

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I've faked references for 15 years user, and I work in tech. OP doesn't need the reference if he's clever enough to realize that McDonalds is a shit job. Get a google voice number and set it up as the managers contact if you need it, but make sure to change the voicemail. Have a buddy record the message. Fake it til you make it folks.

Do you have any passions at all? Anything you know how to do?
As an example, I'm pretty familiar with video editing softwear and I used photoshop a lot growing up.
So I'm going to uni to do video editing despite being like you, no real motivation to "succeed" in the wagie sense, to me success comes from being there for my family and engaging in my personal enjoyments or passions, I just want a quiet life, but a video editing job will help facilitate that, so it's what I'm going to do.
If you have ANYTHING you're capable of doing pick that, prior knowledge or experience helps with the field, picking something you've literally never even considered is going to run you into a large and steep learning curve, more of a right angle.

based guy, i ended up just not going to any classes and dropping out top kek

sounds utterly grim get a clue mate

Wow dude working at McDonald's, especially night shift is soooooooo hard.
Imagine having the responsibility of not putting pickles on something, and then 90% of the time putting pickles on it anyway with no repercussion.
Or serving fries made in the last decade
Or spending 10 seconds making a pot of coffee every every few minutes.

Do american do this often? My last job my boss was cool with it. Since these are difficult times and all that.

It’s really awful here in service roles I imagine Ireland outside of a major city it’s pretty cozy working somewhere like that
Just be like Father Ted

Holy shit after seeing this I couldn't stop laughing for a solid minute it's just so pathetic.

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Can you explain this faking references stuff in more detail? Genuinely interested, I'm just about to finish a master's in Data Science wit ha First Class, and I am getting offered 25k a year because I don't have experience. Grim.

Everyone hates each other here

Bong here, I worked in hospitality for about 5 years. From my experience it's more about the company than the country. Working for small locally run places is comfy as fuck but big companies use rotating shift patterns and treat you like a fucking slave (no weekends or nights off ever, often doing 12-14 hour shifts, often having to work up to 10 days in a row etc). If they're in management they probably get to choose their own shifts and give themselves all the easy ones.

I'm guessing you're a fatass on disability who orders a cheeseburger with no "Veggies" right?

>wojakturd is a Macdonald wagie
I'm happy

lol what are you saying

6 30 to 3 330 nigga get on my level, only have to work 3 days a week though but 400 dollars a week ain’t bad.

Applying for a few work from home jobs, mostly in customer service. Pray for me, bros.

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I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

>spend teen years on irc and wow
>don't study hard in school
>all my friends left irc and wow
>now im stuck in shitty dead end job as delivery driver & up at 3am tomorrow

as a neet this is spot on, I'm UK so my saving cap is 6k before they start to punish me but neets are incredibly under socialized and incredibly stagnant and out of touch, this life is NOT comfy and glamorous, it is pure survival, you are not allowed to have luxury or aspirations exceeding the 6k money cap and this is presuming you're even able to make any savings at all and aren't just living month to month.
Neets are not comfy, they are stagnant and desperate, any smug needs you see here are coping hard or they're the special and rare sub-species of neet who has rich family who pay for everything and take care of them out of pocket.

>I'm UK so my saving cap is 6k before they start to punish me
absolute load of shite

>amerilards ending up in crippling debt just because
will never stop being hilarious

Is he saying that the dole gets cut if he saves 6k?

>muh comfy security job
>*smug anime face* le went to college and now i do a wfh job its so kino bros
>le work? *gigachad face*
>le walmart dancing webm
>le tik tok webm
>dude being a NEET is... le hard!
Summed up the thread for you. Jannies you can delete it now.

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yeah I'm a bit of a NEET myself

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Remeber that I like my fries extra salty bro


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Yep that's pretty much what happens here

All you need is friends/family members willing to play pretend for you.
And just give them a heads-up beforehand.
but in most cases, jobs don't even bother calling your references.

Godspeed, user!

based eggy

Man you can see that cat fucking loves him despite all his flaws

Maybe it's different depending on what you're claiming exactly, but the cap for me is 6k.
Yes, I'm saying if I save beyond that limit they start to cut what they pay me.

except that doesn't happen

Your government is becoming aware of neets, if you go in indeed and type in neet, there seems to be a few jobs popping up recruiting people to assist needs into education, training or a job. There are also a lot of coaching jobs and apprenticeships propping up for you guys there with only high school requirements just to help out neets.

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Honestly, a customer service job working from the comfort of your own home is better than any job where you have to leave your house. At least for me anyway, lol

imagine having failed so hard at life that you have to work at McD

I know this is eggman, but what video is this from?

good luck user. I hope time flies by at your job in a fast pace

Out of all the restaurants to work at, why a fast food place? Work in a real restaurant, nigga
>t. Food prepper at a local Italian restaurant

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That's nuts, how do they even know?

just fuck around at work and dont do anything

they don't, it's made up bullshit

I got rejected from a cart pusher job
It's over.

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In the US you will be entirely cut off if you exceed 2k at any time

Ah yes, gotta head to the job store and pick up a different job. We don't know user's resources, and assuming he has yours is retarded. Spoiled children shouldn't talk about adult matters.

>wow dude so I'm guessing your mcdonalds literal target audience?
Seethe wagie.
That being said the odd time I go there I only get mcdoubles or mcchickens. Meals are a waste since the fries are 99% of the time ass and I already know no amount of fresh fries only will make little wagie do his job right.


You have to provide bank statements every so often for them to check.

How, bro? Were you just so autisticly dysfunctional that they thought youd fuck up something so simple?

incorrect, i get 2200 bucks per month from SSI+disability+state cash assistance, after rent and bills i have around a grand every month to do what i want with and nobody can tell me what to do with it. people should have read the neetbux guide. if you aren't in the USA and the neetbux guide doesn't apply to you, just be glad moot even allowed you here in the first place, since originally we were going to be US IP's only like 2chan does for japanese ip's.

Those rates are grim.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-04 at 21-28-29 Jobseeker's Allowance.png (849x529, 56.74K)

A lot of people are losing their jobs here because of COVID and the current price increases on fucking everything (me included lol) so there's a lot more push to get people working in an attempt to unfuck the economy. There's also more punishments for refusing to apply or go to interviews to discourage the kind of NEETs you see here on Yea Forums

I was coming back from Round 1 at around 10pm and I wanted to get some McChickens and there was a guy ahead of me that was just losing his fucking mind because he couldn't order on foot in the drive through. Good luck bro.

I think user had a stroke and meant "4 star".
Cracker Barrel uses a ranking system for their employees which is shown on their apron. I would assume someone with 4 stars means either they've been there a while or has had stellar reviews but i don't know how their ranking system works exactly

just take the wage slaves

voila antiwork crysis averted

>last semester of uni
>600 in student bucks
>company I write my bachelors at pays me 1000 per month for it
>convinced my supervisor that the 20 hours of work per week in my contract are supposed to go towards my bachelors
>also WFH, have never set foot into the office after my interview

I basically do like 4 hours of work per week for my bachelors and I'm like 40% done after 1.5 months
that's it
living the life