>Comes out tomorrow
Will it be good?
Comes out tomorrow
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ásk again tomorrow
I hope so. The ratio of shitty 40k games to good 40k games needs to lean more to the latter.
I watched acg's review. It was pretty positive. Saw that some people are already posting lets plays
I pre-ordered it for two things.
1. It looks and plays interestingly for a Firaxis XCOM clone (with you using the environment as a weapon like toppling a column at a bunch of Bloodletters).
2. Because Crowe is there. The only guy who, unlike Draigo, is far more liked when 5th ED appeared.
I'm gonna download it for free off one of those shady sites. Maybe will fitgirl it if I am not feeling lazy
Who's ACG?
Is Crowe the guy who was part of the Death Guard before the Death Guard were even a thing?
>Chads Gate
I guess it might be fun.
I just want SW Battlefront 2 on rhe Siege of Vraks setting, is that really that much to ask?
angry centaur gaming. His reviews suck less than IGN so I check them out to see games. The best way to get a feel for if a game is worth checking out more
I wish for a truly good 40k game in the near future, but I'll likely just be disappointed
>truly good
You're asking for too much, but Necromunda Hired Gun was close
>Maybe will fitgirl it if I am not feeling lazy
One of the many perks of having a job. You won't need to worry about viruses or that you have to use double the disc space.
Nope. He's a Grey Knight (and the moder-day spiritual successor of Sigismund) who is, of all the Purifiers, the only guy who is both pure of spirit and strong of will enough to wield the Black Blade of Antwyr for safe keeping. A sentient Daemonlade so damn powerful that it rivals Drach'Nyel in terms of being OP. Crowe wields it like a lead pipe (thus not utilizing any power to the point that in tabletop it had no stats and rules) and the damn blade tries to free itself by making sure fate twists into more troubles for the Castellan, trying to constantly break his focus and more. He is however one crazy badass to the point that he's in fact the first candidate for Supreme Grandmaster after Draigo, but he ain't taking the position because he needs to keep an eye on the Daemonblade.
all the reviews I've read have been pretty good, a lot of them mention the writing's good
I wish it the best, but I will bet money it can't hold a candle to the original's OST. Still the premium 40k soundtrack
So is it just Nurgle and Khorne daemons again?
seems likes its almost just nurgle
Tranny game no buy.
It doesn't need to be fantastic. Most 40k games suck so people should eat this up if it doesn't
It's a Warhammer game, so it's going to be average at best.
That's monumentally fucking.
the gun isn't pointing anywhere near the crosshair, this triggers me immensely
>Dawn of War 1/2
>Battlefleet Gothic
>Space Marine
are all good games even to non-WHfags
no, there are trannies on the dev team. just go play original chaos gate.
>uhm ackchually a trans woman on the dev team doesn't make it automatically bad
name even one game with a tranny developer that was good. you can't because they don't exist. HBS Battletech? Terrible, requires heaps of mods or huge overhauls like roguetech to fix, just like a bethesda game. Celeste? Casual. Hollow Knight? Casual. If a tranny is involved, the game fucking sucks.
This. They even had the audacity to show the creature in a trailer. Sorry I don't put money towards mental illness.
*fucking boring.
Why the fuck is it always Nurgle now with the occasional Khorne? They're so god damn boring.
Why does this and Darktide have a fat nurgle boner, why can't we fight all chaos forces?
because for over a decade, 40k video games have been primarily about killing khorne instead, it's nice to have not khorne as enemies
It's a game made by trannies and bold virgins. Who gives a shit about this?
oops i'm retarded and meant to say khorne and orks. at least in games that don't have a bunch of races i.e dawn of war.
Let me answer your question with another question. Why does GW hate Tzeentch and Slaanesh?
Bird models too hard to make, magic too hard to balance.
They realized Slaanesh would casually beat the shit out of the other Chaos Gods if they applied logic to him, so instead they gimp him.
tzeentch i don't know, slaanesh it's obvious, because they are sex themed and it's harder to market that to all audiences for more money. now your game might have to be slapped with an AO rating because you have naked daemonettes with their tits and cunts on full display, and maybe a mutated dick-arm or two in your video game.
>It looks and plays interestingly for a Firaxis XCOM clone
Oh, I didn't realize it was going to be a two action cookie cutter board game. Dropping that shit instantly. I played Firaxis XCOM a full decade ago, and I'm sick of playing it's clones every 6 months.
What a waste.
Don't these games drop denuvo after a while?
Does it make you recoil in shock?
I hate the gay artstyle, it needs to be REALLY good to compensate
It will probably be cracked in a week or two.
The gameplay looks pretty good to me. I'm not crazy about the UI and I hope you're able to turn off the little action cutscenes, I have a feeling they'll lose their appeal after seeing them so many times. The destructible environments are a pretty cool touch.
It can't beat the og
>Chaos gate
>Final liberation
>SH Vengeance of the blood angels
they don't make them like they used to
Yes but that will take a few months, they do however end up dropping Denuvo after the first "cycle" of protection for single player games.
Not a chance, currently there is only 1 entity cracking Denuvo and this game wont even be a blip on the radar.
The UI looks like original xbox ui. Sound design seems like it was done in someone's outhouse. The art direction in general feels very amateur, like a mix between a webcomic and a deviant art page.
Mechanically, it seems fine but this just seems like utter shit to play through.
I just wish they had gone with a different chapter, Grey Knights feel like fan fiction tier, however they seem to fit better in this xcom style of game allowing you to have psykers integrated in the squads so you can (im assuming) personalize each soldier further.
Doing it with any of the "regular" chapters would have limited "builds" too much.
Might be good, not a fan of the cartoony/"clean" look though.
Is Mechanicus good?
Is Battlesector good?
No idea
>Extra small squad sizes of highly specialized combat experts loaned out to another force
>Teamwork makes the dream work
>Weapon systems specialists that can pick up anything and use it effectively, fits in with loot system
A Mentors game would have been pretty neat, dropped the Inquisition and replace it with a Rogue Trader or AdMech force. Or a Minotaurs game would have also been neat, where you're sent out to fight a variety of enemies at the behest of the Administratum
Mechanicus is great. Battlesector is okay and seems content deprived. I've been really enjoying Gladius lately.
trying to make 40K look 'clean' is baffling
doubly so when Nurgle is the central point
>What is Killteam
Also you are forgetting the original Chaos Gate played like the very old X-Com originals.
>another xcom clone
Firaxis needs to hurry up with XCOM 3 already.
no they don't because firaxis games are still inferior to the originals. until i get TU's, grid-based inventory customization, and the ability to deploy 26 soldiers to a battle, it's not xcom. fuck the firaxis garbage games, not even mods can fix them.
Necrumunda was a mess
You're getting capeshit nucom first.