Enemy Nations. A city builder/rts from 1996. Has single player vs ai in a world domination mode...

Enemy Nations. A city builder/rts from 1996. Has single player vs ai in a world domination mode, also has online multiplayer (tcp/ip direct). I like old RTS games and want to get a MP game going. I have a few people interested, but since there's no player limit lets see how many we can get.

Win7/10 instructions
-run as administrator

.iso link (it's abandonware)



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Sweet, love me some rts.


Would you prefer vent or something? I'm not picky, I figured discord was an easy way to organize.


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Yeah I'll play it, downloading now
I'll only play single player though

Well shit user.

This won’t mean anything to you.

But as a poor 8’year old Swede, I’d go trawling through bargain bins to find games that my hand-me-down computer could play. One day I found this. There was SO much going on here. The editor. The styles of play. The difficulty of balancing resources.

It was too much for my child brain. And yet. And YET it created a lasting impression that i recall decades later. Thanks for posting this obscure game. And letting me realize that this, and my engineering grandpa. Probably made my career of computers.

Thanks man. Feels good.

That's basically my story. I was a kid, found it in a Costco 99 cent bin. Put the CD-ROM into my 486dx and played a game. Balancing resources, economy, expansion, and army was a lot for the little kid that I was, but I kept at it! There's something authentic about the art and gameplay. It was made before gaming was a "science" - before there was one correct way to do everything, so it has a lot of character.

It's no starcraft, but it has soul and the city building aspect is rare for an RTS.

I hope you change your mind and join us for an online game. Any reason you aren't interested in multiplayer?

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I don't really want to play with a bunch of Yea Forumstards no offense

Well, if you change your mind let us know.

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kino sprites. looks actually good. they don't make them like that anymore.

intro movie


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is it more of a city builder or RTS?

Can I play it in a sandbox and just build a huge city? But with smelters and shit?
Is there a unit limit? Building limit?

What happens if you run out of food? Do your people die or just stop having babies?

looks like shit

Just played a game vs the hardest AI and lost so fucking hard

I find easy too easy, and medium pretty hard (but doable)

I'd say a bit more on the RTS side, but with heavy supply chain and decent city building (offices, apartments, farms, roads, power)

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Yeah I think so, as far as I can tell there's no unit limit

Don't know, but I think your production slows down if your people are starving

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nah nigger i only talk in irc

same, fuck discord

Lol OK. What IRC network are you on?
I'll happy to create #EnemyNations

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looks old
yey I'll try it

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how do I rotate buildings this is infuriating


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Hmmm yeah ok I could play this

I guess I'll see if I can get the source compiling

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Looks like they intended on having more resources,
at least I haven't seen copper in the actual game

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so like it's a FFA?

I played this when I was 9 or 10 and I had no idea what to do. It took me at least 4 hours to even get a base started. It didn't help that the copy I had was in English only either.

In single player, yeah. In multiplayer you can have alliances, neutral, war, etc

It's definitely a little complex, which is what I like about it desu

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if somebody gets the source compiling I'll help out. I know some c++

I'm looking at it now, but I'm no c++ expert, and it's built with a lot of very old libraries.
I'll create a github

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how the fuck do you play this online? i tried with a friend and we couldnt see each other in the server list

id play it just to get a look at the art / visual design

You need to either use VPN or should be able to setup port forwarding. I can set up the port forwarding to host one. I got it working on my local LAN, so it definitely is possible.

Want to try?

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so something like hamachi is needed if no forwarding? its been so long since i have used hamachi that i forgot thats something usually needed for old games

would be nice if there was a breakdown of what each button does in the mp menu, and if the server list actually works

yeah basically. I think hamachi is gone now though.

here's a quick rundown
I had to run it in WinXP compatibility or it crashed on start
But with run as administrator and winxp compatibility it connects and starts

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Oh shit you actually got it working? I tried but kept getting error 25
I guess I need to run in compatibility mode

>and if the server list actually works
It would be possible to get it working. The original util is included, so somebody could host it.
Maybe I'll spool up a free AWS instance and put it on there.

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the game art mostly looks nice but the interface could use some work

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you're the same guy from yesterday? why this game?

I played it years and years ago but always wanted to play a MP game. So why not

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I don't think I like the windowing

You don't have to use it, you can stick to one.
I find it kinda useful when attacking but still building.
Should work pretty well on multi screen setups, but I haven't tried it yet.

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Cool. I'll download the ISO but I'm just going to ignore your game and install it and try singleplayer later, sorry.

yeah is what it is.
a few people downloading/installing/playing
maybe you'll change your mind later!

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I can't beat the medium ai.
They always flood me with tanks

It's actually challenging! You need to balance your economy expansion with army construction and research
get tanks ASAP, they're way better than infantry

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i want to touch the greeble on that tank

yeah me too, looks satisfyingly bumpy

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I'll add this to my backlog. I love these old RTS.

You might have more luck with this thread on the RTS board, unless you're here because it's dead.