Why can't the west make open world games like Elden Ring or BOTW? Is it simply their obsession with making them look "real" so development elsewhere suffers?
Why can't the west make open world games like Elden Ring or BOTW...
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What are Elden Ring and BOTW "like"?
Dark Souls and Far Cry, respectively.
Maybe I should have said "such as"?
because heckin japan is better bro
They used to make them in the past
Look at gothic 1 and 2. Very similar to ER or BOTW with it's strong focus on exploration over railroading story with high graphics detail.
Not always, but I'd say most of the time, yes.
But both odf these games are shit. Granted, better than anything recent from the west, but still shit
You make a good point. What happened? Was Assassin's Creed the beginning of the end?
What's a good game? Hard mode: You can't say Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
they focus too much on things other than gameplay
>hmm would this gameplay element be fun? (having no map markers)
>yes, but it would inconvenience some people with x disability or y sexual identity therefore bad user experience (UX)
user, he doesn't believe what he's saying. He's just baiting because he knows it'll get his precious Yous.
Neither of those games should've been open world and are worse for it. As jank as elder scrolls may be, it at least justifies being open world, unlike those two.
I'm almost legally blind and I've never had an issue with a lack of map markers. I think it's just this generation of gamers.
The larger these worlds get, the emptier they feel, especially when it's just copy pasta assets everywhere with no points of interest to speak of. At least BotW had an interesting art style and a story to push you along, but ER feels like procedurally generated Dark Souls and not in a good way
I'm guessing an open world game where you are dumped in the middle of it with pretty much complete freedom of which directions to go and explore without being forced into a single specific direction at a time for story moments
I`m being serious though? Elden Ring is huge map filled with copypasted content, bosses, areas, enemies. The only content worthwhile are the legacy dungeons.
Also the weakest boss roster since vanilla DS2, and the combo spam from bosses. Compared to BB or Sekiro, Elden Ring is awful
Unironically sounds like something only an autist would enjoy
It's minecraft with better graphics
He just described the original Legend of Zelda.
There is very little you can do in LoZ without proceeding on the rails defined by the adventure game mechanics. The only difference between it and modern games is that the progression was sold to you in a guide instead of being baked into the game with yellow arrows everywhere.
So basically every open world game in existence.
The west is stuck in the Ubisoft formula and is afraid to go outside of it
So Ultima?
The western AAA scene is creatively bankrupt, so it's no surprise that two "okay" japanese games were well above them. However, Zelda and Elden Ring are too flawed and cinematic to compare to the greatest game of all time, IE Terraria. They lack that freedom that true indie games offer.
>can kill every NPC you see
>can literally rend asunder the planet itself
>no stupid story restrictions
>no casualization for lower IQ players (IE fast travel and instant cool-down free healing)
>actual variety in enemies, bosses and biomes
>runs at a crisp and clean 60 FPS
Maybe it's time Japan start taking notes from the indie scene.
Still offered more freedom than 90% of open world games today.
not really
In far cry you have a bunch of activities dotted around the map that you can do a complete like a checklist, but for main progression things like story, you have to do it in the order the devs had in mind without deviation
So like Elden Ring.
Yeah, western devs used to make these kinds of games, but got tired of it I suppose
the same will happen to the nippons as well when the market gets saturated with these types of games anyway
So something only an autist would enjoy.
How do we define freedom? If freedom means allowing the game to run without making progress, then just about every game has "freedom" besides games that are truly on rails, like rail shooters
And if there's no win scenario, then it's not really a game but a sandbox, which a lot of open world games are becoming increasingly like. I don't want to be dropped in a world and being told "you can do anything" because that is most often supremely boring and I lose interest rapidly
nah mate, the order in which you defeat main bosses and the order in which you progress to
different areas can vary wildly from player to player. Hell you can even get to the altus plateau(later game area) without killing a single main boss and work from there, radically changing the order in which you do things(more freedom to the player). The same can't be said for GTA or Assasins Creed where you are on a set script when doing main objectives interspersed with the player fucking around the open world for a bit before jumping back into the Dev's roller-coaster .
I personally don't mind games that tell you that "you can do anything" as long as there's pushback from the game. I want the game to beat me senseless and leave me a bloody pulp, none of this "aw there there, let me give you fast travel and autosaves so you don't get hurt" bullshit.
So the Elder Scrolls? God, weebs are so retarded
when did the last elder scrolls release retard?
Not even a few months ago with the Skyrim special edition on Switch.
Can Terraria give me something to do post game?
There has to be an objective. If the objective is just to survive, and you can only die in encounters, and there are infinite encounters, then what? How many times can you do the same thing and get tired of it?
In the case of BotW, it did give you a story (albeit a fairly poor one) to drag you along and give you some motivation to do the things you did, and there was gear progression and increasing your hearts, stamina and carry capacity. If the objective was to simply not die, then I doubt I would have played for very long. I can not die without even touching the game.
I hate this freedom above all bullshit. Give me actual well thought out level design that is worthwhile and fun to do, not this go run around in empty grassy fields that's the modern load screen between actual content, goddamn. Unless you are a life/immersive sim fuck off, you belong as an open world.
>you belong as an open world
*don't belong
gothic 1 nailed this
Ignore the warnings of more experienced characters and venture into orc territory too early? Somebody is about to be jumped. Even a gang of oversized birds might be enough to fuck up a unfamiliar player. But at least you have the option of going to those areas, and with enough luck and skill you might even survive it
im sims do not work as open world games man
Imagine an completely open world deus ex
It would suck ass
>fighting the primordials
>unlocking the ancient lab
>discovering the secrets of the spirit biome
>finding Draedon's underground factories
I dunno, there seems to be alot that you can do post-Moon Lord.
there are plenty of open worlds like elden ring where its mostly populated by procedurally generated tier content
look no further than tes, fallout or ubi games
Almost fell for your bait. Good one
There's a lot of games that can fit in this mold.
The only ones that don't are ubisoft games
That might be one reason, but the most common issue is the (modern) West-fuckers' obsession of telling a one single story, delivering an EXACT pre-planned experience with as little deviation from the script as possible.
Modern zoom zoom devs are AFRAID of letting players roam free and find their own way, thinking that they might "miss the point" or some shit.
It's also one partial reason why shit like private servers and modding tools are more and more rare in modern games. Together with "too open-ended gameplay", which would translate into replay value, the end result would be a long-living product. And there's nothing else the AAA publishers of the 2020s fear than having to compete against their own past products, having to justify all the laziness and shortcuts they usually take with modern day sequels / reboots.
>Why can't the west make open world games like Elden Ring or BOTW?
What do you mean? Both of those games have boring ubisoft style open worlds, which the west produces tons of.
Witcher 3 and GTA V were great but then the west spent more time talking about representation and quotas than actually making a game.
>Implying blacks actually asked for this
>not blaming the white savior leftards for this shit
>What are Elden Ring and BOTW "like"?
>white savior leftards
hello fellow whites
Because most western developers don't actually play games.
>Why can't the west make open world games like Elden Ring or BOTW?
ubisoft has been churning out """games""" like them annually since 2007.
>At least BotW had an interesting art style
it looks like some shitty indie developer's first unity project. nothing interesting about it.
So literally all Bethesda games of which ER/BOTW were directly inspire by to begin with.
>actually linking clickbait
You can blame Ubisoft, Blizzard, and Rockstar for this trend.
You can thank Ubishit for ruining the open-world genre.
Elden Ring isn't anything like an Ubisoft game, it's just a pointless open world Dark Souls game.
>I'm guessing an open world game where you are dumped in the middle of it with pretty much complete freedom of which directions to go and explore without being forced into a single specific direction at a time for story moments
So Minecraft? And unlike those Jap games OP mentioned, you can literally do anything in Minecraft.