does master chief support abortion
if bungie supports aborting things that have developmental problems then why didn't they abort halo
Unironically based
I hope they give the same rights to men who want to opt out of fatherhood. If women can get out of motherhood with abortions, then men should be able to get out of paying child support.
oh i know what time it is. time for corporations to speak out about something oh so important and worrisome
Delete /pol/ threads
you'll never have an abortion
You will never be a Spartan
I wonder what Black at Bungie thinks about this
considering planned parenthood mostly kills black babies, its basically genocide they're advocating for
can't believe they are banning abortions now, this shit wouldn't fly in trump's america
Considering Earth’s society at that point had no issues kidnapping children and modifying them to become soulless killing machines I’d say abortion isn’t particularly a harsh moral topic for them.
Good. Anybody who opposes abortion is a retarded christcuck.
>can't we just stick to vidya?
>sales plummet
>ten year plan in ruins
Bungie should stop selling their video game to people who support imprisoning birthing people into the role of a breeding machine.
You’re never going to see that happen because the same tards who vote for anti-abortion BS also think men should shoulder those responsibilities. Girl saddles you with a kid that isn’t even yours? Get fucked bucko and get ready to pay out the ass for the next 18 years. Shit’s broken dude
>halo infinite is so bad that reasonable people should be banned from playing it
i dont see any issues
>sony buys Bungie
>immediately Bungie starts being political
Gotta keep those ESG scores up. And keep the brainwashed gender study grads in HR from whining so they can meet deadlines and not have to have more sensitivity meetings.
Total institutional capture. Stuff like this is gonna get worse before it gets better
>only christcucks think killing babies is wrong
I mean... As long as nigs are doing it I don't care. But white women really don't need another way to dodge responsibility in life.
Nah. Was long before that.
>halo infinite
Most normal people don’t care about this or support abortion anyway. The same kind of people who don’t want to deal with the inevitable stream of abandoned children and fetuses being found in the dumpster.
Can't bear the responsibility of making good games anymore so of course they would support abortion.
If you abort a fetus, can it get a Ghost?
>If you abort a fetus, can it get a Ghost?
When you see a Ghost fly into the abortion trash bin
Why do americans allow corporations to dictate their way of life and lobby for their own interests?
Reminder that they fired Deeg because he refused to do this shit
Customer: "Can you just stick to making video games?"
Bungie: "Never! We're not very good at it!"
Plenty of morally questionable things were legal back in the day and they got banned later after civilized society decided it was bad, this is no different.
no because theyre not a person yet
i will rape your daughter and she WILL have my baby. feels good lads
Citizens United. The same memetier ruling by Republicans who have said time and time again that “corporations are people too”.
Western companies need to face the wall. Everyday I'm reminded to never spend a cent on their products.
Well, they aborted half of their game's content on their customer's dime already, their position isn't really surprising.
Bungie themselves said they're not vidya-related. Mods, delete this thread and all future Bungie related threads please.
>bald guy in a car with sunglasses
Like fucking clockwork, holy shit.
Humans have sex for pleasure and have doing it since the dawn of humanity. Bonobos, chimps, dolphins, and a whole lot of other mammals have sex for pleasure too. The "sex must only be for procreation purposes" is a cope.
Not a problem with real men who aren't going to get laid with a Karen. Simps and nogs get to pay for child support and that's great.
What I find hilarious is that they've clearly hit a stumbling block in modern progressive thinking. Note the wordage in this statement, Abortion can no longer be a women's issue.
There's a consequence to that pleasure and animals pay that price regularly having 10 kids at once
Abortion is around most civilized societies. The people who are arguing for it’s banning don’t even know what they’re bringing onto western society(a whole generation of unwanted children and a whole slew of fetuses being dumped). It’s unironically NPC programming because Conservatives need a wedge issue due to them not wanting their base finding out they’ve been getting fucked for years.
>can we at least make good video games?
Globohomo corps have way more power than the state you retard, wake the fuck up.
Pfizer is responsible for 100.000 deaths thanks to the opioids crisis and they're still selling "vaccines" to the state which forces people to take the jab. Are you sleeping under a bridge frogtard?
they don't do it to the point of ejaculation when it isn't for non-procreation purposes.
You can use condoms and contraceptives and still get pregnant. Even the Nazis allowed abortion.
just say killing fetuses for fuck sake
Legal abortions haven't been around that long most of the history of western society didn't have them, it's not doing anything but reverting it to how it was for most of human history.
>abortion is the only way to prevent unwanted pregnancy
rip stemcells all because muh pwecious angel of god
abortions were allowed in ancient greece and rome and in other pre-christian civilizations. spartans threw disabled babies off cliffs
Based Bungie
based spartans
I really don't care either way.
Yeah because girls wouldn’t just drink a whole bunch of alcohol to get rid of the thing lmao. If they don’t want the baby they shouldn’t be forced to carry it. The same thing for men who don’t want the kid either. Banning this won’t slow the rate down and conservatives will most likely latch onto contraceptives next since they’re so eager to please a bunch of backwater religious fools.
Post anti-abortion video games
>Making good games
Lol, lmao. Their only game is Destiny 2 and it's only played by battered houswives with Stockholm Syndrome.
Every single politician who talks about the morality of abortions is a lying nigger
The real reason why they want it banned is so they can have cannon fodder and working class for future generations
If you're pro abortion, you are merely supporting the kikes that rule over you
oops meant to say
>if you're anti-abortion
So does admitting they're not just a videogame company have any interesting legal implications?
oh no, it's so terrible that women might have to think twice before getting rawdogged by a different guy every weekend!
you'll understand when you turn 18 and go out into the real world
Why does Yea Forums care so much about holding a stance on this irrelevant normalfag shit? Aren't we all forever virgins that will never interact with a woman? Bros?
Mormons will replace you
>Abortfags always use the rape card
You can always put the baby in adoption
The Amish will replace everyone
>give this rape child an awful parentless life to suffer until they eventually kill themselves
but hey, at least i wasnt the one that killed it xd
Stop having sex if you are not married. Fucking hell, 1 out of every 5 Americans has an STD, how long are we going through degeneracy?
You’re acting like it’s women who favor promiscuity when it’s mainly dudes who push degenerate garbage like “open relationships” and “one-night stands”. I’m not a fan of making people pay the price for engaging in some simple human behavior.