How is your game coming along user?

Does it have cute characters? Otherwise no one will play it

Attached: 1651652480321.webm (354x350, 974.23K)

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How do i get into 3d modeling?
Do i use blender or zbrush?

Modeling is easier than drawing right?

Attached: 1650158114705.png (250x250, 97.09K)

>Thread actually starts talking about gaming
>Mods execute it.
I'm glad they don't get paid.

>fun thread with lots of postsing
>gets axed
>offtopic /25 parallel eldenshit threads/ shit no one cares about stays
I hate the objective moderation here

Sculpting and texturing is pretty straightforward. It gets complicated once you do optimization, rigging, animation, shaders, etc.

stuck on a highly specific piece of code

As long as you have proper references and understand the tools, yes. I take commsion work for VRChat degenrates and it's simple work. Though my buddy does all the rigging since that's beyond me.

It took me all of like a day to get the basics of everything you mentioned with Blender for VRchat models. If a retarded cunt like me can do it, there's no way it can be classified as difficult.

Post work? Im actually looking for a modeler for some 3d printing.

Depends on your brain. For you both will be extremely difficult though.

Why is this chibi so fucking thick? It's a fucking chibi.

Attached: 1637924100114.jpg (250x250, 10.12K)

i find 3d a lot easier than drawing
still had to get better at drawing so i could properly sketch out what i wanted to model though

>spend 5 years getting good at 3D modeling
>realize i should have started with drawing first
>realize I don't understand shading, and lighting enough to make some kind of '3D looks 2D' filter
>realize I still can't code
>can at least write and find music easy to get into
it's going ok user

Did you make everything from scratch? If so, you're just an outlier.
I can't imagine a beginner would be able to replicate OP's gif early on.

The main cast is pretty cute and everyone is yelling at me to cut the horror shit out, but fuck you, that cat's gonna get cut in half and you're gonna like it.

Rigging is the joints and bones right?
How is that hard?

Post it.

Go on user, share your magic hyper tutorial you used

It's coming along great! I just finished all the Hard Mode level layouts, so now all the content on my end is done so we can release soon. The programmer just has to fix up a last few things before release and I have to handle the boring marketing stuff.

>Does it have cute characters?
People keep cooming over the secretary character, so I guess it does?

Attached: sewer.gif (350x350, 2.89M)

Yes, similar to how programming is just typing funny letters.

You're probably gonna be disappointed, I'm sure, but it's the game about the cat and the fairy..

Attached: unknown.png (1040x560, 33.9K)


Nice mario copy

Thanks! We worked pretty hard on giving the game its own feel, but I suppose it's still pretty obvious what the inspiration is, huh?

What do you think should be the replacement for .pdf files then?

it is easier, as in there is far less of a fine motor skill requirement that needs to be trained
but it's still a lot of work

also, you could do vector art if you can't draw -- getting results that look like hand-drawn quality takes way longer, but it's vastly easier
you still need to learn shit like perspective and anatomy and whatever to an extent, but just being able to nudge shapes around vs needing to actually have the motor skills to draw removes a massive hurdle, and you can totally cheat because you're on a computer

What engine did you guys use?

Better question what's a good engine to use for to develop a MegaMan/Metroidvania style game as a beginner?

Our game uses Unity. Unity's a decent engine for beginners. It takes a bit longer to learn than something like GMS but it's worth the grind!

Attached: bigowl.gif (350x350, 509.17K)

I use unity. Pretty much anything can do megaman classic type of gameplay. Metroidvanias are kinda beyond you at the moment, they're imtermediate~advanced projects.

>I am making a 2d sprite based game
Gamemaker or Unity
>I am making a pseudo 3d game ala SNES Zelda
Gamemaker or Unity
>I am making a pseudo 3d game ala SNES Zelda but with a Z axis for height
Unity. For the love of christ do not do this in Gamemaker, if you're going to make a z height just build shit in a 3d engine
>I am making a 3d game
Unity or maybe Godot(?)

Attached: 1513891145950.gif (480x270, 3.8M)

Have to wait for godot 5 for 3d, sorry bro.

What makes a Metroidvania more difficult? Beyond presumed increase in size and world connectivity?

It was irony
Literally looks like copy paste
Nintendo is going to sue you hard

Both of those things come into play yeah, but it also requires better level/map design so it's still fun, and you probably don't have any significant experience in level design. On top of that, they tend to have more complicated systems, especially the ones with RPG elements. RPG anything is a nightmare if you have no idea how to make data structures properly, so I recommend at least getting competent before doing anything more complex than Paper Mario.

Yeah, I figured! Nintendo already approved of the game though, the demo has been available on the eShop for a few months now.

Where can I rip good chibi models from?

How are your downloads?

Attached: 1537481111583.png (1200x1333, 1.06M)

Whats a good engine to make porn games where you can interact with girls cloths like skirt pull or boob grab?
Like the old flash games
I have very low coding skills btw

Attached: 1651374257593.jpg (1084x982, 141.31K)

Red pill me on data structures as my next gaming idea would have been an rpg.

Roughly 20k downloads on eShop and 3800 on Steam. Not bad, I do think.

Any of them (minus UE) if 2D
Unity if 3d since you're a brianlet stay away from UE here as well

Why didnt you make a game with cunny mc? Also where you lewd her

That's not something I can really redpill you in the span of this thread. I took another lad under my wing like 3 or 4 years ago, and only recently has gotten competent to the point where he can work on his RPG without worry. If you wanna make a RPG, treat dev like a RPG and build your skills, lad.

But dont i need heavy coding in unity?
I made a jump and run game in godot without very few code

>He called me lad

T...thanks sensei!

I dunno user, I just never thought to make a game starring little girls. I just find adults more interesting to write about.

>where you lewd her
The secretary? She shows up at the end of each world when you beat the boss.

Attached: secretary.png (498x252, 3.47K)

No? You can get away with basic scripting and if you desperately want spaghetti they bought one of the addons that does that
>without very few code
Since you're an ESL you will find every difficult so really just pick anything

>you desperately want spaghetti
What does that mean?

>want to spend time on learning drawing modeling
>my ass and back hurts if i sit longer than a hours on the desk
I want to go back to the old times

maybe you should try sitting on a chair instead user

not him, but visual representation of spaghetti.

Attached: blueprints.png (1184x933, 928.25K)

Have the most expensive chair ikea has to offer
Still shit

I am currently studying how to make cute characters so I have put the actual game on hold until I can do that.

Attached: uoohfeeeeetmodel.png (711x708, 520.37K)

Cute characters:
>big eyes
>small mouths
>small/no nose
>head makes up 1/3 to 1/4 of total body size
>does not have overly large hands or feet
>has round edges
>consistent proportions

Attached: 1645068991944.gif (262x347, 2.87M)

We are no longer monkeys, go invest in technology

Attached: achievepositiveposture.png (823x481, 584.31K)

what kind of sorcery is required to make 2d look 3d like this, anyone please, just point me in the right direction

Learn about FORESHORTENING. You'll get better at it with practice, and the best practice is to draw ONE thing every day with similar (not the exact same) subject matter.
For example, draw qt witch girls every day, but draw a different witch girl each time, and in a different position/pose. Don't look at your finished drawing until the next day when you start the next drawing. By doing this, you'll be able to more readily see any mistakes made in the previous drawing and immediately improve them on the next, rapidly building up skill and the eye to see detail.

The sorcery is that it's 3d

Attached: file.png (1879x1350, 1.08M)

>Gaming chair and not a herman millar

>1k not 10k

What the hell

>we are no longer monkeys
>here razer product lmaooo


I actually got it backwards and meant 3d -> 2d. thanks for the info though this actually relates to something unrelated I was working on

>Small mouths
>1/3 to 1/4 head:body ratio
>Not overly large hands or feet
I counter your points with Puchimasu characters
Level of detail is the real important thing. You want to remove as much detail as possible from your characters, while still retaining detail on their most important qualities (Usually the hair and eyes for chibis).

Attached: Puchi.jpg (1973x1400, 1.07M)

You can easily feel overwhelmed when you start though. There is still a lot to learn and some stuff to respect when you work on your topology. If you stick to low-poly anime models you should be able to progress *relatively* quickly. And then you have to learn about textures and how to rig and animate.
It is better to see the whole process at least once so you understand why you do this or that without taking "shortcuts".