> Playing Outer wilds coop with 13 year old cousin
> Get every part of the ships log with only very minor nudges or clues, give as little as possible away
> Last log is ATP
> He googles how to get to it after 20 minutes
My disappointment is immeasurable, is there a cure for this kind of behaviour?
I'm almost happy we got the crappy "You died" ending straight after because he didn't know what to do next.
Playing Outer wilds coop with 13 year old cousin
Don't make your game obtuse enough that it needed patches for some puzzles to be solved?
The teleport puzzle is unfair though
Tbf thats the one puzzle I think it's reasonable to look up the solution to. Even if you figure out what to do its far too easy to mess up the execution time and time again, leading you to believe thats not the solution.
this is exactly correct
no, they are not.
How was it pre patch?
The duality of man
The execution is so easy I have a very hard time believing you failed it "time and time again" unless you have impaired brain functions.
real talk here
he did good, most adhd ridden zoomer would have googled in the first 2 tries.
if anything you should be proud of him for not googling for the whole game up until that puzzle
Getting into the ATP is bullshit and it is the only part of the game a guide is 100% justified for. Even with all logs and a good understanding of how the teleportation mechanic works, when I first tried to get into the ATP I just got sand sucked instead because it either bugged or I was a centimeter off the exact warp zone. I ended up looking it up, the only thing in the entire game I ended up doing that for, because I had spent countless hours wandering both planets trying to figure out an alternate route as the teleporter didnt work.
Worst """puzzle""" in the game, and it is a game I would otherwise call nearly perfect.
If you're talking about the sand one that's perfectly fine. I feel like that puzzle was made intentionally difficult to reduce the chances of people clearing the game before seeing most, if not all, of the content.
it is 0% justified, you are bad/dumb/didn't try very hard.
I looked up the solution for the seed planet. I regretted doing that.
I looked up how to land on sun station. I did not regret that because I bashed my head against that for like 8 hours.
that is probably the hardest thing to do in the game tbqh
It's honestly fucking baffling to me that people consider the fucking teleport "puzzle" difficult.
The solution to it is so simple, obvious, and easy that it doesn't even qualify as a puzzle.
Yeah, I'm positive they didn't want people to accidentally happen upon it, and once you know the solution it's very easy. It took me like 3 tries, with only the last one really counting when I realized I could hide in the little cubby closer to the portal, and have a scout drone sit on the platform to let me know when it was active
>still haven't forgotten enough about this game to replay it
maybe next year
IIRC the enclave near the ATP teleporter was added later on to guide players into hiding there.
I stumbled upon it by accident because I didn't want to die and it looked like a good hiding spot but I can understand why others might have an issue with it.
This game has Coop now?
as said if you try that the first time you see it and nothing happens its easy to see people not doing it again since it didn't work.
First, I tried dropping from orbit straight down at it but the impact would kill me.
>maybe if I land in my landing gear instead of on the cockpit
>maybe if I reverse thrust as I land
I'm surprised how many times I managed to make contact using this method.
Then I tried syncing orbit but most of the time even when I succeed, I couldn't even get out of the ship. And when when I manage to get out, I'd get thrown off the station.
After watching that long video on YouTube too find out where to actually land, I got in within 3 tries.
It was a fun challenge though.
Quantum Space Buddies, works pretty well
The angle for teleporter activation is very generous. The only way I could see you fucking up the timing is if you just sat on the teleporter and got sucked up before it activated. To then decide it's impossible is inexcusably idiotic.
It'd be like getting stuck on Timber Hearth because you ran into the side of the elevator while trying to enter it and then immediately decided getting into the elevator was impossible.
I still don't entirely understand the logic of it, I figured that the hidden warp would be on another planet. Is it explained why that one works when it's lined up with the ember twin?
I had no idea this game had coop. Seems like a terrible game for coop though desu, as is any reading/story-focused game.
It's unofficial, like the VR mod
definitely not the optimal way to play but fun if you already beat it
Your argument is literally "w-well youre just bad at the game!" When the rest of the entire game was not executionally challenging. It may have been easy af for you but the crux of the issue remains the same
why are you so angry lol
in no other part of the game is using the jetpack's downward thrust ability absolutely required. it didn't occur to me at all to hide in the alcove and then jetpack boost downward. i kept trying to enter the portal walking normally and got frustrated after failing to get inside for some 10 loops. i then looked up the solution. i don't feel bad at all.
it's a good puzzle and it should be kept in the game but perhaps it could be made more lenient or something. the sand geyser pulls you up some second later than it does now perhaps.
OP here, I already finished the game so for me coop was just a way to play together with my cousin.
Defo would recommend a single player experience, reading and solving the puzzles at your own pace is important
>planet is filled with pads that teleport you somewhere
>one tower blocks you from getting into one of the pads
There are people on this planet to who this doesnt immediately register as a puzzle.
Like, people saw that, went welp I guess it's nothing, and then never bothered with it again.
If you aren't convinced you have the correct solution it's easy to conclude you are doing something wrong, the issue isn't the timing as much as the puzzle doesn't make a lot of sense outside of "We need to gate this off so people don't get all of the exposition the first time they fly here"
The DLC is much better at cleverly hiding information and the solutions feel a lot more satisfying
>Is it explained why that one works when it's lined up with the ember twin?
It's explained on the black hole forge that the alignment point for the teleporter is not the receiving pad, but rather the center of the celestial body that the receiving pad is on. The Hourglass Twins are effectively a single celestial body, so the teleporter activates when the sending pad aligns with the point in space at the center between the two planets.
Because the more devs listen to retards like you the less fun puzzles future games will have.
neat. guess I missed that
this is how you were supposed to solve the puzzle. I figured it out without a guide because I read all the clues
No, my argument that you're an idiot if you try something once and immediately decide it's impossible.
Because I'm disappointed to learn how many people here are fucking brainless monkeys. The puzzle could not be simpler.
There's one solution. The pad works the same way as every other pad and adheres to all of the rules that have been laid out for teleportation pads.
I could perhaps understand if this was before they added the text in the black hole forge explaining teleporter alignment, but judging by what people are saying that isn't the problem, and with that text there, there's no excuse.
I tried 3 times and gave up until much later because i was out of ideas. You are ASSUMING everyone in this thread is a fucking idiot which makes your argument garbage. Its an obtuse puzzle.
For the record OW is my favorite game of all time, but i can accept things arent perfect about it
I beat the game at release and thought the ATP stuff was confusing, I took a lot of notes and didn't have anything about a celestial body aligning with itself. Also the warp tower looked a lot different than it does in playthroughs I've seen.
>people complains about the mechanical execution of the puzzle
>"hurr durr you guys are too dumb to understand the puzzle"
You might be retarded.
>inB4 git gud
I never had a problem but I understand why people complains about it.
>Playing Outer wilds coop
What the fuck, didn't know this was a thing. And I don't know if it's a good thing to exist.
Playing coop being a new player doesn't work, this game is better if you play alone. If you already beat the game and are playing with a new player it will get boring because you need to wait for your friend to finish reading all the texts. And if you both already beat the game there is nothing to do in the game anymore.
Something i never understood; does the sand falling cycle reverse (like if the sun didnt supernova and time kept going) is this a daily thing? Does the process reverse? Has it happened before or is this the first time etc
It reverses the guy there says so
You get lifted up JUST when it is supposed to teleport you. In what world does that not scream obstacle to overcome?
First time I landed on that planet I had no idea those things teleport you. Accidentally got zapped to the other twin, and then immediately flew back to try them all out. When the sand lifted me it just registered as a puzzle and I put the scout on next time to test it out. Seems bizarre that the devs would put that tower there just to do literally nothing.
The easy way to do it is to put a probe on the teleport lad to activate it for you
>There are people on this planet to who this doesnt immediately register as a puzzle.
What if the puzzle that comes to their mind is "I'll need to find another way" instead?
No, I was actually assuming people in this thread were fairly smart, but then some of them started saying they had a hard time with a simple non-puzzle and gave up and decided it was impossible after only a couple of tries and before exhausting all options when there was a clear obstacle to overcome before them.
The line about the alignment was added later, which is why I'd understand if that was the problem. They changed the layout of the tower only slightly, the solution and the logic behind it were the same.
The mechanical execution of the puzzle could not be any fucking simpler. This is exactly why I'm calling you retarded.
don't care didn't ask
I got inside the ash twin project without looking it up because I'm not a retard
doesn't the sand pull the probe up too?
Then they're ignoring all the rules that have been laid out in front of them on that planet.
>pads teleport
>pads teleport on alignment with celestial body
>alignment of the adjacent tower representing one of the twins teleports you when the sand is directly overhead
>all other pads and planets are demonstrably linked, leaving only one pad to still teleport you somewhere
Nah probe is sticky.
This argument is pointless and retarded because the puzzle has changed and there is way more signposting now
But the issue isnt the puzzle. Youre outing yourself as the retard here.
>planet is filled with pads that teleport you somewhere
>one that I need to use is broken
>try to just stand in there, but the sand wiped me away
>thought I have to time my jump so I get teleported and not wiped out by the sand
>doesn't work and the sand gets me
>try again, different position and timing
>doesn't work and the sand gets me
"welp I guess it's nothing, and then never bothered with it again."
That's exactly what happened to me. I had to google it and it turned out I just messed up my timings. And I played it before the patch that changed it so I don't know If it would be easier now
I appreciate that they patched the game but it makes it too easy for niggers to gaslight me when talking about it
Then what, pray tell, IS the issue?
Your reading comprehension
It's a walking sim that makes you think youre playing a game but it's just a far better and atmospheric Gone Home. I'm tired of people sucking off walking sims like SOMA and the cyber werewolf one when all you literally do is walk/ run into audio cutscenes.
For me the issue is figuring the ash fall would get blocked by the bridge when I tried to stay inside one of the towers to avoid getting sucked back into ember twin and it didn't work. So I did not suppose the bridge would for whatever reason.
That was pretty much my experience too. The timing was just tight enough that you could be doing the exact right thing but still fail multiple times. The current version has a little alcove you can hide in even so you can just step right out into it, so the timing is now a non-issue basically.
There are clues that spell out the solution now, so rain man jerking himself off in this thread about how easy it was probably was working with more information
without the bit explaining alignment in the black hole forge the sand communicates "this is not the solution try something different" which could be anything.
Meh, I figured most puzzles on my own but those stealth sections are really fucking boring. Should I just see the codes for the coffins onlien and be done with it?
Ah yes, the "I'm not going to explain my argument" argument. Typically made by people who don't actually have an argument.
>first blind playthrough
>teleporter puzzle
>get scooped up by the sand
>try waiting under the bridge until the sand is overhead
>still get scooped up by the sand because i guess i was .001 seconds off or something
>figure that i need to get rid of the sand vortex... but how?
>oh yeah, it goes away towards the end of each loop!
>wait a whole loop for it to go away then successfully get into the teleporter
>but it's the end of the loop so i have maybe 1 minute to explore in there
>i figure it is intentional to make it a fast paced thing when you explore it
>rest at campfire for whole minutes to get to the end of the loop
>on every single other attempt the sand vortex doesn't disappear in time for me to get in before the loop ends
And that's how I learned that the planets in the game sometimes desync from real time and my first ATP entry was a desync fluke that ruined the whole puzzle for me
I already explained my argument as have multiple people in the thread. You're just choosing not to read it. Im not going to spoonfeed you
Definitely do not look up the codes you will be missing out on some of the best puzzle reveals I've seen in the last few years. I can't say more than that. Consider turning on reduced frights mode since literally all it does is make the owl guys move slowly so you can more or less ignore the stealth sections
You have been told at least two times, so guess this user solved the puzzle, lol
If you already learned what you had to do and just failed execution, it is not important if you look it up. You already know, it's like not like you are spoiling yourself.
Nah discovering those is pretty fun and like the main game there's some times more than one way to tackle a problem by either brute forcing it or using your nogging so if what you're doing is too tedious you might be able to think your way out of it.
>rain man
Actually guffawed at work
I'm 33 and I had to google the ATP part, because I thought there was something wrong with it. I tried the "correct" way too, actually, but it didn't work for some reason. I guess, the sand must have lifted me one centimeter too high, and the teleporter didn't suck me in that time. Honestly, the ATP "puzzle" is the single most obtuse moment in the game, because there's actually no puzzle. You just have to awkwardly run into the teleporter, as the sand keeps sucking you in. It would've worked better, if there was an actual puzzle that would let you shield the teleporter pad from the sand somehow.