30 hours in, just got to snow level in 3rd region

Will enemies ever stop killing me in 2 - 3 hits?

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Yes but you need to spend several dozens hours grinding the right sets with the right pasives.
Don't tell me you listened to Yea Forums and believed them that the Diablo loot doesn't matter in this game

>Don't tell me you listened to Yea Forums and believed them that the Diablo loot doesn't matter in this game
Ive never seen this statement before desu, but thanks I guess

Been ages since I played Nioh 1 but I remember being just fine with the Warrior of the West armour set which conveniently most revenants wear too. Fight enough of them, get a decent set, have fun.

Why do people grind in games?

getting hit in nioh games is a pure skill issue except maybe 2 or 3 cases where the game just wants you fucking dead

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>Will enemies ever stop killing me in 2 - 3 hits?
what's wrong with that?

every attack is dodgeable, burst counterable, or both. there are no guaranteed hit attacks.

no, either dodge or if you won't make the dodge block. less damage is always better then taking full damage.

That's 1-2 more hits than Elden Ring.

Just got this game as well and just hit the 4th region, make sure you are blocking as well as dodging. You take no chip damage, you can dodge while blocking and if you're still holding block you'll continue to block immediately after, and you can probably block 99% of all attacks so far.
And then of course be sure to Ki pulse, it's better to err on the side of caution and get a Ki pulse off instead of 1 more hit.

The block in Nioh is very good. I think people from a Souls background underrate it.

I just didn't expect it and for the first few hours I thought my build was just horrible, unplayable, etc.

Even with good gear they just fucking melt you right?

>Will enemies ever stop killing me in 2 - 3 hits?
No. Unless you manage to farm out a ridiculously strong heavy set and then have it powercrept 2 levels later.

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Depends on the enemy but generally yes.
Tonguemonks especially.

Not really.
If you think it's bad now just wait until you get to the first DLC.

Every souls game has super shields that block everything.

but in nioh you block with your weapon
blocking with your weapon in souls games sucks

The base game to DLC jump is honestly the steepest difficulty spike I've ever encountered in a game.

>several dozens hours grinding the right sets with the right pasives.
lmao how obvious are you trying to make it that you didn't play the game? even dsp had a semi OK tank build without doing that shit.

Maybe 3-4 hits with right set up, but generally you are going to die very quickly. Learn to block more and ki pulse, its all about offense in this game

Yeah when you stop getting hit. Embrace the nakies.

I know there's a lot of tryhards and soulsbros around but I'm gonna say it. I actually enjoyed the bro-op in this series. 2 especially felt like some modern day TMNT with all the crazy ninja shit going down.

Did a fuck up by playing with the kusarigama instead of a sword?

>He gets hit
>He doesn't block
Acquire skill

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Nope. Unfortunately this game just does that all throughout. One shots are also a thing. Honestly, if not for that one ninjitsu that lets you come back at 1 health this game would have been a huge pain in the ass.

I played with the kusarigama, what's wrong with it? You have normal katanas in every game, so it seems boring.

I am doing fine in my playthrough (tonfas + axe), I just thought its kinda strange, thats it

Kusarigama are great. Most fun weapon in Nioh 1 easily.

I only played the vanilla version of Nioh 2. pretty much all the bosses only killed me 1-5 times. However, I died 53 times to the Yatsu-no-kami, 64 times to Shibata Katsuie, and 105 fucking times to one whose name I will not utter.

Keeping that in mind, how hard is the dlc? Is it even any point of me trying it?

Where/what is the DLC? Will i recognize it when i see it?
Is that what the 'twilight'missions are?

It's up in Hokkaido, you won't accidentally stumble into it.

the DLCs have the best fights in the game easily, even some side missions have new bosses

Okay thanks. I'm still in Kyushu sp it's probably a ways off.
So then what are the 'twilight' missions then?

>105 fucking times to one whose name I will not utter

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I aspire to be as based as him one day.

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First and second DLC are more or less in line with base game difficulty curve.
Third DLC is tough as nails but also has the hottest girl in the game. She's so hot.

Not him.
It was.... Enenra....Okay!?
Fucking Enenra killed me 105 on my first encounting with him.

Shorter remixes of base missions with crafting gear rewards.

Yeah Enenra is a dickhead. Only boss I truly found myself second guessing my approach with.

It's sad, because he is the second boss in the game. And yet, he killed me more than any other boss. Not just in Nioh either. Orphan of Kosm, which was by far the hardest boss for me before, "only" killed me somewhere between 60-70.

I like his mortal kombat-tier battle cry, he just don't stop shouting

uhhhhhh based???

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nioh sisters...

First DLC boss is a versatile fighter, sort of like Magara or Shuten Douji, but with additional moves like spins and throws like Shibata can do. He's weak to heavy aggression but more dangerous up close, overall pretty fun.
Next boss is Umi-Bozu reskin with a better phase 2
Then is Azai++

Second DLC has the best human boss in the game as the first boss
The second boss I find encourages pretty passive play because his combos are very dangerous and he has AOE on self attacks
Third boss is White Tiger from Nioh 1
Fourth boss is a mage that's basically Kelley in terms of gameplay and a complete joke
Last boss is a boss that doesn't really attack actively but more spams timed lightning AOE attacks on the ground for you to avoid

Third DLC has Otakemaru++ as the first boss, basically his second phase with more melee attacks and less elemental AOE's
Second boss is a really fun and frantic boss against an enemy with a ton of options
Last boss is sort of a letdown, giant monster with easily avoidable attacks, but a couple that will oneshot if you mess up a dodge.

You're kinda shit. Though enenra is definitely a little bit of a filter. He's the 2nd boss but the first one that really requires counters. You can get away with not using them on big horse nigga.

No you don't you lying little faggot. Gear doesn't matter short of using whatever has the biggest number for the first two play throughs.

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I hate this cheating cocksucker. Every single human enemy plays by the same times you do except for this cunt.

>same times
>outed myself as phone posting
Rules. He cheats.

Any tips for a newbie? Just started the first game.

Pay attention to skills, you'll unlock them later on, block button blocks 100% physical damage as long as you have enough stamina and collecting green little guys on level nets you more healing items

If you're coming from souls.
Block after getting hit, don't dodge.

Gear doesnt really matter aside from weight till NG++
In case of trouble level up your spirit

more like dodge and block if you have to
t.90% dodge + high stance only

Learn what each stance is good at. Use your skills and don't get scared of being locked in to any one weapon. You can use them all. Stats don't matter nearly as much as they do in souls games.



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meant for

I'd make that statement. Get 20 in all stats and wear whatever dropped in the last hour you've been playing.

Do use magic/ninja skills and consumables though, don't be like I'm a big tough souls player I don't use fire potions on my sword to fight the boss made of paper and gasoline because that's not FUCKING STRAIGHTEDGE

Most of those are obscure, specific items obtained in the latter half of the game while blocking in Nioh is inherently strong.

Get 30 in magic/ninjutsu for max slots though

Why do people think this guy is so hard? Sure, he's good at disengaging and controlling space, but Masamune and Maria did that way better. He uses standard odachi moves, only has one attack with hyper armor, doesn't shut down your offense with a LW, and he's done for after a burst counter. Triple Kelley and most Nioh 1 DLC bosses were way harder than him. Isn't he basically Tachibana Muneshige 2.0?


it takes until like NG+1/the DLC until you have enough points to do that and by that time people will be able decide shit on their own, 20 points in everything is fine newbie advice

Yea, I know. Just saying to do so at some point. Not necessary but helps. I'd even say to lean to 30 one way or the other straight away if you know you want to go full magic or ninjutsu.

You'll only need one or two ninjutsu at a time in 1 and ninjutsu scaling is worthless, so you'll have enough at 10 once you get enough locks. Minmaxing damage is more important.

>standard odachi moves
i've fought this guy in the depths enough times to know that this isn't true
his moves are way way better and have elemental components and projectiles added to them along with insane magnetic tracking and hyperarmor
you can't normally approach him while he's in hitstun because he can immediately break out of hitstun with a hyperarmored multihit move