Cancelled Half Life: Ravenholm Game Leaked Footage

This unfinished sequel to Opposing Force has you play as Adrian Shephard as you fight off zombies with the help of Father Grigori.
An hour's worth of footage has been leaked for what could have been

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does it really count as a "leak" if it was willingly released by the studio?

Half Life was never about story, its about technology and game design, as long as there's no leap to take, then Half Life 3 is not going to release.

instant garbage
Prey 2 never forget

Skimming through, I can see why this was canned. Looks even less engaging than HL2 Episode 1

this. i dont understand the bitching about hl3. if theres nothing new to bring to the table then why bother, they dont need the money and they would just look like retards if the game didnt have the same impact as the earlier ones

It looks really strange, I probably wouldn't have even thought it was Half Life if the video didn't say it. The zombies don't even have headcrabs on them.

Half-Life 2 leaned very heavily on story elements, and ended with a cliffhanger

True, but it's main gimmick was the free-form physics that was later copied by everyone else.

Alyx was about making a VR game that was actually good.
Now HL3? Who knows what new "tech" they'll use it.

It isn't that hard to guess, the end of Alyx was a pretty blatant teaser for a VR based Half-Life 3. Given that they have you controlling Gordon in VR for a few seconds, crowbar and all.

It looks like one of those well made Source mods desu, not Valve level, just a really good modder.

Also the VA sounds nothing like the Grigori's VA.

Both of those quirks are probably just placeholders, you can hear that they reuse generic Grigori lines from HL2 mixed in with what is probably a dev providing placeholder lines.

They should at least do another Gmod with integrated VR stuff and maybe water physics or whatever new thing source 2 could handle

People are too stupid to understand that. Hence why Half Life Alyx was a VR game.

I don't think they're gonna make HL3 purely VR, a VR option? Definitely, but the main complaint about Alyx is the fact that it's VR only and being "HL3", probably the most powerful name in modern vidya, they don't want to fuck that one up.

It will be, if only because VR seems to be the only thing the developers at Valve are remotely interested in doing.

Prey 2 looked like a bullshot filled open world console game centered around taking cover behind chest high walls and Rune 2 was a complete travesty. Retards will never cease to amaze me.

Valve's autism is with hardware in general, not just VR.

My guess is HL3 gonna be both normal FPS and VR and then whatever new tech it will come up with in 10 years.

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>Now HL3? Who knows what new "tech" they'll use it.

>Start calling the game an immersive sim
>Valve instantly cancels the game

That user was right, HL is about technology and design innovations.
HL2's cliffhangers were just mystery box shit that they made up as they went along .

look like shit
i see why they cancelled it

What the fuck were they doing with Father Grigori? In what universe does that character become some kind of retarded mad scientist injecting himself with zombie juice?

in a alternative universe just like the shitty deck tech demo that makes toilet turrets and cave johnson a giant robot

how did they plan to stretch out one small section of HL2 into an entire game? Grigori isn't even a good / interesting character. It makes you ask, fucking why? Why not just do some kind of other spinoff in the same universe instead?

his voice acting is placeholder, did you not listen to the beginning where danny stated that everything is placeholder?
you can even hear different people say his lines

>I said what the funnytuber told me to say!
We know.

You’re too stupid to realize the opposing force expansion used the same hl1 tech so the ravenholm expansion using the hl2 tech makes perfect sense and is completely logical and only a fat retard would think otherwise.

I only watched the gameplay desu, but i get the point.

There's a few HL mods now where devs are using those AI generated voices to give new lines to already existing voices. They done tha on HL: Field Intensity, it's really refreshing seeing the old voices saying new lines, even though sometimes they can sound a bit "robotic".

There are tons of ways they could've "innovated" without going the VR route.

True, but i'm too low IQ to know exactly why so that's why i said "whatever it comes".

Honestly i'm just happy we got Alyx and now Citadel, though i ain't buying a Steam Deck right now, maybe in 5 years when the prices drop.

> Now HL3? Who knows what new "tech" they'll use it.

If we're headed into fantasy land territory, I'd like to see them implement dynamic AI that lets you actually converse with NPCs with your microphone. I feel like that in conjunction with the VR would really do something for immersion and story.

I mean, if anyone's autistic enough to do something like that AND pull it off, it'd be valve

ravenholm was always boring

>its about technology
then it should have come out before doom 3 instead of after doom 3

>dynamic AI that lets you actually converse with NPCs with your microphone.

I'd fucking love that, the best part is that we kinda have that level of AI already, Valve just need to throw their infinite money with it. Maybe even sell that tech if it gets good enough.

That'd be pretty cool. AI in general has been neglected for way too long.

It's weird how HL1 AI was really good, then on HL2 they were just braindead.

HL2 was technically a whole better looking than Doom 3.

i don't know about the headcrabless zombies being placeholder
how would the spitter zombie work with a headcrab attached to it?

No it wasn't

It has better models, textures, and is aesthetically more pleasing out of the box.

Doom 3 had impressive lighting. But you'll never hide the rubbery, low poly models and dogshit textures.

Could be a special headcrab with an acid shooter on its back, which would be an enemy on its own just like the fast or poison headcrabs

it wasn't good. it was just more aggressive and varied. the ai blows itself up from time to time or gets stuck on geometry.

The only real complaint was their grenade throwing, now the path they took to fuck you up, it was FAR better than HL2's.

Any Half-Life game is ahead of its time.

>Maybe even sell that tech if it gets good enough.

Well, I mean, that'd probably be the incentive to make it. Make a thing so potent any game that wants to be story driven has no choice but to implement it.

They'd make bank just selling the platform like their modus operandi with steam

>One day he came back with bad news: "we have to stop ravenholm"
>"We said "no no no!" so we put the whole game together in a week or two
>"But look, look how good it is!"
>But they had already made up their mind
Fuck Valve sometimes. Looked like a really fun game, even if there are some inconsistencies with the main Half-Life lore like Grigori becoming some mad scientist and the zombies not being headcrab zombies, but it looked fun

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It seems like they were changing the rules of Headcrabs. After all, Grigori begins to mutate himself with Headcrab venom when they never had a poison that would zombify someone, only hurt them.

Grigori being crafty it was already known, he boobytrapped the entire city.

The next leap is GNU/Linux, Valve have said that they would release HL3 when Steam for Linux hit 3%.
If you want HL3 and you run Windows you only have yourself to blame.

Not even remotely in the same territory as running experiments on zombies

>the free-form physics that was later copied by everyone else
Fucking what? There were no games that had such physics. The newer the game, the shittier physics\interaction is there.

Stop being deluded, Half-Life 2 uses pretty basic Havok physics.

True, but still it would've been nice to have a priest-scientist doing crazy shit with alien biology.

There's an attic in Ravenholm showing experimented on zombies

No, it really doesn't

Grigori was a pastor with some great craftsmanship. Here, it's implied he's a catch-all scientist that apparently ran bio-engineering experiments on headcrabs to find a cure, including experiments on live monkeys (where the fuck did they get them).
Ravenholm also looks far more developed. The ravenholm in HL2 was more rundown and small, meanwhile from what little you see of Ravenholm in this video, you wouldn't be out of place thinking it's City 17 and you just can't see the citadel from your angle.
I don't mind it, but it's such a different take on the character and the city. Still, fuck lorefagging it out, it looked fun. It would've been satisfying to be disintergrating zombies with electricity and running around with a BFG. It reminds me of Poke646 in that regard. Does it piss all over the base Half Life lore? Pretty much. Is it also a very fun and well-crafted mod? Yes.

>Now HL3? Who knows what new "tech" they'll use it.
A stream-only game where the chat votes on what to do next. Only popular streamers get keys to stream it.

This is a lie. Stop repeating this lie.

The HL2 episodes were supposed to be about giving the devs a chance to just enjoy making games on the Source engine after the team was exhausted from having to build the Source engine at the same time as making HL2 in the first place. There was no need or intention to make some big "ground breaking tech." It was about making iterative improvements while producing more games iteratively.

Half-Life 2 Episode Three was cancelled because the devs felt burnt out on Half-Life and didn't want to make them anymore. So they cancelled it, and once idiots forgot about it entirely in favor for a HL3 which Valve NEVER PROMISED, they used their hand-wavy "oh, we don't have any ground breaking tech" to show as a distraction from the fact that Half-Life 2 Episode Three WAS ANNOUNCED and WAS PROMISED. They conned everyone into letting them getting away with lying once again.

And if Artifact schizo were here, he'd tell you all about how Valve continues to get away with lying to its customers to this very day.

The concept was good, but watching the gameplay its easy to see why it was canceled. It just wasn't working out, imagine this being put up alongside Episode 2 which was launching the same year. It either needed a big overhaul, probably reboot into its own IP to free up from creative constraints, or it just needed to be canceled. What they had in progressed evidently wasn't good enough to justify the further expenses required for the former option, so Valve pulled the plug.

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I swear to god there was an expose with the same footage months ago

Eh, HL:A wasn't was streamed as it eas expected, ofc the likes of McNigger and other people related to the HL community did, but the real big names never really touched it.

You're leaving out the part where it was also right around the time that they had their fateful meeting with Microsoft after which they went hard into GNU/Linux for gaming because Valve felt that ensuring the future of the PC gaming library from the whims of a console maker was more important than a new game for Windows.

Poke646 is a godly mod.
I agree with you, but like i mentioned before, it felt like a HL mod, instead of something that Valve(or any other pro studio) actually did it.

Adrian Shephard was my name in mass effect